Index for lell

Lella, E.[Eufemia] * 2020: Ensembling complex network perspectives for mild cognitive impairment detection with artificial neural networks

Lella, S.[Simone] * 2023: Flexible Trip-Planning Queries

Lelli, L.[Luca] * 2016: Development, Production and Evaluation of Aerosol Climate Data Records from European Satellite Observations (Aerosol_cci)
* 2019: Extending XBAER Algorithm to Aerosol and Cloud Condition
* 2019: Simple Approximation for the Reflectance of a Thick Cloud in Gaseous Absorption Band and Its Application for the Cloud-Top Height Determination, A
Includes: Lelli, L.[Luca] Lelli, L.

Lellis, L.S.[Lucas Santana] * 2016: Edge Detection Robust to Intensity Inhomogeneity: A 7T MRI Case Study

Lellmann, B.[Bjorn] * 2013: Discrete and Continuous Models for Partitioning Problems
Includes: Lellmann, B.[Bjorn] Lellmann, B.[Björn]

Lellmann, J. * 2008: Shape from Specular Reflection and Optical Flow
* 2009: Convex Multi-class Image Labeling by Simplex-Constrained Total Variation
* 2009: Convex optimization for multi-class image labeling with a novel family of total variation based regularizers
* 2010: Fast and Exact Primal-Dual Iterations for Variational Problems in Computer Vision
* 2011: Continuous Multiclass Labeling Approaches and Algorithms
* 2011: Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem
* 2011: Variational Image Denoising with Adaptive Constraint Sets
* 2013: Adaptive Second-Order Total Variation: An Approach Aware of Slope Discontinuities
* 2013: Anisotropic Third-Order Regularization for Sparse Digital Elevation Models
* 2013: Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Discrete Energy Minimization Problems, A
* 2013: Discrete and Continuous Models for Partitioning Problems
* 2013: Optimality Bounds for a Variational Relaxation of the Image Partitioning Problem
* 2013: Total Variation Regularization for Functions with Values in a Manifold
* 2014: Imaging with Kantorovich-Rubinstein Discrepancy
* 2014: Solving Quasi-Variational Inequalities for Image Restoration with Adaptive Constraint Sets
* 2015: Analysis and Application of a Nonlocal Hessian
* 2015: Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems, A
* 2016: Sublabel-Accurate Convex Relaxation of Vectorial Multilabel Energies
* 2016: Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Nonconvex Energies
* 2017: Optimal Transport-Based Restoration Method for Q-Ball Imaging, An
* 2018: Image Reconstruction with Imperfect Forward Models and Applications in Deblurring
* 2018: Measure-Valued Variational Models with Applications to Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
* 2019: Functional Liftings of Vectorial Variational Problems with Laplacian Regularization
* 2020: Higher-Order Total Directional Variation: Imaging Applications
* 2021: Inexact Semismooth Newton Method on Riemannian Manifolds with Application to Duality-Based Total Variation Denoising, An
* 2021: Inverse Scale Space Iterations for Non-convex Variational Problems Using Functional Lifting
* 2022: Iterative Quantum Approach for Transformation Estimation from Point Sets, An
* 2023: EMNEF: Neural Fields for Embedded Variational Problems in Imaging
* 2023: Regularizing Orientation Estimation in Cryogenic Electron Microscopy Three-Dimensional Map Refinement through Measure-Based Lifting over Riemannian Manifolds
Includes: Lellmann, J. Lellmann, J.[Jan]
29 for Lellmann, J.

Lellouch, G.[Gabriel] * 2018: Land Surface Albedo Derived on a Ten Daily Basis from Meteosat Second Generation Observations: The NRT and Climate Data Record Collections from the EUMETSAT LSA SAF
* 2020: Evaluation of Two Global Land Surface Albedo Datasets Distributed by the Copernicus Climate Change Service and the EUMETSAT LSA-SAF
* 2021: Surface Albedo Retrieval from 40-Years of Earth Observations through the EUMETSAT/LSA SAF and EU/C3S Programmes: The Versatile Algorithm of PYALUS

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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