Index for emon

Emond, B. * 2009: Multimedia at Work: Harvesting Resources for Recording Concurrent Videoconferences
* 2021: Review of Distributed VR Co-design Systems, A
Includes: Emond, B. Emond, B.[Bruno]

Emond, E. * 2020: PET Reconstruction With Non-Negativity Constraint in Projection Space: Optimization Through Hypo-Convergence
Includes: Emond, E. Émond, É.

Emond, M.[Marc] * 2022: Ithaca365: Dataset and Driving Perception under Repeated and Challenging Weather Conditions

Emonet, R. * 2005: Comparison of target detection algorithms using adaptive background models
* 2010: Probabilistic Latent Sequential Motifs: Discovering temporal activity patterns in video scenes
* 2011: Extracting and locating temporal motifs in video scenes using a hierarchical non parametric Bayesian model
* 2011: Multi-camera open space human activity discovery for anomaly detection
* 2012: Bridging the past, present and future: Modeling scene activities from event relationships and global rules
* 2012: Unsupervised Activity Analysis and Monitoring Algorithms for Effective Surveillance Systems
* 2013: Localized anomaly detection via hierarchical integrated activity discovery
* 2013: Sequential Topic Model for Mining Recurrent Activities from Long Term Video Logs, A
* 2013: Time-sensitive topic models for action recognition in videos
* 2014: Automated bobbing and phase analysis to measure walking entrainment to music
* 2014: Contextually Constrained Deep Networks for Scene Labeling
* 2014: Temporal Analysis of Motif Mixtures Using Dirichlet Processes
* 2015: Landmarks-based kernelized subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
* 2016: Metric Learning as Convex Combinations of Local Models with Generalization Guarantees
* 2016: Mixed pooling neural networks for color constancy
* 2016: Semantic Segmentation via Multi-task, Multi-domain Learning
* 2016: Unsupervised Interpretable Pattern Discovery in Time Series Using Autoencoders
* 2018: Micro-Expression Spotting Using the Riesz Pyramid
* 2019: Improving Domain Adaptation by Source Selection
* 2020: Mean oriented Riesz features for micro expression classification
* 2023: End-to-end learned early classification of time series for in-season crop type mapping
Includes: Emonet, R. Emonet, R.[Remi] Emonet, R.[Rémi]
21 for Emonet, R.

Index for "e"

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