Index for vert

Vert, J.P.[Jean Philippe] * 2008: Path Following Algorithm for Graph Matching, A
* 2009: Path Following Algorithm for the Graph Matching Problem, A
* 2014: bagging SVM to learn from positive and unlabeled examples, A
* 2018: Kendall and Mallows Kernels for Permutations, The
Includes: Vert, J.P.[Jean Philippe] Vert, J.P.[Jean-Philippe]

Vertan, C.[Constantin] * 1996: Median filtering techniques for vector valued signals
* 2000: Color Texture Classification by Normalized Color Space Representation
* 2000: Fuzzy Color Credibility Approach to Color Image Filtering, A
* 2003: Non-linear color image filtering by color to planar, shape mapping
* 2007: Detection of Postmenopausal Alteration of Bone Structure in Digitized X-rays
* 2007: Logarithmic Model-Based Dynamic Range Enhancement of Hip X-Ray Images
* 2008: Adaptive-neighborhood best mean rank vector filter for impulsive noise removal
* 2008: Pseudo-logarithmic Image Processing Framework for Edge Detection, A
* 2009: One scan shadow compensation and visual enhancement of color images
* 2011: color-action perceptual approach to the classification of animated movies, A
* 2011: MPEG-7 compliant generalized structure descriptor for still image indexing
* 2012: Content-Based Video Description for Automatic Video Genre Categorization
* 2013: Can Your Eyes Tell Me How You Think? A Gaze Directed Estimation of the Mental Activity
* 2013: Painting Scene Recognition Using Homogenous Shapes
* 2013: Perceptually-Inspired Artistic Genre Identification System in Digitized Painting Collections
* 2014: Learning Pain from Emotion: Transferred HoT Data Representation for Pain Intensity Estimation
* 2015: Automatically classifying paintings with perceptual inspired descriptors
* 2015: Automatically classifying paintings with perceptual inspired descriptors
* 2015: Gaze direction estimation by component separation for recognition of Eye Accessing Cues
* 2016: Pain intensity estimation by a self-taught selection of histograms of topographical features
* 2016: Recognition of the gaze direction: Anchoring with the eyebrows
* 2017: Domain Transfer for Delving into Deep Networks Capacity to De-Abstract Art
* 2018: Can we teach computers to understand art? Domain adaptation for enhancing deep networks capacity to de-abstract art
* 2020: Margin-mix: Semi-supervised Learning for Face Expression Recognition
* 2023: Timid semi-supervised learning for face expression analysis
Includes: Vertan, C.[Constantin] Vertan, C.
25 for Vertan, C.

Verteletskaya, E. * 2009: Low-Complexity Voice Activity Detector Using Periodicity and Energy Ratio
* 2009: Pitch Detection Algorithms and Voiced/Unvoiced Classification for Noisy Speech

Vertiy, A.A.[Alexey A.] * 2011: Subsurface Sensing

Vertongen, P.P.[Pieter Paulus] * 2008: Location-based Services using Image Search
Includes: Vertongen, P.P.[Pieter Paulus] Vertongen, P.P.[Pieter-Paulus]

Index for "v"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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