Index for lade

Lade, O.[Oliver] * 2016: web-based 3D visualisation and assessment system for urban precinct scenario modelling, A

Ladeev, D. * 2008: Speech Signal Processing Based on Wavelets and SVM for Vocal Tract Pathology Detection

Ladefoged, T.N.[Thegn N.] * 2021: Comparison of Volumetric Reconstruction Methods of Archaeological Deposits Using Point-Cloud Data from Ahuahu, Aotearoa New Zealand, A

Ladeji Osias, J.[Jumoke] * 2011: Fusion of infrared and visible images using empirical mode decomposition and spatial opponent processing
Includes: Ladeji Osias, J.[Jumoke] Ladeji-Osias, J.[Jumoke]

Ladendorf, B. * 1992: Occlusions and Binocular Stereo
* 1995: Occlusions and Binocular Stereo
* 2000: Exact (spiral+circles) scan region-of-interest cone beam reconstruction via backprojection

Laderach, S. * 2016: Light-weight Multispectral UAV Sensors And Their Capabilities For Predicting Grain Yield And Detecting Plant Diseases
Includes: Laderach, S. Läderach, S. (Maybe also Laederach, S.)

Lades, M. * 1993: Distortion Invariant Object Recognition in the Dynamic Link Architecture
* 1997: Face Recognition: Eigenface, Elastic Matching, and Neural Nets

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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