Index for phoh

Phoha, S.[Shashi] Co Author Listing * On the discriminability of keystroke feature vectors used in fixed text keystroke authentication

Phoha, V.V.[Vir V.] Co Author Listing * Context-Aware Active Authentication Using Smartphone Accelerometer Measurements
* Gaitpoint: A Gait Recognition Network Based on Point Cloud Analysis
* Image Recovery and Segmentation Using Competitive Learning in a Layered Network
* Making impostor pass rates meaningless: A case of snoop-forge-replay attack on continuous cyber-behavioral verification with keystrokes
* On Controlling Genuine Reject Rate in Multi-stage Biometric Verification
* On Guo and Nixon's Criterion for Feature Subset Selection: Assumptions, Implications, and Alternative Options
* On the discriminability of keystroke feature vectors used in fixed text keystroke authentication
* On the Feature Selection Criterion Based on an Approximation of Multidimensional Mutual Information
* On the Relationship Between Dependence Tree Classification Error and Bayes Error Rate
* Survey on Gait Recognition, A
Includes: Phoha, V.V.[Vir V.] Phoha, V.V.
10 for Phoha, V.V.

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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