Index for yolox

Automatic Detection Method for Loess Landslides Based on GEE and an Improved yolox Algorithm
Dense Oil Tank Detection and Classification via yolox-TR Network in Large-Scale SAR Images
Ghost-yolox: A Lightweight and Efficient Implementation of Object Detection Model
GSD-yolox: Lightweight and more accurate object detection models
Improved Ship Detection Algorithm Based on yolox for SAR Outline Enhancement Image
Improved yolox-X based UAV aerial photography object detection algorithm
RA-yolox: Re-parameterization align decoupled head and novel label assignment scheme based on YOLOX
RA-yolox: Re-parameterization align decoupled head and novel label assignment scheme based on YOLOX
Real-Time Detection of Winter Jujubes Based on Improved yolox-Nano Network
Real-Time UAV Patrol Technology in Orchard Based on the Swin-T yolox Lightweight Model
Universal Landslide Detection Method in Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved yolox, A
11 for yolox

Index for "y"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:24:38
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