Index for koto

Koto, S. * 2004: study on fast rate-distortion optimized coding mode decision for H.264, A

Koto, S.I. * 2003: Adaptive Bi-predictive video coding using temporal extrapolation

Kotob, S. * 1995: Robust-Control Scheme for Asymptotic Tracking of Robot Motion, A

Kotoku, T.[Tetsuo] * 1998: Facial Expression Communication with FES
* 1998: Facial Expression Space for Smooth Tele-Communications

Kotoula, L. * 2017: Merging Geometric Documentation with Materials Characterization And Analysis of the History of the Holy Aedicule in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

Kotoulas, L. * 2004: Efficient hardware architectures for computation of image moments
* 2005: Real-Time Computation of Zernike Moments
* 2006: Fast Computation of Chebyshev Moments
* 2007: Accurate Calculation of Image Moments
* 2008: Efficient Technique for the Computation of ART, An
* 2008: Fast Moment Generating Architectures

Kotova, L.[Lola] * 2020: Wheat Yield Estimation from NDVI and Regional Climate Models in Latvia

Kotovenko, D.[Dmytro] * 2018: Style-Aware Content Loss for Real-Time HD Style Transfer, A
* 2019: Content and Style Disentanglement for Artistic Style Transfer
* 2019: Content Transformation Block for Image Style Transfer, A
* 2021: Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes
* 2023: Cross-Image-Attention for Conditional Embeddings in Deep Metric Learning
Includes: Kotovenko, D.[Dmytro] Kotovenko, D.

Kotowski, M.[Marc] * 2011: Sulci Detection in Photos of the Human Cortex Based on Learned Discriminative Dictionaries

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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