Index for kall

Kall, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ganapathy, S.K.: Vocabulary and Grammar of Color Patterns, The
     with: Kovacevic, J.: Vocabulary and Grammar of Color Patterns, The
     with: Mojsilovic, A.: Vocabulary and Grammar of Color Patterns, The
     with: Safranek, R.J.: Vocabulary and Grammar of Color Patterns, The

Kall, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liibusk, A.: Validation of Copernicus Sea Level Altimetry Products in ...
     with: Rikka, S.: Validation of Copernicus Sea Level Altimetry Products in th...
     with: Suursaar, U.: Validation of Copernicus Sea Level Altimetry Products in...
     with: Tseng, K.H.: Validation of Copernicus Sea Level Altimetry Products in ...
     with: Uiboupin, R.: Validation of Copernicus Sea Level Altimetry Products in...

Kalla, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biswas, S.: COVLM: Leveraging Consensus from Vision-language Models fo...
     with: Biswas, S.: Robust Feature Learning and Global Variance-Driven Classif...
     with: Biswas, S.: S3C: Self-Supervised Stochastic Classifiers for Few-Shot C...
     with: Devank: COVLM: Leveraging Consensus from Vision-language Models for Se...

Kalla, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jain, A.: Widespread Assessment and Open Issues on Image Captioning Mo...
     with: Padate, R.: Widespread Assessment and Open Issues on Image Captioning ...
     with: Sharma, A.: Widespread Assessment and Open Issues on Image Captioning ...

Kalla, U.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhati, N.: Intelligent Control Scheme for Optimum Efficiency and Reduc...
     with: MIshra, A.K.: Intelligent Control Scheme for Optimum Efficiency and Re...
     with: Singh, B.: Intelligent Control Scheme for Optimum Efficiency and Reduc...

Kallarakkal, T.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amtha, R.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Detect...
     with: Barman, S.A.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Det...
     with: Chan, C.S.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Detec...
     with: Cheong, S.C.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Det...
     with: Jayasinghe, R.D.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early...
     with: Kerr, A.R.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Detec...
     with: Lim, J.H.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Detect...
     with: Patil, K.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Detect...
     with: Rajendran, S.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early De...
     with: Remagnino, P.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early De...
     with: Rimal, J.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Detect...
     with: Tilakaratne, W.M.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Earl...
     with: Welikala, R.A.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early D...
     with: Zain, R.B.: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Detec...
14 for Kallarakkal, T.G.

Kallas, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barni, M.: New Backdoor Attack in CNNS by Training Set Corruption With...
     with: Tondi, B.: New Backdoor Attack in CNNS by Training Set Corruption With...

Kallas, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amoud, H.: Non-negativity constraints on the pre-image for pattern rec...
     with: Francis, C.: Non-negativity constraints on the pre-image for pattern r...
     with: Honeine, P.: Non-negativity constraints on the pre-image for pattern r...
     with: Richard, C.: Non-negativity constraints on the pre-image for pattern r...

Kallel, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andre, C.: Object reconstruction in an image based on belief function ...
     with: Ben Hamidd, A.: Object reconstruction in an image based on belief func...
     with: Benzenati, T.: Two Stages Pan-Sharpening Details Injection Approach Ba...
     with: Castaldi, F.: Soil Salinity Detection and Mapping by Multi-Temporal La...
     with: Chaabene, S.: Bayesian sparse regularization for parallel MRI reconstr...
     with: Chaari, L.: Bayesian sparse regularization for parallel MRI reconstruc...
     with: Chahed, T.S.: Soil Salinity Detection and Mapping by Multi-Temporal La...
     with: Courault, D.: Downscaling Meteosat Land Surface Temperature over a Het...
     with: Descombes, X.: Ant Colony Optimization for Image Regularization Based ...
     with: Descombes, X.: Use of Ant Colony Optimization for Finding Neighborhood...
     with: Hubert Moy, L.: Fusion of Vegetation Indices Using Continuous Belief F...
     with: Kessentini, Y.: Two Stages Pan-Sharpening Details Injection Approach B...
     with: Le Hegarat Mascle, S.: Ant Colony Optimization for Image Regularizatio...
     with: Le Hegarat Mascle, S.: Fusion of Vegetation Indices Using Continuous B...
     with: Le Hegarat Mascle, S.: Object reconstruction in an image based on beli...
     with: Le Hegarat Mascle, S.: Use of Ant Colony Optimization for Finding Neig...
     with: Maignan, F.: Downscaling Meteosat Land Surface Temperature over a Hete...
     with: Mechri, R.: Downscaling Meteosat Land Surface Temperature over a Heter...
     with: Ottle, C.: Downscaling Meteosat Land Surface Temperature over a Hetero...
     with: Ottle, C.: Fusion of Vegetation Indices Using Continuous Belief Functi...
     with: Pannekoucke, O.: Downscaling Meteosat Land Surface Temperature over a ...
     with: Rekik, W.: Object reconstruction in an image based on belief function ...
     with: Reynaud, R.: Object reconstruction in an image based on belief functio...
     with: Saad, K.: Soil Salinity Detection and Mapping by Multi-Temporal Landsa...
     with: Trigo, I.F.: Downscaling Meteosat Land Surface Temperature over a Hete...
25 for Kallel, A.

Kallel, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Hamida, A.: CT scan contrast enhancement using singular value deco...
     with: Ben Hamida, A.: Spinal cord MRI contrast enhancement using adaptive ga...
     with: Ben Mahfoudh, K.: Spinal cord MRI contrast enhancement using adaptive ...
     with: Bertrand, M.: Tissue elasticity reconstruction using linear perturbati...
     with: Chtourou, K.: CT scan contrast enhancement using singular value decomp...
     with: Dammak, M.: Spinal cord MRI contrast enhancement using adaptive gamma ...
     with: Kammoun, O.: Spinal cord MRI contrast enhancement using adaptive gamma...
     with: Mhiri, C.: Spinal cord MRI contrast enhancement using adaptive gamma c...
     with: Sahnoun, M.: CT scan contrast enhancement using singular value decompo...
     with: Sahnoun, M.: Spinal cord MRI contrast enhancement using adaptive gamma...
10 for Kallel, F.

Kallel, I.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bouhlel, M.S.: Control of dermatology image integrity using reversible...
     with: Garcia, E.: Control of dermatology image integrity using reversible wa...
     with: Lapayre, J.C.: Control of dermatology image integrity using reversible...

Kallel, I.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almouahed, S.: iterative possibilistic knowledge diffusion approach fo...
     with: Bosse, E.: iterative possibilistic knowledge diffusion approach for bl...
     with: Bouhamed, S.A.: Feature selection in possibilistic modeling
     with: Frikha, J.: Indoor/outdoor navigation system based on possibilistic tr...
     with: Masmoudi, D.S.: Feature selection in possibilistic modeling
     with: Sellami, D.: Indoor/outdoor navigation system based on possibilistic t...
     with: Solaiman, B.: Feature selection in possibilistic modeling
     with: Solaiman, B.: iterative possibilistic knowledge diffusion approach for...
8 for Kallel, I.K.

Kallel, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bouhlel, M.S.: Security of the Medical Media Using a Hybrid and Multip...
     with: Lapayre, J.C.: Security of the Medical Media Using a Hybrid and Multip...
     with: Naouai, M.: New Metrics to Evaluate Pattern Recognition in Remote Sens...
     with: Slama, Y.: New Metrics to Evaluate Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensi...

Kallel, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Link, R.: Markov Model Aided Decoding for Image Transmission Using Sof...
     with: Link, R.: Optimal Use of Markov Models for DPCM Picture Transmission o...

Kallem, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bansal, M.: Automatic 3D change detection for glaucoma diagnosis
     with: Eledath, J.: Automatic 3D change detection for glaucoma diagnosis
     with: Li, T.: Projective Factorization of Multiple Rigid-Body Motions
     with: Pearson, D.J.: Automatic 3D change detection for glaucoma diagnosis
     with: Sawhney, H.: Automatic 3D change detection for glaucoma diagnosis
     with: Singaraju, D.: Projective Factorization of Multiple Rigid-Body Motions
     with: Stone, R.A.: Automatic 3D change detection for glaucoma diagnosis
     with: Vidal, R.: Projective Factorization of Multiple Rigid-Body Motions
     with: Wang, L.: Automatic 3D change detection for glaucoma diagnosis
9 for Kallem, V.

Kallempudi, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afzal, M.Z.: FeatEnHancer: Enhancing Hierarchical Features for Object ...
     with: Hashmi, K.A.: FeatEnHancer: Enhancing Hierarchical Features for Object...
     with: Stricker, D.: FeatEnHancer: Enhancing Hierarchical Features for Object...

Kallen, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ardo, H.: Tracking and reconstruction of vehicles for accurate positio...
     with: Enqvist, O.: Tracking and reconstruction of vehicles for accurate posi...

Kallen, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brouwer, A.M.: Estimating Affective Taste Experience Using Combined Im...
     with: Hogervorst, M.A.: Estimating Affective Taste Experience Using Combined...
     with: Kaneko, D.: Estimating Affective Taste Experience Using Combined Impli...
     with: Toet, A.: Estimating Affective Taste Experience Using Combined Implici...
     with: van den Broek, T.J.: Estimating Affective Taste Experience Using Combi...
     with: van Erp, J.B.F.: Estimating Affective Taste Experience Using Combined ...

Kallenberg, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Diao, P.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segment...
     with: Gubern Merida, A.: Multi-class Probabilistic Atlas-Based Segmentation ...
     with: Holland, K.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segm...
     with: Igel, C.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segment...
     with: Karssemeijer, N.: Multi-class Probabilistic Atlas-Based Segmentation M...
     with: Karssemeijer, N.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density...
     with: Lillholm, M.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Seg...
     with: Marti, R.: Multi-class Probabilistic Atlas-Based Segmentation Method i...
     with: Ng, A.Y.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segment...
     with: Nielsen, M.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segm...
     with: Petersen, K.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Seg...
     with: Vachon, C.M.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Seg...
     with: Winkel, R.R.: Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Seg...
13 for Kallenberg, M.

Kaller, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, B.: Reference Set Thinning for the k-Nearest Neighbor De...

Kallergi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Clarke, L.P.: Adaptive Neural Network for Nuclear Medicine Image Resto...
     with: Li, H.D.: Adaptive Neural Network for Nuclear Medicine Image Restoration
     with: Qian, W.: Adaptive Neural Network for Nuclear Medicine Image Restoration
     with: Song, D.S.: Adaptive Neural Network for Nuclear Medicine Image Restora...

Kalles, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Morris, D.T.: Novel Fast and Reliable Thinning Algorithm, A
     with: Nomikos, N.: Single Fingertip Detection Using Simple Geometric Propert...

Kalles, W.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mischaikow, K.: Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
     with: Niethammer, M.: Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
     with: Pilarczyk, P.: Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
     with: Stein, A.N.: Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
     with: Tannenbaum, A.: Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology

Kalliany, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gruber, M.: Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Satellite I...
     with: Leberl, F.W.: Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Satellite...

Kalliatakis, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chrysoulas, C.: Class Feature Pyramids for Video Explanation
     with: Chrysoulas, C.: Saliency Tubes: Visual Explanations for Spatio-Tempora...
     with: Kapidis, G.: Class Feature Pyramids for Video Explanation
     with: Kapidis, G.: Saliency Tubes: Visual Explanations for Spatio-Temporal C...
     with: Poppe, R.: Class Feature Pyramids for Video Explanation
     with: Poppe, R.: Refining activation downsampling with SoftPool
     with: Poppe, R.: Saliency Tubes: Visual Explanations for Spatio-Temporal Con...
     with: Stergiou, A.: Class Feature Pyramids for Video Explanation
     with: Stergiou, A.: Refining activation downsampling with SoftPool
     with: Stergiou, A.: Saliency Tubes: Visual Explanations for Spatio-Temporal ...
     with: Triantafyllidis, G.A.: Image based Monument Recognition using Graph ba...
     with: Veltkamp, R.: Class Feature Pyramids for Video Explanation
     with: Veltkamp, R.: Saliency Tubes: Visual Explanations for Spatio-Temporal ...
13 for Kalliatakis, G.

Kallimani, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdullah Al Wadud, M.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiob...
     with: Mahdi, F.P.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective co...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective c...
     with: Vasant, P.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective com...
     with: Watada, J.: Quantum particle swarm optimization for multiobjective com...

Kallinger, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gelautz, M.: Right Move: A Concept for a Video-Based Choreography Tool...
     with: Zillner, S.: Right Move: A Concept for a Video-Based Choreography Tool...

Kallio, A.J.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dalponte, M.: Wood Decay Detection in Norway Spruce Forests Based on A...
     with: Gobakken, T.: Wood Decay Detection in Norway Spruce Forests Based on A...
     with: Nęsset, E.: Wood Decay Detection in Norway Spruce Forests Based on Air...
     with: Orka, H.O.: Wood Decay Detection in Norway Spruce Forests Based on Air...

Kallio, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bayford, R.: Generation of Anatomically Inspired Human Airway Tree Usi...
     with: Demosthenous, A.: Generation of Anatomically Inspired Human Airway Tre...
     with: Zamani, M.: Generation of Anatomically Inspired Human Airway Tree Usin...

Kallio, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hirvonen, J.: Automatic image-based detection and inspection of paper ...

Kallio, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Devraj, S.: Validation of the SARAH-E Satellite-Based Surface Solar Ra...
     with: Lindfors, A.V.: Validation of the SARAH-E Satellite-Based Surface Sola...
     with: Riihela, A.: Validation of the SARAH-E Satellite-Based Surface Solar R...
     with: Sharma, A.: Validation of the SARAH-E Satellite-Based Surface Solar Ra...

Kalliola, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dag, A.: Benchmarking Visual Localization for Autonomous Navigation
     with: Edelman, H.: Benchmarking Visual Localization for Autonomous Navigation
     with: Kamarainen, J.K.: Benchmarking Visual Localization for Autonomous Navi...
     with: Suomela, L.: Benchmarking Visual Localization for Autonomous Navigation

Kalliola, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Attila, J.: Partition of Marine Environment Dynamics According to Remo...
     with: Chaves, P.P.: Mapping Floristic Patterns of Trees in Peruvian Amazonia...
     with: Gomez, E.R.: Mapping Floristic Patterns of Trees in Peruvian Amazonia ...
     with: Ruokolainen, K.: Mapping Floristic Patterns of Trees in Peruvian Amazo...
     with: Suominen, T.: Partition of Marine Environment Dynamics According to Re...
     with: Tuomisto, H.: Mapping Floristic Patterns of Trees in Peruvian Amazonia...
     with: van Doninck, J.: Mapping Floristic Patterns of Trees in Peruvian Amazo...
     with: Westerholm, J.: Partition of Marine Environment Dynamics According to ...
     with: Zuquim, G.: Mapping Floristic Patterns of Trees in Peruvian Amazonia U...
9 for Kalliola, R.

Kalliomaki, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lampinen, J.: Approximate Steerability of Gabor Filters for Feature De...
     with: Lampinen, J.: Modeling of Pose Effects in Oriented Filter Responses fo...
     with: Lampinen, J.: On steerability of Gabor-type filters for feature detect...
     with: Lampinen, J.: Shape analysis of concrete aggregates for statistical qu...
     with: Vehtari, A.: Shape analysis of concrete aggregates for statistical qua...

Kallioniemi, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dougherty, E.R.: Simulation Toolbox for 3D-FISH Spot-Counting Algorithms
     with: Grigoryan, A.M.: Simulation Toolbox for 3D-FISH Spot-Counting Algorithms
     with: Hostetter, G.: Simulation Toolbox for 3D-FISH Spot-Counting Algorithms

Kallioras, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andronis, V.: Assessment of Post-Fire Impacts on Vegetation Regenerati...
     with: Baltas, E.: Assessment of Post-Fire Impacts on Vegetation Regeneration...
     with: Koltsida, E.: Assessment of Post-Fire Impacts on Vegetation Regenerati...
     with: Mamassis, N.: Assessment of Post-Fire Impacts on Vegetation Regenerati...

Kalliovaara, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asadi, M.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: Deve...
     with: Auranen, J.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: De...
     with: Hallio, J.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: Dev...
     with: Jokela, T.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: Dev...
     with: Koskinen, J.H.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications:...
     with: Majd, A.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: Devel...
     with: Moghaddam, R.M.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications...
     with: Paavola, J.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: De...
     with: Putkonen, A.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: D...
     with: Seppanen, M.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: D...
     with: Tuomola, T.: Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: De...
11 for Kalliovaara, J.

Kalliris, G.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dimoulas, C.A.: Technologies of Non Linear Storytelling for the Manage...
     with: Paschalidis, G.: Technologies of Non Linear Storytelling for the Manag...
     with: Psomadaki, O.I.: Technologies of Non Linear Storytelling for the Manag...

Kallivokas, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blackwell, M.K.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surger...
     with: di Gioia, A.M.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery...
     with: Ghattas, O.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery in...
     with: Jaramaz, B.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery in...
     with: Kanade, T.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery in ...
     with: Morgan, F.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery in ...
     with: O'Toole, R.V.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery ...
     with: Simon, D.A.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery in...
     with: Visnic, C.: Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery in ...
9 for Kallivokas, L.

Kallmeier, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barth, A.: Spatial predictive mapping using artificial neural networks
     with: Etzold, S.H.: Spatial predictive mapping using artificial neural netwo...
     with: Knobloch, A.: Spatial predictive mapping using artificial neural netwo...
     with: Noack, S.: Spatial predictive mapping using artificial neural networks

Kallonen, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hamalainen, K.: Multiresolution Parameter Choice Method for Total Vari...
     with: Kolehmainen, V.: Multiresolution Parameter Choice Method for Total Var...
     with: Lassas, M.: Multiresolution Parameter Choice Method for Total Variatio...
     with: Niemi, E.: Multiresolution Parameter Choice Method for Total Variation...
     with: Niinimaki, K.: Multiresolution Parameter Choice Method for Total Varia...
     with: Siltanen, S.: Multiresolution Parameter Choice Method for Total Variat...

Kalloniatis, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Batsaris, M.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data ...
     with: Chaidas, K.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data C...
     with: Chaidas, K.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for Po...
     with: Chatzistamatis, S.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial...
     with: Chatzistamatis, S.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods...
     with: Kalaitzis, P.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data...
     with: Kalaitzis, P.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for ...
     with: Kavroudakis, D.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Da...
     with: Kavroudakis, D.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods fo...
     with: Papadopoulou, E.E.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods...
     with: Papakonstantinou, A.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Metho...
     with: Papakostantinou, A.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatia...
     with: Rousou, O.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data Co...
     with: Roussou, O.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for Po...
     with: Soulakellis, N.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Da...
     with: Soulakellis, N.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods fo...
     with: Tataris, G.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data C...
     with: Tataris, G.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for Po...
     with: Topouzelis, K.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Dat...
     with: Topouzelis, K.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for...
     with: Vasilakos, C.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data...
     with: Vasilakos, C.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for ...
22 for Kalloniatis, C.

Kalloniatis, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alonso Caneiro, D.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate f...
     with: Chen, F.K.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for layer...
     with: Collins, M.J.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for la...
     with: Kugelman, J.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for lay...
     with: Read, S.A.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for layer...
     with: Tong, J.: Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for layer s...

Kallooriyakath, L.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banerjee, A.: AMEND: Adaptive Margin and Expanded Neighborhood for Eff...
     with: Biswas, S.: AMEND: Adaptive Margin and Expanded Neighborhood for Effic...

Kallos, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Patlakas, P.: Role of Sea Surface Temperature Forcing in the Life-Cycl...
     with: Stathopoulos, C.: Role of Sea Surface Temperature Forcing in the Life-...
     with: Tsalis, C.: Role of Sea Surface Temperature Forcing in the Life-Cycle ...

Kalloubi, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boulaalam, A.: Leveraging topic feature for followee recommendation on...
     with: Dib, B.: Leveraging topic feature for followee recommendation on Twitt...
     with: Nfaoui, E.H.: Leveraging topic feature for followee recommendation on ...

Kallu, K.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, S.: Bayes R-CNN: An Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Approach to Obje...
     with: Ahmed, S.: Hand Gestures Recognition Using Radar Sensors for Human-Com...
     with: Ahmed, S.: Robust Controller for Pursuing Trajectory and Force Estimat...
     with: Ali, M.U.: Robust Controller for Pursuing Trajectory and Force Estimat...
     with: Chan, J.H.: Bayes R-CNN: An Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Approach to Obj...
     with: Chen, Y.: Bayes R-CNN: An Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Approach to Objec...
     with: Cho, S.H.: Hand Gestures Recognition Using Radar Sensors for Human-Com...
     with: Kim, H.S.: Bayes R-CNN: An Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Approach to Obje...
     with: Lee, M.C.: Robust Controller for Pursuing Trajectory and Force Estimat...
     with: Sharifuzzaman, S.A.S.M.: Bayes R-CNN: An Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Ap...
     with: Tanveer, J.: Bayes R-CNN: An Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Approach to Ob...
     with: Zafar, A.: Robust Controller for Pursuing Trajectory and Force Estimat...
13 for Kallu, K.D.

Kalluri, H.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bruce, L.M.: Decision-Level Fusion of Spectral Reflectance and Derivat...
     with: Prasad, S.: Decision-Level Fusion of Spectral Reflectance and Derivati...

Kalluri, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, M.: Adaptive RD Optimal Sparse Coding With Quantization for Ima...
     with: Ling, N.: Adaptive RD Optimal Sparse Coding With Quantization for Imag...
     with: Zhang, P.: Adaptive RD Optimal Sparse Coding With Quantization for Ima...
     with: Zheng, J.: Adaptive RD Optimal Sparse Coding With Quantization for Ima...

Kalluri, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alcala, C.: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced ...
     with: Anderson, M.: Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System...
     with: Bai, Y.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS Rad...
     with: Bai, Y.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Baier, B.C.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from th...
     with: Beck, T.: Geolocation Assessment and Optimization for OMPS Nadir Mappe...
     with: Beck, T.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Blonski, S.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS...
     with: Blonski, S.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Borges, D.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Mode...
     with: Bruhwiler, L.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methan...
     with: Cao, C.Y.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS R...
     with: Cao, C.Y.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Cao, C.Y.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Impro...
     with: Carr, J.: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced Ba...
     with: Carter, C.: Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System U...
     with: Chen, J.: Geolocation Assessment and Optimization for OMPS Nadir Mappe...
     with: Chen, Y.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Chen, Y.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Improv...
     with: Choi, T.Y.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS ...
     with: Choi, T.Y.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Connelly, B.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products f...
     with: Deutscher, N.M.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals fro...
     with: DeWeese, M.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products fr...
     with: Divakarla, M.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Divakarla, M.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methan...
     with: Divakarla, M.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from ...
     with: Fang, L.: Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System Upg...
     with: Flynn, L.E.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Gambacorta, A.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from...
     with: Goldberg, M.: Geolocation Assessment and Optimization for OMPS Nadir M...
     with: Goldberg, M.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Mo...
     with: Goldberg, M.D.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products...
     with: Goldberg, M.D.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Goldberg, M.D.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Metha...
     with: Green, D.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Moder...
     with: Griffith, P.: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advance...
     with: Gu, Y.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS Radi...
     with: Gu, Y.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Gundy, J.: High Performance Remote Sensing Product Generation System B...
     with: Hain, C.: Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System Upg...
     with: Haman, B.: High Performance Remote Sensing Product Generation System B...
     with: Hao, X.J.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Hase, F.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the N...
     with: Hashimoto, H.: Introduction to the Geostationary-NASA Earth Exchange (...
     with: Helfrich, S.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operat...
     with: Helfrich, S.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Mo...
     with: Higuchi, A.: Introduction to the Geostationary-NASA Earth Exchange (Ge...
     with: Hoffman, J.P.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products ...
     with: Iraci, L.T.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from th...
     with: Iturbide Sanchez, F.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Iturbide Sanchez, F.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Recor...
     with: Johnson, D.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Imp...
     with: Kivi, R.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the N...
     with: Lander, K.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products fro...
     with: Laszlo, I.: Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System U...
     with: Lebair, W.: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced ...
     with: Li, S.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products from VI...
     with: Li, S.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operational ...
     with: Li, S.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Moderate...
     with: Li, S.: Introduction to the Geostationary-NASA Earth Exchange (GeoNEX)...
     with: Li, W.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Liang, D.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Lin, L.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS Rad...
     with: Lin, L.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Lindsey, D.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products fr...
     with: Lindsey, D.: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced...
     with: Lindsey, D.T.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from M...
     with: Liu, X.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methane Obse...
     with: Maggioni, V.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operat...
     with: McKain, K.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the...
     with: Mckee, P.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products from...
     with: Miralles Wilhelm, F.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from th...
     with: Mooney, D.L.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Im...
     with: Morino, I.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the...
     with: Nalli, N.R.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methane ...
     with: Nalli, N.R.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from th...
     with: Nemani, R.: Introduction to the Geostationary-NASA Earth Exchange (Geo...
     with: Niu, J.G.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Notholt, J.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from th...
     with: Oh, Y.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methane Obser...
     with: Ohyama, H.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the...
     with: Pan, C.H.: Geolocation Assessment and Optimization for OMPS Nadir Mapp...
     with: Paullin, A.: High Performance Remote Sensing Product Generation System...
     with: Pollard, D.F.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from ...
     with: Predina, J.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Imp...
     with: Pryor, K.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methane Ob...
     with: Pryor, K.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the ...
     with: Race, R.: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced Ba...
     with: Rettinger, M.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from ...
     with: Revercomb, H.E.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to...
     with: Schull, M.: Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System U...
     with: Shao, X.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS Ra...
     with: Shao, X.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Sjoberg, B.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products fr...
     with: Sjoberg, B.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Mod...
     with: Straka, W.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operatio...
     with: Strow, L.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Strow, L.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Impro...
     with: Sun, D.L.: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products from...
     with: Sun, D.L.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operation...
     with: Sun, D.L.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Moder...
     with: Sun, N.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Sun, N.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Improve...
     with: Sussmann, R.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from t...
     with: Suwinski, L.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Im...
     with: Sweeney, C.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from th...
     with: Takenaka, H.: Introduction to the Geostationary-NASA Earth Exchange (G...
     with: Tan, C.Y.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the ...
     with: Te, Y.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the NOA...
     with: Tobin, D.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Impro...
     with: Tobin, D.C.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Tremblay, D.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Tremblay, D.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Im...
     with: Uprety, S.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS ...
     with: Uprety, S.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: van Rompay, P.: High Performance Remote Sensing Product Generation Sys...
     with: Velazco, V.A.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from ...
     with: Vititoe, D.: High Performance Remote Sensing Product Generation System...
     with: Wang, L.: Geolocation Assessment and Optimization for OMPS Nadir Mappe...
     with: Wang, L.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Improv...
     with: Wang, T.Y.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the...
     with: Wang, W.: Introduction to the Geostationary-NASA Earth Exchange (GeoNE...
     with: Wang, W.H.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS ...
     with: Wang, W.H.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Warneke, T.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from th...
     with: Warner, J.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methane O...
     with: Warner, J.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the...
     with: Wei, Z.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methane Obse...
     with: Wei, Z.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the NO...
     with: Weiner, A.: High Performance Remote Sensing Product Generation System ...
     with: Wilson, M.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the...
     with: Wu, X.Q.: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced Ba...
     with: Wunch, D.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the ...
     with: Xu, H.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Yan, B.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Yan, B.H.: Geolocation Assessment and Optimization for OMPS Nadir Mapp...
     with: Yang, H.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Yang, T.S.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operatio...
     with: Yang, T.S.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Mode...
     with: Yu, P.: Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System Upgra...
     with: Yuan, M.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operationa...
     with: Zhan, X.: Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System Upg...
     with: Zhang, B.: Mission-Long Recalibrated Science Quality Suomi NPP VIIRS R...
     with: Zhang, B.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Zhang, B.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Impro...
     with: Zhang, Q.Y.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operati...
     with: Zhou, L.: Extracting Wetlands in Coastal Louisiana from the Operationa...
     with: Zhou, L.: Geolocation Assessment and Optimization for OMPS Nadir Mappe...
     with: Zhou, L.: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Modera...
     with: Zhou, L.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
     with: Zhou, L.: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Improv...
     with: Zhou, L.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the N...
     with: Zhou, L.H.: Spatiotemporal Variability of Global Atmospheric Methane O...
     with: Zhu, T.: Validation of Carbon Trace Gas Profile Retrievals from the NO...
     with: Zierk, S.: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced B...
     with: Zou, C.Z.: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
157 for Kalluri, S.

Kalluri, S.N.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bader, D.A.: Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retrieva...
     with: Defries, R.S.: Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
     with: El Saleous, N.: Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retri...
     with: Huang, C.: Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
     with: JaJa, J.: Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retrieval o...
     with: Liang, S.: Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
     with: Song, H.P.: Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retrieval...
     with: Townshend, J.R.G.: Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
     with: Townshend, J.R.G.: Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Re...
     with: Vermote, E.: Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retrieva...
     with: Yang, K.: Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retrieva...
12 for Kalluri, S.N.V.

Kalluri, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chandraker, M.: Cluster-to-adapt: Few Shot Domain Adaptation for Seman...
     with: Chandraker, M.: FLAVR: Flow-Agnostic Video Representations for Fast Fr...
     with: Chandraker, M.: GeoNet: Benchmarking Unsupervised Adaptation across Ge...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Instance Level Affinity-Based Transfer for Unsupervise...
     with: Chandraker, M.: MemSAC: Memory Augmented Sample Consistency for Large ...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Open-world Instance Segmentation: Top-down Learning wi...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using T...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Uda-bench: Revisiting Common Assumptions in Unsupervis...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Universal Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Universal Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
     with: Lee, J.: Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-to-...
     with: Liu, J.: Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-to-...
     with: Pathak, D.: FLAVR: Flow-Agnostic Video Representations for Fast Frame ...
     with: Ravichandran, S.: Uda-bench: Revisiting Common Assumptions in Unsuperv...
     with: Sharma, A.: Instance Level Affinity-Based Transfer for Unsupervised Do...
     with: Sharma, A.: MemSAC: Memory Augmented Sample Consistency for Large Scal...
     with: Singla, S.: Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-...
     with: Sohn, K.: Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-to...
     with: Torresani, L.: Open-world Instance Segmentation: Top-down Learning wit...
     with: Tran, D.: FLAVR: Flow-Agnostic Video Representations for Fast Frame In...
     with: Tran, D.: Open-world Instance Segmentation: Top-down Learning with Bot...
     with: Varma, G.: Universal Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
     with: Wang, H.: Open-world Instance Segmentation: Top-down Learning with Bot...
     with: Wang, W.Y.: Open-world Instance Segmentation: Top-down Learning with B...
     with: Xu, J.: Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-to-I...
     with: Xu, W.: GeoNet: Benchmarking Unsupervised Adaptation across Geographies
26 for Kalluri, T.

Kalluri, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kanai, J.: Improving Optical Character-Recognition Accuracy Using Ada...
     with: Stubberud, P.A.: Improving Optical Character-Recognition Accuracy Usin...

Kallus, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ardeshir, S.: Estimating Structural Disparities for Face Models
     with: Segalin, C.: Estimating Structural Disparities for Face Models

Kallwies, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Engler, T.: Fast and Accurate Image-Registration Algorithm Using Prior...
     with: Engler, T.: Triple-SGM: Stereo Processing using Semi-Global Matching w...
     with: Forkel, B.: Triple-SGM: Stereo Processing using Semi-Global Matching w...
     with: Wuensche, H.: Triple-SGM: Stereo Processing using Semi-Global Matching...
     with: Wuensche, H.J.: Effective Combination of Vertical and Horizontal Stere...
     with: Wuensche, H.J.: Fast and Accurate Image-Registration Algorithm Using P...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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