Differencing Papers -- Ramesh Jain

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Motion, Detection. Motion, Differencing. Image Difference.

Jain, R.C.[Ramesh C.], and Nagel, H.H.,
On the Analysis of Accumulative Difference Pictures from Image Sequences of Real World Scenes,
PAMI(1), No. 2, April 1979, pp. 206-213. Accumulate differences in the sequence, by counting how many images have changes in the given points. These indicate the beginning or the end of the object (relative to the motion). BibRef 7904

Jain, R., Martin, W.N., Aggarwal, J.K.,
Segmentation Through the Detection of Change Due to Motion,
CGIP(11), No. 1, September 1979, pp. 13-34.
Elsevier DOI BibRef 7909
Extraction of Moving Object Images Through Change Detection,
IJCAI79(425-428). BibRef

Jain, R.C., Militzer, D., and Nagel, H.H.,
Separating Non-Stationary from Stationary Scene Components in a Sequence of Real World TV Images,
IJCAI77(612-618). Early version of this work. Monitor changes in pixels, draw a box around the motion and generate a translation estimate. BibRef 7700

Jain, R.C.[Ramesh C.],
Extraction of Motion Information from Peripheral Processes,
PAMI(3), No. 5, September 1981, pp. 489-503. BibRef 8109

Jain, R.C.[Ramesh C.],
Dynamic Scene Analysis Using Pixel-Based Processes,
Computer(14), No. 8, August 1981, pp. 12-18. Low level processes to extract information from images - difference analysis and accumulative difference analysis. BibRef 8108

Jain, R.,
Segmentation of Moving Observer Frame Sequences,
PRL(1), No. 2, 1982, 115-120. BibRef 8200

Jayaramamurthy, S.N., and Jain, R.C.[Ramesh C.],
An Approach to the Segmentation of Textured Dynamic Scenes,
CVGIP(21), No. 2, February 1983, pp. 239-261.
Elsevier DOI BibRef 8302
An Approach for Segmentation of Textured Dynamic Scenes,
ICPR82(925-930). BibRef
Segmentation of Textured Scenes Using Motion Information,
CVWS82(73-82). BibRef
Segmentation of Textured Dynamic Scenes,
PRIP81(91-93). BibRef

Jain, R.C.[Ramesh C.],
Segmentation of Frame Sequence Obtained by a Moving Observer,
PAMI(6), No. 5, September 1984, pp. 624-629. BibRef 8409
Earlier: GM ReportGMR-4247, January 28, 1983. Log Polar Mapping. It does not clearly state what is being done. There is a lot about a transformation that makes it easier to do the work (transform into a polar coordinate system). On the pictures that they show it does interesting things, but its not clear that all the effort is needed. Is it anything more that subtracting the background? BibRef

Skifstad, K.D.[Kurt D.], and Jain, R.C.,
Illumination Independent Change Detection for Real World Image Sequences,
CVGIP(46), No. 3, June 1989, pp. 387-399.
Elsevier DOI Introduces some models to transform intensity data before differencing. No references to the prior CDC work of Lillestrand and Ulsatd. BibRef 8906

Jain, R.C.,
Peripheral Processes in Machine Perception of Motion,
ICPR80(1243-1245). BibRef 8000

Jain, R.C.[Ramesh C.], and Nagel, H.H.,
On a Motion Analysis Process for Image Sequences of Real World Scenes,
PRAI-78(1-3). BibRef 7800

Chapter on Motion Analysis -- Low-Level, Image Level Analysis, Mosaic Generation, Super Resolution, Shape from Motion continues in
Image Segmentation from Motion Information .

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