Index for tren

Trenado, A. Co Author Listing * 3D Sensor-Fusion for the Documentation of Rural Heritage Buildings

Trencanova, B.[Bianka] Co Author Listing * Development of Semantic Maps of Vegetation Cover from UAV Images to Support Planning and Management in Fine-Grained Fire-Prone Landscapes
Includes: Trencanova, B.[Bianka] Trencanová, B.[Bianka]

Trenchev, P.[Plamen] Co Author Listing * Huge CH4, NO2 and CO Emissions from Coal Mines in the Kuznetsk Basin (Russia) Detected by Sentinel-5P

Trenggono, M.[Mukti] Co Author Listing * Satellite-Observed Multi-Scale Variability of Sea Surface Chlorophyll-a Concentration along the South Coast of the Sumatra-Java Islands

Trenkle, J. Co Author Listing * N-Gram-Based Text Categorization

Trent, E.S. Co Author Listing * On the Interrelation Between Listener Characteristics and the Perception of Emotions in Classical Orchestra Music

Trent, T.[Tim] Co Author Listing * GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment: Overview and Introduction to Results and Recommendations, The
* New Approach to Defining Uncertainties for MODIS Land Surface Temperature, A
* Observing Water Vapour in the Planetary Boundary Layer from the Short-Wave Infrared

Trenta, F.[Francesca] Co Author Listing * Advanced Deep Network with Attention and Genetic-Driven Reinforcement Learning Layer for an Efficient Cancer Treatment Outcome Prediction
* Advanced Non-linear Generative Model with a Deep Classifier for Immunotherapy Outcome Prediction: A Bladder Cancer Case Study
* Advanced Temporal Dilated Convolutional Neural Network for a Robust Car Driver Identification
* Detection and Classification of Pollen Grain Microscope Images
* Explainable Medical Imaging Framework for Modality Classifications Trained Using Small Datasets, An
* Fine-Grained Image Classification for Pollen Grain Microscope Images
* Pollen Grain Classification Challenge 2020
* POLLEN13K: A Large Scale Microscope Pollen Grain Image Dataset
Includes: Trenta, F.[Francesca] Trenta, F.
8 for Trenta, F.

Trentacoste, M.[Matthew] Co Author Listing * Glare encoding of high dynamic range images
* Photometric image processing for high dynamic range displays
* Recognizing Image Style

Trentelman, H.L.[Harry L.] Co Author Listing * On Structural and Safety Properties of Head-to-Tail String Stability in Mixed Platoons

Trentin, E.[Edmondo] Co Author Listing * Combination of supervised and unsupervised learning for training the activation functions of neural networks
* Emotion recognition from speech signals via a probabilistic echo-state network
* Estimating the Crowding Level with a Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier
* Maximum-likelihood normalization of features increases the robustness of neural-based spoken human-computer interaction
* Partially supervised learning for pattern recognition
* Pattern classification and clustering: A review of partially supervised learning approaches
Includes: Trentin, E.[Edmondo] Trentin, E.

Trentin, M. Co Author Listing * Hidden Graffiti Identification On Marble Surfaces Through Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Techniques

Trentmann, J.[Jorg] Co Author Listing * CM SAF R Toolbox: A Tool for the Easy Usage of Satellite-Based Climate Data in NetCDF Format, The
* Comparison of Surface Solar Irradiance from Ground Observations and Satellite Data (1990-2016) over a Complex Orography Region (Piedmont-Northwest Italy)
* CRAAS: A European Cloud Regime dAtAset Based on the CLAAS-2.1 Climate Data Record
* Digging the METEOSAT Treasure: 3 Decades of Solar Surface Radiation
* Homogeneity Analysis of the CM SAF Surface Solar Irradiance Dataset Derived from Geostationary Satellite Observations
* Improvement of Air Pollution in China Inferred from Changes between Satellite-Based and Measured Surface Solar Radiation
* On the Land-Sea Contrast in the Surface Solar Radiation (SSR) in the Baltic Region
* Satellite-Based Sunshine Duration Climate Data Record for Europe and Africa, A
* Satellite-Based Surface Radiation Climatology Derived by Combining Climate Data Records and Near-Real-Time Data, A
* Validation of CM SAF CLARA-A2 and SARAH-E Surface Solar Radiation Datasets over China
* Validation of CM SAF Surface Solar Radiation Datasets over Finland and Sweden
Includes: Trentmann, J.[Jorg] Trentmann, J.[Jörg]
11 for Trentmann, J.

Trento, S.[Stefano] Co Author Listing * digital Intonarumori, The

Index for "t"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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