Briz, S.
Co Author Listing * Methods to Retrieve the Cloud-Top Height in the Frame of the JEM-EUSO Mission
* Reduction of false alarm rate in automatic forest fire infrared surveillance systems
Brizan, D.G.[David Guy]
Co Author Listing * Utilizing overt and latent linguistic structure to improve keystroke-based authentication
Brizel, K.
Co Author Listing * Animal Detection in Man-made Environments
Brizi, E.[Elisa]
Co Author Listing * Contribution of Terrestrial Laser Scanning to the Analysis of Cliff Slope Stability in Sugano (Central Italy), The
Brizion, S.[Sebastien]
Co Author Listing * Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute profiles and area stability: Application to melanocyte segmentation in engineered skin
Includes: Brizion, S.[Sebastien] Brizion, S.[Sébastien]
Brizuela Pineda, I.A.[Isidro Augusto]
Co Author Listing * Quadri-histogram equalization using cutoff limits based on the size of each histogram with preservation of average brightness
Brizuela, M.A.[Marcos A.]
Co Author Listing * Parameter tuning of CLAHE based on multi-objective optimization to achieve different contrast levels in medical images
Brizzi, F.
Co Author Listing * Effects of Augmented Reality on the Performance of Teleoperated Industrial Assembly Tasks in a Robotic Embodiment
* Encountered haptic Augmented Reality interface for remote examination
* Immersive ROS-integrated framework for robot teleoperation
Brizzi, J.[Jesse]
Co Author Listing * Automatic expression spotting in videos
* Optical Flow Based Expression Suppression in Video
Brizzi, M.[Michele]
Co Author Listing * feature-based approach for saliency estimation of omni-directional images, A
* Selective video enhancement in the Laguerre-Gauss domain
* Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Light Field Depth Estimation Algorithms, A
Includes: Brizzi, M.[Michele] Brizzi, M.