Index for otan

Otan, Y. Co Author Listing * robust feature extraction framework for face recognition, A

Otani, C. Co Author Listing * THz-Wave Spectroscopy Applied to the Detection of Illicit Drugs in Mail

Otani, H. Co Author Listing * Aerial photogrammetry procedure optimized for micro UAV
* Application of Robust Regression for Exterior Orientation of Video Images
* Automatic Exterior Orientation Procedure For Low-cost Uav Photogrammetry Using Video Image Tracking Technique and GPS Information
* BRDF Measurement of Real Materials Using Handheld Cameras
* Examination About Influence for Precision of 3D Image Measurement from the Ground Control Point Measurement and Surface Matching
Includes: Otani, H. Otani, H.[Haru]

Otani, K.[Keita] Co Author Listing * Bounding-box Channels for Visual Relationship Detection

Otani, M.[Mayu] Co Author Listing * AxIoU: An Axiomatically Justified Measure for Video Moment Retrieval
* BERT Representations for Video Question Answering
* Color Recommendation for Vector Graphic Documents based on Multi-Palette Representation
* Contrastive Losses Are Natural Criteria for Unsupervised Video Summarization
* Does Robustness on ImageNet Transfer to Downstream Tasks?
* Finding Important People in a Video Using Deep Neural Networks with Conditional Random Fields
* Generative Colorization of Structured Mobile Web Pages
* Laughing Machine: Predicting Humor in Video, The
* LayoutDM: Discrete Diffusion Model for Controllable Layout Generation
* Learning Joint Representations of Videos and Sentences with Web Image Search
* Optimal Correction Cost for Object Detection Evaluation
* Rethinking the Evaluation of Video Summaries
* Revisiting Pixel-Level Contrastive Pre-Training on Scene Images
* semantic typology of visually grounded paraphrases, The
* Toward Verifiable and Reproducible Human Evaluation for Text-to-Image Generation
* Towards Flexible Multi-modal Document Models
* Video Summarization Overview
* Video Summarization Using Deep Semantic Features
* Visual Question Answering with Textual Representations for Images
Includes: Otani, M.[Mayu] Otani, M.
19 for Otani, M.

Index for "o"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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