Index for aygu

Aygun, E. * 2010: Peptide classification using optimal and information theoretic syntactic modeling

Aygun, M. * 2016: Apparent Age Estimation Using Ensemble of Deep Learning Models
* 2017: Exploiting Convolution Filter Patterns for Transfer Learning
* 2020: Unsupervised Dense Shape Correspondence using Heat Kernels
* 2021: 4D Panoptic LiDAR Segmentation
* 2022: Demystifying Unsupervised Semantic Correspondence Estimation
Includes: Aygun, M. Aygün, M. (Maybe also Ayguen, M.)Aygün, M.[Mehmet] (Maybe also Ayguen, M.)

Aygun, R.S. * 2002: Global motion estimation from semi-dynamic video using motion sensors
* 2016: Unsupervised Speaker Identification for TV News
* 2018: Single-camera pose estimation using mirage
* 2018: Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Includes: Aygun, R.S. Aygün, R.S.[Ramazan S.] (Maybe also Ayguen, R.S.)Aygun, R.S.[Ramazan S.]

Aygunes, B.[Bulut] * 2021: Weakly supervised instance attention for multisource fine-grained object recognition with an application to tree species classification

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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