Index for abla

Ablain, M. * 2018: Investigating the 59-Day Error Signal in the Mean Sea Level Derived From TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2 Data With FES and GOT Ocean Tide Models

Ablameyko, S. * 2006: Interactive Road Extraction with Pixel Force Fields
* 2008: structure analysis of ultra thin magnetic film images, The
* 2022: Intelligent Mining of Urban Ventilated Corridor Based on Digital Surface Model under the Guidance of K-Means
Includes: Ablameyko, S. Ablameyko, S.[Sergey]

Ablameyko, S.V.[Sergey V.] * 1993: Binary Texture Border Extraction on Line Drawings Based on Distance Transform
* 1993: Computer-Aided Cartographical System for Map Digitizing
* 1993: Printed text segmentation using distance transform
* 1993: system for automatic vectorization and interpretation of map-drawings, A
* 1994: Vectorization and Representation of Large-Size 2-D Line Drawing Images
* 1995: distance transform for line patterns: Generalisation and development, The
* 1996: Shape Decomposition by (D1,D2)-Weighted Selection and Directional Information
* 1997: Algorithms for Recognition of the Main Engineering Drawing Entities
* 1997: Fast line and rectangle detection by clustering and grouping
* 1998: Recognition of Integrated Circuit Images in Reverse Engineering
* 1998: System for Automatic Recognition of Engineering Drawing Entities, A
* 1999: Straight-line-based primitive extraction in grey-scale object recognition
* 2000: Morphological Segmentation of Histology Cell Images
* 2001: Color Thinning with Applications to Biomedical Images
* 2001: efficient correlation computation method for binary images based on matrix factorisation, An
* 2002: Automatic/interactive interpretation of color map images
* 2002: Complete System for Interpretation of Color Maps, A
* 2002: From cell image segmentation to differential diagnosis of thyroid cancer
* 2005: What should the user do? Inference structures and line drawing interpretation
* 2006: Gray-scale thinning by using a pseudo-distance map
* 2007: Image Pixel Force Fields and their Application for Color Map Vectorisation
* 2007: Recognition Of Engineering Drawing Entities: Review Of Approaches
* 2008: Augmented 3D Endoscopy Video
Includes: Ablameyko, S.V.[Sergey V.] Ablameyko, S.V.
23 for Ablameyko, S.V.

Ablanedo, J.[Jennie] * 2017: Leveraging a Virtual Environment to Prepare for School Shootings
* 2018: Is This Person Real? Avatar Stylization and Its Influence on Human Perception in a Counseling Training Environment
* 2018: Real-Time Motion Capture on a Budget

Ablat, X.[Xarapat] * 2023: Modeling Soil CO2 Efflux in a Subtropical Forest by Combining Fused Remote Sensing Images with Linear Mixed Effect Models

Ablavatski, A.[Artsiom] * 2017: Enriched Deep Recurrent Visual Attention Model for Multiple Object Recognition
* 2017: Wordfence: Text detection in natural images with border awareness
* 2021: Objectron: A Large Scale Dataset of Object-Centric Videos in the Wild with Pose Annotations
Includes: Ablavatski, A.[Artsiom] Ablavatski, A.

Ablavsky, V. * 2002: Real-time autonomous video enhancement system (RAVE)
* 2003: Automatic feature selection with applications to script identification of degraded documents
* 2003: Background models for tracking objects in water
* 2005: Sequential correction of perspective warp in camera-based documents
* 2007: Parameter Sensitive Detectors
* 2008: Layered Graphical Models for Tracking Partially Occluded Objects
* 2008: Multiplicative kernels: Object detection, segmentation and pose estimation
* 2011: Layered Graphical Models for Tracking Partially Occluded Objects
* 2011: Learning a Family of Detectors via Multiplicative Kernels
* 2011: Learning parameterized histogram kernels on the simplex manifold for image and action classification
* 2014: Take your eyes off the ball: Improving ball-tracking by focusing on team play
* 2019: Cost-Aware Fine-Grained Recognition for IoTs Based on Sequential Fixations
* 2020: DIPNet: Dynamic Identity Propagation Network for Video Object Segmentation
* 2020: Learning to Separate: Detecting Heavily-Occluded Objects in Urban Scenes
* 2020: Real-time Visual Object Tracking with Natural Language Description
* 2021: 5th AI City Challenge, The
* 2021: Distillation Multiple Choice Learning for Multimodal Action Recognition
* 2021: Leveraging Affect Transfer Learning for Behavior Prediction in an Intelligent Tutoring System
* 2021: Siamese Natural Language Tracker: Tracking by Natural Language Descriptions with Siamese Trackers
* 2022: 6th AI City Challenge, The
* 2022: ZeroWaste Dataset: Towards Deformable Object Segmentation in Cluttered Scenes
* 2023: 7th AI City Challenge, The
Includes: Ablavsky, V. Ablavsky, V.[Vitaly]
22 for Ablavsky, V.

Index for "a"

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