Lobe, A.[Amadeus]
Co Author Listing * Joint Camera and LiDAR Risk Analysis
Lobel, H.[Hans]
Co Author Listing * CompactNets: Compact Hierarchical Compositional Networks for Visual Recognition
* Hierarchical Joint Max-Margin Learning of Mid and Top Level Representations for Visual Recognition
* Joint Dictionary and Classifier Learning for Categorization of Images Using a Max-margin Framework
* Learning Shared, Discriminative, and Compact Representations for Visual Recognition
Lobel, P.
Co Author Listing * Microwave Imaging: Reconstructions from Experimental-Data Using Conjugate-Gradient and Enhancement by Edge-Preserving Regularization
Lobell, D.
Co Author Listing * Farm Parcel Delineation Using Spatio-temporal Convolutional Networks
* Geography-Aware Self-Supervised Learning
* HarvestNet: A Dataset for Detecting Smallholder Farming Activity Using Harvest Piles and Remote Sensing
* Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Land Cover Classification
* Monitoring Ethiopian Wheat Fungus with Satellite Imagery and Deep Feature Learning
Includes: Lobell, D. Lobell, D.[David]
Lobell, D.B.[David B.]
Co Author Listing * Canopy Height Mapping for Plantations in Nigeria Using GEDI, Landsat, and Sentinel-2
* High-Resolution Soybean Yield Mapping Across the US Midwest Using Subfield Harvester Data
* Mapping Crop Types in Southeast India with Smartphone Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning
* Mapping Smallholder Wheat Yields and Sowing Dates Using Micro-Satellite Data
* Mapping Smallholder Yield Heterogeneity at Multiple Scales in Eastern Africa
* Mapping Sugarcane in Central India with Smartphone Crowdsourcing
* Sight for Sorghums: Comparisons of Satellite- and Ground-Based Sorghum Yield Estimates in Mali
* Twice Is Nice: The Benefits of Two Ground Measures for Evaluating the Accuracy of Satellite-Based Sustainability Estimates
* Unlocking Large-Scale Crop Field Delineation in Smallholder Farming Systems with Transfer Learning and Weak Supervision
* Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Planet Imagery to Map Crop Type of Smallholder Farms
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
11 for Lobell, D.B.
Loberternos, R.A.
Co Author Listing * Object-based Workflow Developed To Extract Aquaculture Ponds From Airborne Lidar Data: A Test Case In Central Visayas, Philippines, An
Lobeto, H.[Hector]
Co Author Listing * Variability Assessment of Global Extreme Coastal Sea Levels Using Altimetry Data