Kuss, C.
Co Author Listing * Estimating Malaria Parasitaemia from Blood Smear Images
Kusselson, S.[Sheldon]
Co Author Listing * Study of Two Impactful Heavy Rainfall Events in the Southern Appalachian Mountains during Early 2020, Part I; Societal Impacts, Synoptic Overview, and Historical Context, A
Kusserow, M.[Martin]
Co Author Listing * Modeling Arousal Phases in Daily Living Using Wearable Sensors
Kussul, E.
Co Author Listing * Flat image recognition in the process of microdevice assembly
* Improved Method of Handwritten Digit Recognition Tested on MNIST Database
* Neural classifier for micro work piece recognition
* Work piece recognition based on the permutation neural classifier technique
Includes: Kussul, E. Kussul, E.[Ernst]
Kussul, E.M.
Co Author Listing * Datagen: A Generator of Datasets for Evaluation of Classification Algorithms
Kussul, N.[Nataliia]
Co Author Listing * Air Quality Estimation in Ukraine Using SDG 11.6.2 Indicator Assessment
* Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to Support the Development of Agriculture Monitoring Applications with Sentinel-2
* Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud Model for Estimating Crop Leaf Area Index, A
* Discrete Atomic Transform-Based Lossy Compression of Three-Channel Remote Sensing Images with Quality Control
* Towards an Improved Environmental Understanding of Land Surface Dynamics in Ukraine Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Time-Series Datasets from 1982 to 2013
* Winter Wheat Yield Assessment from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data: Incorporating Surface Reflectance, Through Phenological Fitting, into Regression Yield Models