Index for chea

Chea, D. * 2017: deep learning approach for detecting and correcting highlights in endoscopic images, A

Cheadle, E. * 2021: Detection of Metallic Objects in Mineralized Soil Using Magnetic Induction Spectroscopy

Cheah, C.C. * 2006: Vision-based Control of Constrained Robots using Neural Networks
* 2010: Adaptive region tracking control for autonomous underwater vehicle
* 2012: Distributed shape formation of multi-agent systems
* 2012: Observer based adaptive control for optical manipulation of cell
* 2023: Convolutional Neural Network-Based Robot Control for an Eye-in-Hand Camera
Includes: Cheah, C.C. Cheah, C.C.[Chien Chern]

Cheah, L. * 2020: Generic Future Mobility Sensing System for Travel Data Collection, Management, Fusion, and Visualization, A
* 2021: Commercial Vehicle Activity Prediction With Imbalanced Class Distribution Using a Hybrid Sampling and Gradient Boosting Approach
* 2021: End-to-End Point of Interest (POI) Conflation Framework, An
* 2021: Point-of-Interest (POI) Data Validation Methods: An Urban Case Study
Includes: Cheah, L. Cheah, L.[Lynette]

Cheah, M.[Madeline] * 2023: AI-Based Intrusion Detection Systems for In-Vehicle Networks: A Survey

Cheah, P.L.[Phaik Leng] * 2023: HER2-Sish Histopathology Image Classification Using Deep Neural Networks

Cheah, S.S.[See Siang] * 2021: Plot-Based Classification of Macronutrient Levels in Oil Palm Trees with Landsat-8 Images and Machine Learning

Cheah, W.[Wee] * 2022: Injection of High Chlorophyll-a Waters by a Branch of Kuroshio Current into the Nutrient-Poor North Pacific Subtropical Gyre

Cheaib, N.[Nader] * 2008: Groupware Design for Online Diagnosis Support

Cheam, A.S.M.[Amay S.M.] * 2020: On the importance of similarity characteristics of curve clustering and its applications

Chean, K. * 2005: Activity Recognition using Visual Tracking and RFID

Cheang, C.[Chilam] * 2022: SAR-Net: Shape Alignment and Recovery Network for Category-level 6D Object Pose and Size Estimation

Cheang, K.M.[Ka Man] * 2000: Postprocessing of Compressed 3D Graphic Data

Cheatham, L. * 1983: Distortion Invariant Recognition Using a Moment Feature Space

Cheatham, M.[Michelle] * 2019: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research Agenda

Cheatle, P. * 2004: Media content and type selection from always-on wearable video

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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