Index for essa

Essa, A.[Almabrok] * 2017: Geometry of Large Tundra Lakes Observed in Historical Maps and Satellite Images, The

Essa, E.[Ehab] * 2011: Automatic IVUS media-adventitia border extraction using double interface graph cut segmentation
* 2012: Shape Prior Model for Media-Adventitia Border Segmentation in IVUS Using Graph Cut
* 2013: Graph based segmentation with minimal user interaction
* 2013: Interactive Segmentation of Media-Adventitia Border in IVUS
* 2015: Graph Based Lymphatic Vessel Wall Localisation and Tracking
* 2016: Extracting Lineage Information from Hand-Drawn Ancient Maps
* 2017: Automatic segmentation of cross-sectional coronary arterial images
* 2021: Neuron-based Network Pruning Based on Majority Voting
* 2021: Pruning CNN filters via quantifying the importance of deep visual representations
9 for Essa, E.

Essa, I. * 2012: Calibration-free rolling shutter removal
* 2012: Detecting regions of interest in dynamic scenes with camera motions
* 2012: Weakly Supervised Learning of Object Segmentations from Web-Scale Video
* 2013: Geometric Context from Videos
* 2014: Depth Extraction from Videos Using Geometric Context and Occlusion Boundaries
* 2014: Efficient Hierarchical Graph-Based Segmentation of RGBD Videos
* 2015: Egocentric Field-of-View Localization Using First-Person Point-of-View Devices
* 2015: Finding Temporally Consistent Occlusion Boundaries in Videos Using Geometric Context
* 2015: Leveraging Context to Support Automated Food Recognition in Restaurants
* 2015: Semantic Instance Labeling Leveraging Hierarchical Segmentation
* 2016: Discovering picturesque highlights from egocentric vacation videos
* 2017: Computer Vision in Sports
* 2019: Audio Visual Scene-Aware Dialog
* 2019: Embodied Question Answering in Photorealistic Environments With Point Cloud Perception
* 2019: Eyemotion: Classifying Facial Expressions in VR Using Eye-Tracking Cameras
* 2019: Floors are Flat: Leveraging Semantics for Real-Time Surface Normal Prediction
* 2019: Video Jigsaw: Unsupervised Learning of Spatiotemporal Context for Video Action Recognition
* 2020: Neural Design Network: Graphic Layout Generation with Constraints
* 2022: BLT: Bidirectional Layout Transformer for Controllable Layout Generation
* 2022: Improved Masked Image Generation with Token-Critic
* 2022: Sharing Decoders: Network Fission for Multi-task Pixel Prediction
* 2023: MAGVIT: Masked Generative Video Transformer
* 2023: MaskSketch: Unpaired Structure-guided Masked Image Generation
* 2023: Visual Prompt Tuning for Generative Transfer Learning
Includes: Essa, I. Essa, I.[Irfan]
24 for Essa, I.

Essa, I.A. * 1990: ThingWorld Modeling System, The
* 1993: Vision System for Observing and Extracting Facial Action Parameters, A
* 1994: Analysis, Interpretation and Synthesis of Facial Expressions
* 1994: Tracking Facial Motion
* 1994: Vision System for Observing and Extracting Facial Action Parameters, A
* 1995: Facial Expression Recognition Using a Dynamic Model and Motion Energy
* 1995: Facial Expression Recognition Using a Dynamic Model and Motion Energy
* 1996: Motion Regularization for Model-Based Head Tracking
* 1996: Task-Specific Gesture Analysis in Real-Time Using Interpolated Views
* 1997: Coding, Analysis, Interpretation, and Recognition of Facial Expressions
* 1997: Facial Expression Recognition Using Image Motion
* 1999: Computers Seeing People
* 1999: Motion based Decompositing of Video
* 1999: Object Spaces: Context Management for Human Activity Recognition
* 1999: Real-Time Active Vision and Computer Interfaces Exploiting Human Actions and Object Context for Recognition Tasks
* 1999: System for Tracking and Recognizing Multiple People with Multiple Cameras
* 2000: Detecting and Tracking Eyes by using their Physiological Properties, Dynamics, and Appearance
* 2001: Depth Layers from Occlusions
* 2001: Propagation of Innovative Information in Non-Linear Least-Squares Structure from Motion
* 2002: Learning video processing by example
* 2003: Boosted audio-visual HMM for speech reading
* 2003: Expectation Grammars: Leveraging High-Level Expectations for Activity Recognition
* 2003: GraphCut textures: image and video synthesis using graph cuts
* 2003: Spectral partitioning for structure from motion
* 2004: Asymmetrically boosted HMM for speech reading
* 2004: Content Based Image Synthesis
* 2004: Novel Skeletal Representation for Articulated Creatures
* 2004: Propagation networks for recognition of partially ordered sequential action
* 2005: Tracking Multiple Objects through Occlusions
* 2005: Tracking Multiple Objects through Occlusions
* 2006: Element-Free Elastic Models for Volume Fitting and Capture
* 2006: Learning Temporal Sequence Model from Partially Labeled Data
* 2006: Unsupervised analysis of activity sequences using event-motifs
* 2007: Structure from Statistics: Unsupervised Activity Analysis using Suffix Trees
* 2007: Tree-based Classifiers for Bilayer Video Segmentation
* 2008: 3D Shape Context and Distance Transform for action recognition
* 2009: novel sequence representation for unsupervised analysis of human activities, A
* 2010: Discontinuous seam-carving for video retargeting
* 2010: Efficient hierarchical graph-based video segmentation
* 2010: Motion fields to predict play evolution in dynamic sport scenes
* 2010: Player localization using multiple static cameras for sports visualization
* 2011: Auto-directed video stabilization with robust L1 optimal camera paths
* 2011: Bilayer Segmentation of Webcam Videos Using Tree-Based Classifiers
* 2011: Gaussian process regression flow for analysis of motion trajectories
* 2011: Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Award-Winning Papers from the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009 (CVPR 2009)
* 2013: Augmenting Bag-of-Words: Data-Driven Discovery of Temporal and Structural Information for Activity Recognition
* 2013: Decoding Children's Social Behavior
* 2014: Clustering Social Event Images Using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* 2014: visualization framework for team sports captured using multiple static cameras, A
* 2017: Complex Event Recognition from Images with Few Training Examples
Includes: Essa, I.A. Essa, I.A.[Irfan A.]
50 for Essa, I.A.

Essa, K. * 2017: Evolving Techniques of Documentation of A World Heritage Site in Lahore

Essa, W.[Wiesam] * 2017: Improved DisTrad for Downscaling Thermal MODIS Imagery over Urban Areas

Essabbah, H. * 2010: new uniform parameterization and invariant 3D spherical harmonic shape descriptors for shape analysis of the heart's left ventricle: A pilot study, A

Essabbah, M. * 2008: Towards a biophysical 3D model of the DNA

Essabre, M. * 2017: Design of fuzzy observer for a class of Takagi-Sugeno descriptor systems subject to unknown inputs
* 2020: Observer Design for a Class of Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Models with Unmeasurable Premise Variables: Application to an Asynchronous Motor

Essafi, H. * 1992: Low and intermediate level image processing on SYMPATIX, a SIMD parallel computer
* 1995: Satellite Digital Elevation Model on the Heterogeneous OPENVISION Parallel Computer
* 1998: Using IFs and Moments to Build a Quasi Invariant Image Index
* 2020: Lightweight Neural Networks From PCA LDA Based Distilled Dense Neural Networks

Essafi, S.[Salma] * 2008: Sparsity, redundancy and optimal image support towards knowledge-based segmentation
* 2009: Hierarchical 3D diffusion wavelet shape priors

Essahlaoui, A.[Ali] * 2017: Mapping Forest Species in the Central Middle Atlas of Morocco (Azrou Forest) through Remote Sensing Techniques
* 2022: Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Gully Erosion Mapping Susceptibility at a Watershed Scale
* 2022: Machine Learning Algorithms for Modeling and Mapping of Groundwater Pollution Risk: A Study to Reach Water Security and Sustainable Development (Sdg) Goals in a Mediterranean Aquifer System

Essahlaoui, N.[Narjisse] * 2022: Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Gully Erosion Mapping Susceptibility at a Watershed Scale
* 2022: Machine Learning Algorithms for Modeling and Mapping of Groundwater Pollution Risk: A Study to Reach Water Security and Sustainable Development (Sdg) Goals in a Mediterranean Aquifer System

Essaid, A. * 1999: new cluster-validity for fuzzy clustering, A
* 1999: Unsupervised fuzzy clustering

Essaili, A.E. * 2015: QoE-Based Traffic and Resource Management for Adaptive HTTP Video Delivery in LTE

Essakiammal, V. * 2015: Statistical features based character recognition for offline handwritten Tamil document images using HMM

Essam, D.[Daryl] * 2020: Evolutionary Attention Network for Medical Image Segmentation
* 2021: 2D to 3D Evolutionary Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Segmentation

Essannouni, F. * 2007: Adjustable SAD matching algorithm using frequency domain
* 2010: Fast Frequency Template Matching Using Higher Order Statistics
* 2015: new moving object tracking method using particle filter and probability product kernel, A
* 2016: Fast and robust object tracking via Accept-Reject color histogram-based method
Includes: Essannouni, F. Essannouni, F.[Fedwa]

Essannouni, L.[Leila] * 2006: Fast cross-spectral image registration using new robust correlation
* 2015: new moving object tracking method using particle filter and probability product kernel, A
* 2016: Fast and robust object tracking via Accept-Reject color histogram-based method

Essassi, S. * 2016: Power control and RB allocation in cloud radio access networks

Index for "e"

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