Index for paiv

Paiva da Silva Martins, C.A.[Carlos Augusto] Co Author Listing * Three-stage RGBD architecture for vehicle and pedestrian detection using convolutional neural networks and stereo vision

Paiva, A.[Afonso] Co Author Listing * Class-specific metrics for multidimensional data projection applied to CBIR
* Conference on graphics, patterns and images
* Guest Editorial: Emotion in Games
* Spectral Image Segmentation Using Image Decomposition and Inner Product-Based Metric
* Vessel Optimal Transport for Automated Alignment of Retinal Fundus Images
Includes: Paiva, A.[Afonso] Paiva, A.

Paiva, A.C.[Anselmo C.] Co Author Listing * Automatic Eye Detection in Human Faces Using Geostatistical Functions and Support Vector Machines
* Comparing results of thermographic images based diagnosis for breast diseases
Includes: Paiva, A.C.[Anselmo C.] Paiva, A.C.

Paiva, A.R.C.[Antonio R.C.] Co Author Listing * Detection of Salient Image Points Using Principal Subspace Manifold Structure
* Evaluation of Some Reordering Techniques for Image VQ Index Compression
* Image Parsing with a Three-State Series Neural Network Classifier
* Using Sequential Context for Image Analysis
Includes: Paiva, A.R.C.[Antonio R.C.] Paiva, A.R.C.[António R.C.]

Paiva, d.C.[de_Anselmo Cardoso] Co Author Listing * Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Road Accident Hotspots, A
Includes: Paiva, d.C.[de_Anselmo Cardoso] Paiva, d.C.[de_Anselmo-Cardoso]

Paiva, d.D.[de_Rodrigo_Cauduro Dias] Co Author Listing * Synergistic Calibration of a Hydrological Model Using Discharge and Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture in the Paraná River Basin

Paiva, H.M.[Henrique Mohallem] Co Author Listing * On the Choice of Filter Bank Parameters for Wavelet-Packet Identification of Dynamic Systems
* Wavelet-Packet Identification of Dynamic Systems with Coloured Measurement Noise

Paiva, J.G.S.[Jose Gustavo S.] Co Author Listing * Visual SuperTree: similarity-based multi-scale visualization, The
Includes: Paiva, J.G.S.[Jose Gustavo S.] Paiva, J.G.S.[José Gustavo S.]

Paiva, K.[Karla] Co Author Listing * Hydrological Response Assessment of Land Cover Change in a Peruvian Amazonian Basin Impacted by Deforestation Using the SWAT Model

Paiva, M.S.V.[Maria Stela V.] Co Author Listing * Fourier Transform-based Approach to Fusion High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A

Paiva, P.V.V.[Pedro V.V.] Co Author Listing * Historical building point cloud segmentation combining hierarchical watershed transform and curvature analysis

Paiva, R.P.[Rui Pedro] Co Author Listing * Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition: A Survey
* Emotionally-Relevant Features for Classification and Regression of Music Lyrics
* Heart Murmur Classification Using Complexity Signatures
* Influence of Event Duration on Automatic Wheeze Classification
* Novel Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition
Includes: Paiva, R.P.[Rui Pedro] Paiva, R.P.

Paiva, S.[Sara] Co Author Listing * Computer Vision and Deep Learning-Enabled UAVs: Proposed Use Cases for Visually Impaired People in a Smart City

Paiva, S.R.[Samuel Rezende] Co Author Listing * Dynamics of Sheep Production in Brazil

Paiva, T.[Teresa] Co Author Listing * Sleep/Wakefulness State from Actigraphy
* Topographic EEG Brain Mapping before, during and after Obstructive Sleep Apnea Episodes

Paivansalo, A.[Axel] Co Author Listing * Novel Deep Multi-Image Object Detection Approach for Detecting Alien Barleys in Oat Fields Using RGB UAV Images, A
Includes: Paivansalo, A.[Axel] Päivänsalo, A.[Axel] (Maybe also Paeivaensalo, A.)

Paivarinta, J.[Juhani] Co Author Listing * Volume Local Phase Quantization for Blur-Insensitive Dynamic Texture Classification
Includes: Paivarinta, J.[Juhani] Päivärinta, J.[Juhani] (Maybe also Paeivaerinta, J.)

Paivinen, N.[Niina] Co Author Listing * automated gland segmentation and classification method in prostate biopsies: an image source-independent approach, An
* Clustering with a minimum spanning tree of scale-free-like structure
Includes: Paivinen, N.[Niina] Päivinen, N.[Niina] (Maybe also Paeivinen, N.)

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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