Index for shay

Shayakhmetov, S.[Sergey] * 2022: Augmentation-Based Methodology for Enhancement of Trees Map Detalization on a Large Scale

Shayani, H.[Hooman] * 2021: BRepNet: A topological message passing system for solid models
* 2021: UV-Net: Learning from Boundary Representations
* 2021: UVStyle-Net: Unsupervised Few-shot Learning of 3D Style Similarity Measure for B-Reps
* 2022: CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Primitive Assembly
* 2022: UNIST: Unpaired Neural Implicit Shape Translation Network
* 2023: CLIP-Sculptor: Zero-Shot Generation of High-Fidelity and Diverse Shapes from Natural Language

Shayegan, M.A.[Mohammad Amin] * 2016: Fast content access and retrieval of JPEG compressed images

Shayegannia, M. * 2013: Transmission of JPEG2000 images over frequency selective channels with unequal power allocation

Shayer, O.[Oran] * 2020: Enhancing Generic Segmentation With Learned Region Representations

Shayesteh, M.G. * 2012: Bi-level image compression technique using neural networks
* 2013: Efficient algorithms for detection of face, eye and eye state
* 2013: Framework for image retrieval using machine learning and statistical similarity matching techniques
* 2014: Efficient Space Time Block Code for LTE-A System, An
* 2015: Steganalysis of JPEG images using enhanced neighbouring joint density features
* 2015: Variable bit rate video traffic prediction based on kernel least mean square method
* 2017: Adaptive LSTAR Model for Long-Range Variable Bit Rate Video Traffic Prediction
Includes: Shayesteh, M.G. Shayesteh, M.G.[Mahrokh G.]
7 for Shayesteh, M.G.

Shayesteh, M.R.[Mohammad Reza] * 2021: comparative study between single and multi-frame anomaly detection and localization in recorded video streams, A

Shayesteh, S.P.[Sajad P.] * 2024: Differentiation of COVID-19 pneumonia from other lung diseases using CT radiomic features and machine learning: A large multicentric cohort study

Shayestehmanesh, S.[Saeed] * 2021: HyNet: 3D Segmentation Using Hybrid Graph Networks

Shaykhutdinova, G.[Galiya] * 2023: Automated Recognition of Tree Species Composition of Forest Communities Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data

Shaylor, M.[Marie] * 2022: Evaluation of Two Decades of Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals from MODIS over Australia, An

Shayne, E. * 2014: Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation for the expeditionary warfighter

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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