Faugeras, O.D.[Olivier D.]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Faugeras, O.D.[Olivier D.]: faugeras AT sophia inria fr
* 2-D Curve Matching Using High Curvature Points: Application to Stereo Vision
* 3-D Recognition and Positing Algorithm Using Geometrical Matching Between Primitive Surfaces, A
* 3-D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes from Image Sequences
* 3-D Reconstructions of Urban Scenes from Sequence of Images
* 3-D Scene Representation as a Collection of Images
* 3-D Scene Representation as a Collection of Images and Fundamental Matrices
* 3-D World Model Builder with a Mobile Robot, A
* 3D Articulated Models and Multi-View Tracking with Silhouettes
* 3D Articulated Models and Multiview Tracking with Physical Forces
* 3D Dynamic Scene Analysis: A Stereo Based Approach
* About the Correspondence of Points Between N Images
* Activation Detection and Characterisation in Brain fMRI Sequences. Application to the study of monkey vision
* Algebraic and Geometric Tools to Compute Projective and Permutation Invariants
* Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques for Texture Synthesis
* Analysis of a Sequence of Stereo Scenes Containing Multiple Moving Objects Using Rigidity Constraints
* Applications of non-metric vision to some visual guided tasks
* Applications of Non-Metric Vision to Some Visually-Guided Robotics Tasks
* Applications of Stochastic Texture Field Models to Image Processing
* Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
* Automatic Calibration and Removal of Distortion from Scenes of Structured Environments
* Autoregressive Modeling with Conditional Expectations for Texture Synthesis
* Biologically Motivated and Computationally Tractable Model of Low and Mid-Level Vision Tasks, A
* Brain Connectivity Mapping Using Riemannian Geometry, Control Theory, and PDEs
* Building a 3D World Model with a Mobile Robot: 3D Line Segment Representation and Integration
* Building a Consistent 3D Representation of a Mobile Robot Environment by Combining Multiple Stereo Views
* Building Three-Dimensional Object Models from Image Sequences
* Building Visual Maps by Combining Noisy Stereo Measurements
* Building, Registering, and Fusing Noisy Visual Maps
* Calibration of a Mobile Robot with Application to Visual Navigation
* Calibration Problem for Stereo, The
* Camera Self-Calibration: Theory and Experiments
* Cerebral blood flow recorded at high sensitivity in two dimensions using high resolution optical imaging
* Characterizing the Uncertainty of the Fundamental Matrix
* Codimension-Two Geodesic Active Contours for the Segmentation of Tubular Structures
* common formalism for the Integral formulations of the forward EEG problem, A
* Comparison of Projective Reconstruction Methods for Pairs of Views, A
* Complete dense stereovision using level set methods
* Computer Vision for Robots
* Computer Vision Methods for Image Guided Surgery
* Computer vision research at INRIA
* Computing 3-Dimensional Project Invariants from a Pair of Images Using the Grassmann-Cayley Algebra
* Computing Differential Properties of 3D Shapes from Stereoscopic Images without 3D Models
* Computing projective and permutation invariants of points and lines
* Computing Structure and Motion of General 3D Curves from Monocular Sequences of Perspective Images
* Constrained Flows of Matrix-Valued Functions: Application to Diffusion Tensor Regularization
* Control Theory and Fast Marching Methods for Brain Connectivity Mapping
* Control Theory and Fast Marching Techniques for Brain Connectivity Mapping
* Counting Straight Lines
* Critical Sets of Lines for Camera Displacement Estimation: A Mixed Euclidean-Projective and Constructive Approach, The
* Curve-Based Stereo: Figural Continuity and Curvature
* CURVES: Curve evolution for vessel segmentation
* Decomposition and Decentralization Techniques in Relaxation Labeling
* Decorrelation Methods of Texture Feature Extraction
* Dense Image Matching with Global and Local Statistical Criteria: A Variational Approach
* Depth And Motion Analysis Machine, The
* Designing Spatially Coherent Minimizing Flows for Variational Problems Based on Active Contours
* Determination of Camera Location from 2-D to 3-D Line and Point Correspondences
* Determining Motion from 3D Line Segment Matches: A Comparative Study
* Determining the Fundamental Matrix with Planes: Instability and New Algorithms
* Development and Evaluation of Stochastic-Based Visual Textures Features
* Digital Color Image Processing within the Framework of a Human Visual Model
* EEG-fMRI fusion of non-triggered data using Kalman filtering
* Effective Technique for Calibrating a Binocular Stereo Through Projective Reconstruction Using Both a Calibration Object and the Environment, An
* Estimation of Displacements from Two 3-D Frames Obtained from Stereo
* Estimation of the Second Order Spatio-Temporal Derivatives of Deforming Image Curves
* Feed-Forward Recovery of Motion and Structure from a Series of 2D-Lines Matches
* Few Steps Toward Artificial 3-D Vision, A
* Finding clusters and planes from 3D line segments with application to 3D motion determination
* Finding Planes and Clusters of Objects from 3D Line Segments with Application to 3D Motion Determination
* Finding Pose of Hand in Video Images: A Stereo-Based Approach
* First-Order Expansion of Motion Equations in the Uncalibrated Case, The
* Forest of Sensors, A
* Forest of Sensors: Using Adaptive Tracking to Classify and Monitor Activities in a Site
* From Geometry to Variational Calculus: Theory and Applications of Three-Dimensional Vision
* From Partial Derivatives of 3D Density Images to Ridge Lines
* From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction
* Front Propagation and Level-Set Approach for Geodesic Active Stereovision
* Fundamental Matrix: Theory, Algorithms, and Stability Analysis, The
* Gaussman-Caylay Algebra for Modeling Systems of Cameras and the Algebraic Equations of the Manifold of Trifocal Tensors
* Generalized Gradients: Priors on Minimization Flows
* Generic and Provably Convergent Shape-from-Shading Method for Orthographic and Pinhole Cameras, A
* Geometric Matcher for Recognizing and Positioning 3-D Rigid Objects, A
* Geometro of Multiple Images, The
* Geometry of Multiple Images: The Laws That Govern the Formation of Multiple Images of a Scene and Some of Their Applications, The
* Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision
* Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision
* How the Delaunay Triangulation Can Be Used for Representing Stereo Data
* How to deal with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework
* Human Retinotopic Mapping Using fMRI
* HYPER: A New Approach for the Recognition and Positioning of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Identifying Planes for the Construction of the World Model of a Mobile Robot
* Image Statistics Based on Diffeomorphic Matching
* Improving Consistency and Reducing Ambiguity in Stochastic Labeling: An Optimization Approach
* Inferring White Matter Geometry from Diffusion Tensor MRI: Application to Connectivity Mapping
* Integral Formulations for the EEG Problem
* Inverse EEG and MEG Problems: The Adjoint State Approach I: The Continuous Case, The
* Level Set Methods and the Stereo Problem
* Level Sets and Distance Functions
* Maintaining Representations of the Environment of a Mobile Robot
* Matching Depth Maps Obtained by Passive Stereo
* mathematical and algorithmic study of the Lambertian SFS problem for orthographic and pinhole cameras, A
* Measuring the Shape of 3-D Objects
* Model Based Vision System to Identify and Locate Partially Visible Industrial Parts, A
* Modelling Dynamic Scenes by Registering Multi-View Image Sequences
* Monocular Pose Determination from Lines: Critical Sets and Maximum Number of Solutions
* Motion Analysis with a Camera with Unknown, and Possibly Varying Intrinsic Parameters
* Motion and Structure from Motion from Point and Line Matches
* Motion and Structure from Motion in a Piecewise Planar Environment
* Motion Field of Curves: Applications
* Motion from Point Matches: Multiplicity of Solutions
* Motion of an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig: Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction
* Motion Of Points And Lines In The Uncalibrated Case
* Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matching Score
* Neural Fields Models of Visual Areas: Principles, Successes, and Caveats
* new characterization of the trifocal tensor, A
* New Method for the Recognition and Positioning of 2-D Objects, A
* New Steps Toward a Flexible 3-D Vision System for Robotics
* New Variational Method for Erythrocyte Velocity Estimation in Wide-Field Imaging In Vivo, A
* Nonlinear Method for Estimating the Projective Geometry of Three Views, A
* Object Centered Hierarchial Representation for 3D Objects: The Prism Tree, An
* Object Representation, Identification, and Positioning from Range Data
* Obstacle Avoidance and Trajectory Planning for an Indoor Mobile Robot Using Stereo Vision and Delaunay Triangulation
* On Determining the Fundamental Matrix: Analysis of Different Methods and Experimental Results
* On the Determination of Epipoles Using Cross-Ratios
* On the Direct Determination of Epipoles: A Case Study in Algebraic Methods For Geometric Problems
* On the Geometry and Algebra of the Point and Line Correspondences between N Images
* On the Motion of 3D Curves and Its Relationship to Optical Flow
* Optimization Approach for Using Contextual Information in Computer Vision, An
* Optimization Framework for Efficient Self-Calibration and Motion Determination, An
* Oriented Projective Geometry for Computer Vision
* Parameter estimation efficiency using nonlinear models in fMRI
* Perspective shape from shading and viscosity solutions
* Polyhedral Approximation of 3-D Objects Without Holes
* Preliminary Investigation of the Problem of Determining Ego- and Object Motions from Stereo, A
* Prism Trees: A Hierarchical Representation for 3-D Objects
* REALISE: Reconstruction of REALity from Image SEquences
* Recognition of Occluded Objects
* Recognition of Occluded Two Dimensional Objects
* Reconciling Distance Functions and Level Sets
* Reconciling Landmarks and Level Sets
* Recovering 3D Motion and Structure from Stereo and 2D Token Tracking Cooperation
* Regularizing Flows for Constrained Matrix-Valued Images
* Relative 3D Positioning and 3D Convex Hull Computations from a Weakly Calibrated Stereo Pair
* Relative 3D Positioning and 3D Convex-Hull Computation from a Weakly Calibrated Stereo Pair
* Relaxation Labeling and Evidence Gathering
* Representation, Recognition, and Locating of 3-D Objects, The
* Representation, Recognition, and Positioning of 3-D Shapes from Range Data, The
* Representing Stereo Data with the Delaunay Triangulation
* Retinotopic mapping in awake monkeys suggests a different functional organization for dorsal and ventral V4
* Revisiting Non-Parametric Activation Detection on fMRI Time Series
* rigorous and realistic shape from shading method and some of its applications, A
* Robust and Fast Computation of Edge Characteristics in Image Sequences
* Robust and fast computation of unbiased intensity derivatives in images
* Robust Recovery of the Epipolar Geometry for an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig
* Robust Technique for Matching Two Uncalibrated Images Through the Recovery of the Unknown Epipolar Geometry, A
* Scene Labeling: An Optimization Approach
* Segmentation of Images Having Unimodal Distributions
* Segmentation of Range Data into Planar and Quadratic Patches
* Self-Calibration of a 1D Projective Camera and Its Application to the Self-Calibration of a 2D Projective Camera
* Self-Calibration of a Camera Using Multiple Images
* Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera from Point Correspondences and Fundamental Matrices
* Self-Calibration of an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig from One Unknown Motion
* Semantic Description of Aerial Images Using Stochastic Labeling
* Sequential Convolution Techniques for Image Filtering
* Shape from Shading and Viscosity Solutions
* Shape from Shading: A Well-Posed Problem?
* Shape gradients for histogram segmentation using active contours
* Shape Matching of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Shape metrics, warping and statistics
* Shape Statistics for Image Segmentation with Prior
* Some Properties of the E Matrix in Two-View Motion Estimation
* Some recent results on the projective evolution of 2-D curves
* Special Issue on Partial Differential Equations in Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics
* Special Issue on the Second International Conference on Scale Space Theory in Computer Vision, Guest Editors' Comments
* Stability Analysis of the Fundamental Matrix, A
* Statistical Shape Influence in Geodesic Active Contours
* Statistics on Multivariate Normal Distributions: A Geometric Approach and its Application to Diffusion Tensor MRI
* Statistics on the Manifold of Multivariate Normal Distributions: Theory and Application to Diffusion Tensor MRI Processing
* Straight lines have to be straight
* Stratification of 3-Dimensional Vision: Projective, Affine, and Metric Representations
* Texture Analysis and Classification Using a Human Visual Model
* Theory of Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera, A
* Theory of the Motion Fields of Curves, A
* Three-Dimensional Computer Vision: A Geometric Viewpoint
* Three-Dimensional Motion Computation and Object Segmentation in a Long Sequence of Stereo Frames
* Toward Segmentation of 3D Probability Density Fields by Surface Evolution: Application to Diffusion MRI
* Tracking and Grouping 3D Line Segments
* Tracking Line Segments
* Triangulation of 3-D Objects
* Unfolding the Cerebral Cortex Using Level Set Methods
* Unifying and Rigorous Shape from Shading Method Adapted to Realistic Data and Applications, A
* Unifying Approaches and Removing Unrealistic Assumptions in Shape from Shading: Mathematics Can Help
* use of super-resolution techniques to reduce slice thickness in functional MRI, The
* Using Context in the Global Recognition of a Set of Objects: An Optimization Approach
* Using Extremal Boundaries for 3-D Object Modeling
* Using Geometric Corners to Build a 2D Mosaic from a Set of Images
* Using Occluding Contours for Recovering Shape Properties of Objects
* Using the vector distance functions to evolve manifolds of arbitrary codimension
* Variational Approach to Multi-Modal Image Matching, A
* Variational Methods for Multimodal Image Matching
* Variational stereovision and 3d scene flow estimation with statistical similarity measures
* Variational-Principles, Surface Evolution, PDEs, Level Set Methods, and the Stereo Problem
* Vector Distance Functions, The
* viscosity method for Shape-from-Shading without boundary data, A
* Visual Discrimination of Stochastic Texture Fields
* Well-posedness of eight problems of multi-modal statistical image-matching
* What Can Be Seen in Three Dimensions with an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig?
* What Can Two Images Tell Us about a Third One?
* Why Aspect Graphs Are Not (Yet) Practical for Computer Vision
Includes: Faugeras, O.D.[Olivier D.] Faugeras, O.D.
211 for Faugeras, O.D.
Faugere, J.C.
Co Author Listing * Design Of Regular Nonseparable Bidimensional Wavelets Using Grobner Basis Techniques
Faugere, Y.[Yannice]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A Altimetry Data in the Coastal Band of the European Seas: Comparison with Tide Gauge Measurements
* Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa Altimetric Mission: Scientific Applications, The
* CNES CLS 2022 Mean Sea Surface: Short Wavelength Improvements from CryoSat-2 and SARAL/AltiKa High-Sampled Altimeter Data, The
* Data-Driven Calibration Algorithm and Pre-Launch Performance Simulations for the SWOT Mission
* Drifting Speed of Lagrangian Fronts and Oil Spill Dispersal at the Ocean Surface
* KaRIn Noise Reduction Using a Convolutional Neural Network for the SWOT Ocean Products
* Refining the Resolution of DUACS Along-Track Level-3 Sea Level Altimetry Products
Includes: Faugere, Y.[Yannice] Faugère, Y.[Yannice]
7 for Faugere, Y.
Faugeroux, R.[Romain]
Co Author Listing * Online human moves recognition through discriminative key poses and speed-aware action graphs
Faugno, S.[Salvatore]
Co Author Listing * Direct and Remote Sensing Monitoring of Plant Salinity Stress in a Coastal Back-Barrier Environment: Mediterranean Pine Forest Stress and Mortality as a Case Study