Gowda, B.[Bhargava]
Co Author Listing * Reconstruction or Retrieval? Investigating Neural 3D Reconstruction
Gowda, D.
Co Author Listing * Whispered Speech Detection Using Fusion of Group-Delay-Based Subband Modulation Spectrum and Correntropy Features
Gowda, I.G.
Co Author Listing * Dynamic Voronoi Diagrams
Gowda, K.C.[K. Chidananda]
Co Author Listing * Agglomerative Clustering of Symbolic Objects Using the Concepts of Both Similarity and Dissimilarity
* Agglomerative clustering using the concept of mutual nearest neighbourhood
* Cluster Detection in a Collection of Collinear Line Segments
* Dimensionality reduction using geometric projections: A new technique
* Divisive Clustering of Symbolic Objects Using the Concepts of Both Similarity and Dissimilarity
* Feature Reduction and Unsupervised Classification Algorithm for Multispectral Data, A
* Learning with a mutualistic teacher
* Subspace models for document script and language identification
* Symbolic clustering using a new dissimilarity measure
9 for Gowda, K.C.
Gowda, P.
Co Author Listing * Artificial Neural Network Approach for Mapping Contrasting Tillage Practices
* Comparing Evapotranspiration Products of Different Temporal and Spatial Scales in Native and Managed Prairie Pastures
* Evaluating Optical Remote Sensing Methods for Estimating Leaf Area Index for Corn and Soybean
* Modeling Framework for Deriving Daily Time Series of Evapotranspiration Maps Using a Surface Energy Balance Model, A
Includes: Gowda, P. Gowda, P.[Prasanna]
Gowda, P.H.[Prasanna H.]
Co Author Listing * Climate and Management Practices Jointly Control Vegetation Phenology in Native and Introduced Prairie Pastures
* Dormant Season Vegetation Phenology and Eddy Fluxes in Native Tallgrass Prairies of the U.S. Southern Plains
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration (ET)
* Performance of five surface energy balance models for estimating daily evapotranspiration in high biomass sorghum
* Response of Tallgrass Prairie to Management in the U.S. Southern Great Plains: Site Descriptions, Management Practices, and Eddy Covariance Instrumentation for a Long-Term Experiment
* Utility of remote sensing-based surface energy balance models to track water stress in rain-fed switchgrass under dry and wet conditions
Gowda, R.[Rahul]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Nonlinear Image Enhancement of Gaussian Degraded Images
* GAMIVAL: Video Quality Prediction on Mobile Cloud Gaming Content
* Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Mobile Cloud Gaming Videos
* Understanding Compressive Sensing and Sparse Representation-Based Super-Resolution
Includes: Gowda, R.[Rahul] Gowda, R.
Gowda, S.
Co Author Listing * CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) Tool for Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments
* LSFSL: Leveraging Shape Information in Few-shot Learning
Includes: Gowda, S. Gowda, S.[Shruthi]
Gowda, S.D.[Sahana D.]
Co Author Listing * novel validity index with dynamic cut-off for determining true clusters, A
Gowda, S.N.[Shreyank N.]
Co Author Listing * Age Estimation by LS-SVM Regression on Facial Images
* CLASTER: Clustering with Reinforcement Learning for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* ColorNet: Investigating the Importance of Color Spaces for Image Classification
* FE-Adapter: Adapting Image-Based Emotion Classifiers to Videos
* Fiducial Points Detection of a Face Using RBF-SVM and Adaboost Classification
* Human Activity Recognition Using Combinatorial Deep Belief Networks
* Learn2Augment: Learning to Composite Videos for Data Augmentation in Action Recognition
* Synthetic Sample Selection for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
Includes: Gowda, S.N.[Shreyank N.] Gowda, S.N.[Shreyank N] Gowda, S.N.
8 for Gowda, S.N.
Gowda, S.S.[Sushma Suryanarayana]
Co Author Listing * Investigation into Keystroke Dynamics and Heart Rate Variability as Indicators of Stress, An
Gowdra, N.[Nidhi]
Co Author Listing * Mitigating severe over-parameterization in deep convolutional neural networks through forced feature abstraction and compression with an entropy-based heuristic
Gowdy, J.
Co Author Listing * Annotated Maps for Autonomous Land Vehicles
* Combining Artificial Neural Networks and Symbolic Processing for Autonomous Robot Guidance
* High Speed Navigation of Unrehearsed Terrain: Red Team Technology for Grand Challenge 2004
Gowdy, J.N.[John N.]
Co Author Listing * Affine-Invariant Visual Features Contain Supplementary Information to Enhance Speech Recognition
* Moving-Talker, Speaker-Independent Feature Study, and Baseline Results Using the CUAVE Multimodal Speech Corpus