Index for kirs

Kirsacanin, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Schonfeld, D.: Fast Thresholded Linear Convolution Representation of M...

Kirsch, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gal, Y.: Deep Deterministic Uncertainty: A New Simple Baseline
     with: Mukhoti, J.: Deep Deterministic Uncertainty: A New Simple Baseline
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Deep Deterministic Uncertainty: A New Simple Baseline
     with: van Amersfoort, J.: Deep Deterministic Uncertainty: A New Simple Basel...

Kirsch, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Booysen, R.: Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspectral ...
     with: Booysen, R.: Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hypers...
     with: Chakraborty, R.: Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hy...
     with: de la Rosa, R.: Automated Multi-Scale and Multivariate Geological Logg...
     with: Fensholt, R.: Integration of Vessel-Based Hyperspectral Scanning and 3...
     with: Gloaguen, R.: Automated Multi-Scale and Multivariate Geological Loggin...
     with: Gloaguen, R.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Carbo...
     with: Gloaguen, R.: Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspectral...
     with: Gloaguen, R.: Integration of Vessel-Based Hyperspectral Scanning and 3...
     with: Gloaguen, R.: Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Range ...
     with: Gloaguen, R.: Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hyper...
     with: Gumhold, S.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Bra...
     with: Heincke, B.H.: Integration of Vessel-Based Hyperspectral Scanning and ...
     with: Hodl, P.: Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspectral and...
     with: Hoffmann, N.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Br...
     with: Hoffmann, N.: Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Imag...
     with: Hollmach, J.: Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Imag...
     with: Jackisch, R.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Carbo...
     with: Khodadadzadeh, M.: Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspe...
     with: Koch, E.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Brain ...
     with: Koch, E.: Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Imaging ...
     with: Kumar, N.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Brain...
     with: Lorenz, S.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Carbona...
     with: Lorenz, S.: Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspectral a...
     with: Lorenz, S.: Integration of Vessel-Based Hyperspectral Scanning and 3D-...
     with: Lorenz, S.: Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Range Gr...
     with: Lorenz, S.: Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hypersp...
     with: Madriz, Y.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Carbona...
     with: Mockel, R.: Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspectral a...
     with: Oelschlagel, M.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional...
     with: Petersohn, U.: Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Ima...
     with: Pirttijarvi, M.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Ca...
     with: Rachdi, I.: Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hypersp...
     with: Radev, Y.: Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Imaging...
     with: Saartenoja, A.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Car...
     with: Salehi, S.: Integration of Vessel-Based Hyperspectral Scanning and 3D-...
     with: Salehi, S.: Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Range Gr...
     with: Savolainen, M.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Car...
     with: Schnabel, C.: Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Imag...
     with: Sebari, I.: Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hypersp...
     with: Sorensen, E.V.: Integration of Vessel-Based Hyperspectral Scanning and...
     with: Sorensen, E.V.: Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Rang...
     with: Steiner, G.: Wavelet Subspace Analysis of Intraoperative Thermal Imagi...
     with: Thiele, S.: Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hypersp...
     with: Tolosana Delgado, R.: Automated Multi-Scale and Multivariate Geologica...
     with: Tusa, L.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Carbonati...
     with: Tusa, L.: Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspectral and...
     with: Ugalde, H.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Carbona...
     with: Unger, G.: Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Range Gro...
     with: Zimmermann, R.: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Car...
     with: Zimmermann, R.: Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspectr...
     with: Zimmermann, R.: Integration of Vessel-Based Hyperspectral Scanning and...
     with: Zimmermann, R.: Radiometric Correction and 3D Integration of Long-Rang...
53 for Kirsch, M.

Kirsch, N.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Badrawi, M.H.: De-noising Scheme Based on the Null Hypothesis of In...
     with: Al Badrawi, M.H.: Intrinsic Mode Function Based Noise Power Estimation...
     with: Al Badrawi, M.H.: Optimized De-Noising Scheme Based on the Null Hypoth...
     with: Al Jewad, B.Z.: De-noising Scheme Based on the Null Hypothesis of Intr...
     with: Al Jewad, B.Z.: Intrinsic Mode Function Based Noise Power Estimation W...
     with: Smith, J.R.: Optimized De-Noising Scheme Based on the Null Hypothesis ...
     with: Smith, W.J.: De-noising Scheme Based on the Null Hypothesis of Intrins...
7 for Kirsch, N.J.

Kirsch, R.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cahn, L.: Experiments in Processing Pictorial Information with a Digit...
     with: Ray, L.C.: Experiments in Processing Pictorial Information with a Digi...
     with: Urban, G.H.: Experiments in Processing Pictorial Information with a Di...

Kirschbaum, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amatya, P.: Use of Very High-Resolution Optical Data for Landslide Map...
     with: Arsenault, K.: Potential of GPM IMERG Precipitation Estimates to Monit...
     with: Getirana, A.: Potential of GPM IMERG Precipitation Estimates to Monito...
     with: Khan, S.: Potential of GPM IMERG Precipitation Estimates to Monitor Na...
     with: Mandarino, F.: Potential of GPM IMERG Precipitation Estimates to Monit...
     with: Ottoni, M.: Potential of GPM IMERG Precipitation Estimates to Monitor ...
     with: Stanley, T.: Use of Very High-Resolution Optical Data for Landslide Ma...
7 for Kirschbaum, D.

Kirschenbaum, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zinke Wehlmann, C.: Geo-L: Topological Link Discovery for Geospatial L...

Kirschke, J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Menze, B.H.: Reinforced Redetection of Landmark in Pre- and Post-opera...
     with: Molero, E.: Reinforced Redetection of Landmark in Pre- and Post-operat...
     with: Navarro, F.: Reinforced Redetection of Landmark in Pre- and Post-opera...
     with: Sekuboyina, A.: Reinforced Redetection of Landmark in Pre- and Post-op...
     with: Waldmannstetter, D.: Reinforced Redetection of Landmark in Pre- and Po...
     with: Wiestler, B.: Reinforced Redetection of Landmark in Pre- and Post-oper...

Kirschmann, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Genoud, C.: Demon registration for 3D images obtained by serial block ...
     with: Hawes, C.: Demon registration for 3D images obtained by serial block f...
     with: Hummel, E.: Demon registration for 3D images obtained by serial block ...
     with: Thierry, R.: Demon registration for 3D images obtained by serial block...

Kirschmeyer, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hansen, S.: Cluster tracking with Time-of-Flight cameras
     with: Larsen, R.: Cluster tracking with Time-of-Flight cameras
     with: Mads, H.: Cluster tracking with Time-of-Flight cameras
     with: Silvestre, D.: Cluster tracking with Time-of-Flight cameras
     with: Witzner, D.: Cluster tracking with Time-of-Flight cameras

Kirschner, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andrienko, G.: Opening up the black box of medical image segmentation ...
     with: Andrienko, N.: Opening up the black box of medical image segmentation ...
     with: Bremm, S.: Opening up the black box of medical image segmentation with...
     with: Buzug, T.M.: Using image segmentation for evaluating 3D statistical sh...
     with: Gollmer, S.T.: Using image segmentation for evaluating 3D statistical ...
     with: Kuijper, A.: Opening up the black box of medical image segmentation wi...
     with: von Landesberger, T.: Opening up the black box of medical image segmen...
     with: Wesarg, S.: Opening up the black box of medical image segmentation wit...
     with: Wesarg, S.: Using image segmentation for evaluating 3D statistical sha...
9 for Kirschner, M.

Kirschstein, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barillot, M.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Therma...
     with: Bianchi, S.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Thermal...
     with: Brandani, F.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Therma...
     with: Coppo, P.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Thermal I...
     with: Etxaluze, M.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Therma...
     with: Frerick, J.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Thermal...
     with: Lee, A.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Thermal Inf...
     with: Maddison, B.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Therma...
     with: Newman, E.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Thermal ...
     with: Nightingale, T.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the The...
     with: Peters, D.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Thermal ...
     with: Polehampton, E.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the The...
     with: Smith, D.: Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Thermal I...
13 for Kirschstein, S.

Kirschstein, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agapito, L.: Learning Neural Parametric Head Models
     with: Agapito, L.: MonoNPHM: Dynamic Head Reconstruction from Monocular Videos
     with: Davoli, D.: GaussianAvatars: Photorealistic Head Avatars with Rigged 3...
     with: Georgopoulos, M.: Learning Neural Parametric Head Models
     with: Georgopoulos, M.: MonoNPHM: Dynamic Head Reconstruction from Monocular...
     with: Giebenhain, S.: DiffusionAvatars: Deferred Diffusion for High-fidelity...
     with: Giebenhain, S.: GaussianAvatars: Photorealistic Head Avatars with Rigg...
     with: Giebenhain, S.: Learning Neural Parametric Head Models
     with: Giebenhain, S.: MonoNPHM: Dynamic Head Reconstruction from Monocular V...
     with: Nießner, M.: DiffusionAvatars: Deferred Diffusion for High-fidelity 3D...
     with: Nießner, M.: GaussianAvatars: Photorealistic Head Avatars with Rigged ...
     with: Nießner, M.: Learning Neural Parametric Head Models
     with: Nießner, M.: MonoNPHM: Dynamic Head Reconstruction from Monocular Videos
     with: Qian, S.: GaussianAvatars: Photorealistic Head Avatars with Rigged 3D ...
     with: Runz, M.: Learning Neural Parametric Head Models
     with: Runz, M.: MonoNPHM: Dynamic Head Reconstruction from Monocular Videos
     with: Schoneveld, L.: GaussianAvatars: Photorealistic Head Avatars with Rigg...
17 for Kirschstein, T.

Kirscht, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rinke, C.: 3d Reconstruction of Buildings and Vegetation from Syntheti...

Kirsh, R.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Graminski, E.L.: Image Analysis in Paper Manufacturing

Kirshanthan, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Silva, D.V.S.X.: Layered Depth Image Based HEVC Multi-view Codec
     with: Lajanugen, L.: Layered Depth Image Based HEVC Multi-view Codec
     with: Panagoda, P.N.D.: Layered Depth Image Based HEVC Multi-view Codec
     with: Pasqual, A.A.: Layered Depth Image Based HEVC Multi-view Codec
     with: Wijesinghe, L.P.: Layered Depth Image Based HEVC Multi-view Codec

Kirshner, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bourquard, A.: Adaptive Image Resizing Based on Continuous-Domain Stoc...
     with: Bourquard, A.: Resolution-invariant separable ARMA modeling of images
     with: Porat, M.: Adaptive Image Resizing Based on Continuous-Domain Stochast...
     with: Porat, M.: On the Role of Exponential Splines in Image Interpolation
     with: Porat, M.: stochastic model-based approach to image and texture interp...
     with: Unser, M.: Adaptive Image Resizing Based on Continuous-Domain Stochast...
     with: Unser, M.: Is Uniqueness Lost for Under-Sampled Continuous-Time Auto-R...
     with: Unser, M.: Resolution-invariant separable ARMA modeling of images
     with: Ward, J.P.: Adaptive Image Resizing Based on Continuous-Domain Stochas...
     with: Ward, J.P.: Is Uniqueness Lost for Under-Sampled Continuous-Time Auto-...
10 for Kirshner, H.

Kirshner, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gross, D.C.: Human-Computer Interaction for Space Situational Awarenes...

Kirshner, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cadez, I.V.: Probabilistic model-based detection of bent-double radio ...
     with: Cantu Paz, E.: Probabilistic model-based detection of bent-double radi...
     with: Kamath, C.: Probabilistic model-based detection of bent-double radio g...
     with: Smyth, P.: Probabilistic model-based detection of bent-double radio ga...

Kirstain, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ashual, O.: Emu Edit: Precise Image Editing via Recognition and Genera...
     with: Parikh, D.: Emu Edit: Precise Image Editing via Recognition and Genera...
     with: Parikh, D.: Video Editing via Factorized Diffusion Distillation
     with: Polyak, A.: Emu Edit: Precise Image Editing via Recognition and Genera...
     with: Polyak, A.: Video Editing via Factorized Diffusion Distillation
     with: Sheynin, S.: Emu Edit: Precise Image Editing via Recognition and Gener...
     with: Sheynin, S.: Video Editing via Factorized Diffusion Distillation
     with: Singer, U.: Emu Edit: Precise Image Editing via Recognition and Genera...
     with: Singer, U.: Video Editing via Factorized Diffusion Distillation
     with: Taigman, Y.: Emu Edit: Precise Image Editing via Recognition and Gener...
     with: Taigman, Y.: Video Editing via Factorized Diffusion Distillation
     with: Zohar, A.: Emu Edit: Precise Image Editing via Recognition and Generat...
     with: Zohar, A.: Video Editing via Factorized Diffusion Distillation
13 for Kirstain, Y.

Kirste, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bokde, A.L.W.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Al...
     with: Dyrba, M.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzhei...
     with: Ewers, M.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzhei...
     with: Fellgiebel, A.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of A...
     with: Filippi, M.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzh...
     with: Hampel, H.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzhe...
     with: Hauenstein, K.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of A...
     with: Kilimann, I.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alz...
     with: Kloppel, S.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzh...
     with: Meindl, T.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzhe...
     with: Oswald, A.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzhe...
     with: Pievani, M.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzh...
     with: Plant, C.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzhei...
     with: Teipel, S.J.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alz...
     with: Wegrzyn, M.: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzh...
15 for Kirste, T.

Kirstein, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bauer Wersing, U.: Online Learning for Bootstrapping of Object Recogni...
     with: Korner, E.: Online Learning for Bootstrapping of Object Recognition an...
     with: Korner, E.: Rapid Online Learning of Objects in a Biologically Motivat...
     with: Schneiders, B.: Online Learning for Bootstrapping of Object Recognitio...
     with: Wersing, H.: Online Learning for Bootstrapping of Object Recognition a...
     with: Wersing, H.: Rapid Online Learning of Objects in a Biologically Motiva...

Kirsten, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jung, C.R.: Can we trust bounding box annotations for object detection?
     with: Murrugarra Llerena, J.: Can we trust bounding box annotations for obje...

Kirsten, L.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jung, C.R.: Probabilistic Intersection-Over-Union for Training and Eva...
     with: Murrugarra Llerena, J.: Probabilistic Intersection-Over-Union for Trai...
     with: Zeni, L.F.: Probabilistic Intersection-Over-Union for Training and Eva...

Kirsten, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baatz, R.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity...
     with: Bannehr, L.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Bastian, O.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Borg, E.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity:...
     with: Borg, E.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: R...
     with: Bumberger, J.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiver...
     with: Bumberger, J.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part I...
     with: Catana, E.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversit...
     with: Dietrich, P.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodivers...
     with: Dietrich, P.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part II...
     with: Glasser, C.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Hacker, J.M.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodivers...
     with: Heurich, M.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III...
     with: Hofer, R.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity...
     with: Huth, A.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: R...
     with: Jagdhuber, T.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiver...
     with: Jany, S.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity:...
     with: Jung, A.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity:...
     with: Jung, A.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: R...
     with: Karnieli, A.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodivers...
     with: Klenke, R.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversit...
     with: Klenke, R.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III:...
     with: Knapp, S.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: ...
     with: Kodel, U.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity...
     with: Kresse, W.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversit...
     with: Lausch, A.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversit...
     with: Lausch, A.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III:...
     with: Mallast, U.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Mollenhauer, H.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiv...
     with: Mollenhauer, H.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part...
     with: Moller, M.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversit...
     with: Montzka, C.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Paasche, H.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III...
     with: Paulheim, H.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part II...
     with: Pause, M.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity...
     with: Pause, M.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III: ...
     with: Rahman, M.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversit...
     with: Schaepman, M.E.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiv...
     with: Schaepman, M.E.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part...
     with: Schmulius, C.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part I...
     with: Schmullius, C.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodive...
     with: Schrodt, F.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Schutze, C.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Schweitzer, C.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part ...
     with: Selsam, P.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversit...
     with: Settele, J.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III...
     with: Skidmore, A.K.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodive...
     with: Skidmore, A.K.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part ...
     with: Syrbe, R.U.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Truckenbrodt, S.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodi...
     with: Vohland, M.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversi...
     with: Volk, M.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity:...
     with: Wegmann, M.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part III...
     with: Wellmann, T.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodivers...
     with: Zacharias, S.: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiver...
     with: Zacharias, S.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing, Part I...
56 for Kirsten, T.

Kirstetter, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anagnostou, E.N.: Incorporating Surface Soil Moisture Information in E...
     with: Gourley, J.J.: Incorporating Surface Soil Moisture Information in Erro...
     with: Hong, Y.: Incorporating Surface Soil Moisture Information in Error Mod...
     with: Maggioni, V.: Incorporating Surface Soil Moisture Information in Error...
     with: Seyyedi, H.: Incorporating Surface Soil Moisture Information in Error ...

Kirstetter, P.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Behrangi, A.: Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of the Latest Rada...
     with: Bodine, D.J.: Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Radar...
     with: Cheong, B.: Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Radar M...
     with: Hasan, E.: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Water Storage Changes in...
     with: Lambrigtsen, B.: Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of the Latest R...
     with: Osa, K.: Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Radar Meas...
     with: Palmer, R.D.: Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Radar...
     with: Schvartzman, D.: Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Ra...
     with: Tarhule, A.: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Water Storage Changes ...
     with: Teshiba, M.S.: Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Rada...
     with: Ueki, A.: Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Radar Mea...
     with: Wen, Y.X.: Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of the Latest Radar a...
     with: Yu, T.Y.: Winter Precipitation Detection Using C- and X-Band Radar Mea...
13 for Kirstetter, P.E.

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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