Index for desr

Desrero, A.[Augusto] * 2008: Prototype System for Unconstrained Face Verificatioin Based on Statistical Learning, A

Desrochers, A. * 2015: Fuzzy-based blended control for the energy management of a parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

Desroches, D.[Damien] * 2020: Characterization of SWOT Water Level Errors on Seine Reservoirs and La Bassée Gravel Pits: Impacts on Water Surface Energy Budget Modeling

Desrosiers, C.[Christian] * 2012: Atlas-based segmentation of brain magnetic resonance imaging using random walks
* 2012: Combining Laplacian eigenmaps and vesselness filters for vessel segmentation in X-ray angiography
* 2012: random walk approach for multiatlas-based segmentation, A
* 2014: Fast and Adaptive Random Walks Approach for the Unsupervised Segmentation of Natural Images, A
* 2014: Rate distortion-based motion estimation search ordering for rate-constrained successive elimination algorithms
* 2015: adaptive search ordering for rate-constrained successive elimination algorithms, An
* 2015: Brain Fiber Clustering Using Non-negative Kernelized Matching Pursuit
* 2015: Effective document image deblurring via gradient histogram preservation
* 2015: Hierarchical segmentation and tracking of coronary arteries in 2D X-ray Angiography sequences
* 2015: sparse coding method for semi-supervised segmentation with multi-class histogram constraints, A
* 2015: Unsupervised segmentation using dynamic superpixel random walks
* 2016: Multispectral texture analysis of histopathological abnormalities in colorectal tissues
* 2016: Spatially constrained sparse regression for the data-driven discovery of Neuroimaging biomarkers
* 2016: Sub-partition reuse for fast optimal motion estimation in HEVC successive elimination algorithms
* 2017: DOPE: Distributed Optimization for Pairwise Energies
* 2017: Footnote-based document image classification using 1D convolutional neural networks and histograms
* 2017: Image denoising based on sparse representation and gradient histogram
* 2017: Query-by-example word spotting using multiscale features and classification in the space of representation differences
* 2018: Atlas-based reconstruction of high performance brain MR data
* 2018: Convolutional pyramid of bidirectional character sequences for the recognition of handwritten words
* 2018: Hierarchical representation learning using spherical k-means for segmentation-free word spotting
* 2018: Structure preserving image denoising based on low-rank reconstruction and gradient histograms
* 2019: Benchmark on Automatic Six-Month-Old Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2017 Challenge
* 2019: High-quality Image Restoration Using Low-Rank Patch Regularization and Global Structure Sparsity
* 2019: HyperDense-Net: A Hyper-Densely Connected CNN for Multi-Modal Image Segmentation
* 2019: Word spotting and recognition via a joint deep embedding of image and text
* 2020: Deep co-training for semi-supervised image segmentation
* 2020: Multi-level rate-constrained successive elimination algorithm tailored to suboptimal motion estimation in HEVC
* 2020: Real-time Motion Planning for Robotic Teleoperation Using Dynamic-goal Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2021: Privacy-Net: An Adversarial Approach for Identity-Obfuscated Segmentation of Medical Images
* 2022: Efficient Pairwise Neuroimage Analysis Using the Soft Jaccard Index and 3D Keypoint Sets
* 2022: Learnable Pooling in Graph Convolutional Networks for Brain Surface Analysis
* 2022: Revisiting Learnable Affines for Batch Norm in Few-Shot Transfer Learning
* 2023: Camera Alignment and Weighted Contrastive Learning for Domain Adaptation in Video Person ReID
* 2023: CAT: Constrained Adversarial Training for Anatomically-Plausible Semi-Supervised Segmentation
* 2023: ClusT3: Information Invariant Test-Time Training
* 2023: Shape-Aware Joint Distribution Alignment for Cross-Domain Image Segmentation
* 2023: TTTFlow: Unsupervised Test-Time Training with Normalizing Flow
* 2024: MoP-CLIP: A Mixture of Prompt-Tuned CLIP Models for Domain Incremental Learning
* 2024: Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Using Cross-Style Consistency With Shape-Aware and Local Context Constraints
* 2024: TFS-ViT: Token-level feature stylization for domain generalization
Includes: Desrosiers, C.[Christian] Desrosiers, C.
41 for Desrosiers, C.

Desrosiers, P.A. * 2016: Novel generative model for facial expressions based on statistical shape analysis of landmarks trajectories
* 2017: Analyzing of facial paralysis by shape analysis of 3D face sequences
Includes: Desrosiers, P.A. Desrosiers, P.A.[Paul Audain]

Desrues, G.[Gaetan] * 2021: Personal-by-Design: A 3D Electromechanical Model of the Heart Tailored for Personalisation
Includes: Desrues, G.[Gaetan] Desrues, G.[Gaëtan]

Desrues, M.[Mathilde] * 2019: TSM: Tracing Surface Motion: A Generic Toolbox for Analyzing Ground-Based Image Time Series of Slope Deformation

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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