Index for mocap

Automatic Human mocap Data Classification
Bayesian Non-parametric Inference for Manifold Based mocap Representation
Capturing Our Cultural Intangible Textile Heritage, mocap and Craft Technology
Cloth X-Ray: mocap of People Wearing Textiles
Distance matrices as invariant features for classifying mocap data
Forward non-rigid motion tracking for facial mocap
Leveraging mocap Data for Human Mesh Recovery
Mirror mocap: Automatic and efficient capture of dense 3D facial motion parameters from video
mocap Data Segmentation and Classification Using Kernel Based Multi-channel Analysis
Noise-in, Bias-out: Balanced and Real-time mocap Solving
Online mocap Data Coding With Bit Allocation, Rate Control, and Motion-Adaptive Post-Processing
Quaternionic Signal Processing Techniques for Automatic Evaluation of Dance Performances From mocap Data
software pipeline for 3D animation generation using mocap data and commercial shape models, A
SOMA: Solving Optical Marker-Based mocap Automatically
Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Human mocap Data Recovery
SpATr: mocap 3D human action recognition based on spiral auto-encoder and transformer network
STMT: A Spatial-Temporal Mesh Transformer for mocap-Based Action Recognition
TF-DF indexing for mocap data segments in measuring relevance based on textual search queries
18 for mocap

Unified Approach for Occlusion Tolerant 3D Facial Pose Capture and Gaze Estimation using mocapnets, A

Index for "m"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:24:38
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