Index for spir

Spir, R.[Robert] * 2016: Cell Lineage Tree Reconstruction from Time Series of 3D Images of Zebrafish Embryogenesis

Spira, A.[Alon] * 2003: Efficient Beltrami Flow Using a Short Time Kernel
* 2004: Face Recognition from Facial Surface Metric
* 2005: Enhancing Images Painted on Manifolds
* 2007: Short- Time Beltrami Kernel for Smoothing Images and Manifolds, A

Spiralski, M.[Marcin] * 2020: Fire Blight Disease Detection for Apple Trees: Hyperspectral Analysis of Healthy, Infected and Dry Leaves
* 2020: Fire Blight Disease Detection for Apple Trees: Hyperspectral Analysis of Healthy, Infected and Dry Leaves

Spires Jones, T. * 2020: Non-Invasive RF Technique for Detecting Different Stages of Alzheimer's Disease and Imaging Beta-Amyloid Plaques and Tau Tangles in the Brain
Includes: Spires Jones, T. Spires-Jones, T.

Spiriajevas, E.[Eduardas] * 2024: Areas of Crime in Cities: Case Study of Lithuania

Spiridonov, A.[Anton] * 2022: Searching for Efficient Neural Architectures for On-Device ML on Edge TPUs

Spiridonov, M.[Maxim] * 2021: Concept of 2U Spaceborne Multichannel Heterodyne Spectroradiometer for Greenhouse Gases Remote Sensing, A

Spirig, T. * 1996: Real-time 2D feature detection with low-level image processing algorithms on smart CCD/CMOS image sensors

Spirito, A. * 1992: Detection and separation of symbols connected to graphics in line drawings

Spirito, M. * 2005: Automatic detection of dangerous events for underground surveillance

Spirkovska, L.[Lilly] * 1992: Robust Position, Scale, and Rotation Invariant Object Recognition Using Higher-Order Neural Networks
* 1993: Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Similar Triangles and Decision Trees
Includes: Spirkovska, L.[Lilly] Spirkovska, L.

Spiro, I.[Ian] * 2010: Hands by hand: Crowd-sourced motion tracking for gesture annotation
* 2011: Learning invariance through imitation
* 2012: 3D skeletal reconstruction from low-resolution multi-view images

Spirou, G.A. * 2014: BrainTrek: An immersive environment for investigating neuronal tissue

Spirou, N. * 2018: Developing Seismic Intensity Maps From Twitter Data; the Case Study Of Lesvos, Greece 2017 Earthquake: Assessments, Improvements And Enrichments On the Methodology

Spirov, A.V.[Alexander V.] * 2002: Reconstruction of the Dynamics of Drosophila Genes Expression from Sets of Images Sharing a Common Pattern

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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