Aggar, A.A.[Ammar Abdullah]
Co Author Listing * DEVTrV2: Enhanced Data-Efficient Video Transformer For Violence Detection
Aggarval, J.
Co Author Listing * Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Large-Scale Video Analytics for Enhanced Security: Algorithms and Systems
Aggarwal, A.[Ashutosh]
Co Author Listing * Authenticating and securing healthcare records: A deep learning-based zero watermarking approach
* Detecting distraction of drivers using Convolutional Neural Network
* Face image quality for actor profile image curation
* Framework for Determination of Heart Valves' Mechanical Properties Using Inverse-Modeling Approach, A
* improved block based joint reversible data hiding in encrypted images by symmetric cryptosystem, An
* Layered-garment Net: Generating Multiple Implicit Garment Layers from a Single Image
* Local Region-to-Region Mapping-based Approach to Classify Articulated Objects
* Minimum Area Circumscribing Polygons
* Object Tracking Using Affine Structure for Point Correspondences
* Object Tracking Using Background Subtraction and Motion Estimation in MPEG Videos
* Quo Vadis, Skeleton Action Recognition?
* Reconstruct, Rasterize and Backprop: Dense shape and pose estimation from a single image
* Wave Height Prediction in Maritime Transportation Using Decomposition Based Learning
Includes: Aggarwal, A.[Ashutosh] Aggarwal, A.[Aakash] Aggarwal, A.[Abhinav] Aggarwal, A.[Ankush] Aggarwal, A.[Alakh] Aggarwal, A.[Ayush] Aggarwal, A. Aggarwal, A.[Ashwani] Aggarwal, A.[Aditya]
13 for Aggarwal, A.
Aggarwal, A.K.[Ashwani Kumar]
Co Author Listing * Neural Style Transfer for image within images and conditional GANs for destylization
Aggarwal, B.[Bharat]
Co Author Listing * Estimating Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) with the Google Earth Engine and Sentinel-2
* Towards Global-Scale Seagrass Mapping and Monitoring Using Sentinel-2 on Google Earth Engine: The Case Study of the Aegean and Ionian Seas
Aggarwal, C.[Charu]
Co Author Listing * Bridging the Gap between Spatial and Spectral Domains: A Unified Framework for Graph Neural Networks
* Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
* Exploring Context and Content Links in Social Media: A Latent Space Method
* Joint Intermodal and Intramodal Label Transfers for Extremely Rare or Unseen Classes
* Online Behavioral Analysis and Modeling, Guest Editorial
* Towards cross-category knowledge propagation for learning visual concepts
Includes: Aggarwal, C.[Charu] Aggarwal, C.
Aggarwal, C.C.[Charu C.]
Co Author Listing * CARLA: Self-supervised contrastive representation learning for time series anomaly detection
Aggarwal, D.[Divyansh]
Co Author Listing * Identifying Missing Children: Face Age-Progression via Deep Feature Aging
* Learning Style Compatibility for Furniture
* Lifting 2D StyleGAN for 3D-Aware Face Generation
Aggarwal, E.[Ekta]
Co Author Listing * Investigating the Influence of River Geomorphology on Human Presence Using Night Light Data: A Case Study in the Indus Basin
Aggarwal, G.[Gaurav]
Co Author Listing * Appearance Characterization of Linear Lambertian Objects, Generalized Photometric Stereo, and Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* beauty of capturing faces: Rating the quality of digital portraits, The
* Biometric Verification: Looking Beyond Raw Similarity Scores
* Efficient and Robust Algorithm for Shape Indexing and Retrieval, An
* Efficient Data Driven Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Alignment, An
* Efficient Indexing For Articulation Invariant Shape Matching And Retrieval
* Efficient Query Modification for Image Retrieval
* Exploring Ridge Curvature for Fingerprint Indexing
* Face Recognition in the Presence of Multiple Illumination Sources
* Facial marks as biometric signatures to distinguish between identical twins
* Gradient based Textural Characterization of Fingerprints
* Invariant Geometric Representation of 3D Point Clouds for Registration and Matching
* iPURE: Perceptual and User-friendly REtrieval of Images
* Non-generative Approach for Face Recognition Across Aging, A
* Novel Class Discovery Without Forgetting
* Pose-Robust Recognition of Low-Resolution Face Images
* Predicting good, bad and ugly match Pairs
* Predicting performance of face recognition systems: An image characterization approach
* Robust Estimation of Albedo for Illumination-invariant Matching and Shape Recovery
* Spacing Loss for Discovering Novel Categories
* sparse representation approach to face matching across plastic surgery, A
* Symmetric Objects are Hardly Ambiguous
* system identification approach for video-based face recognition, A
* UMD Experiments with FRGC Data
* Video Biometrics
Includes: Aggarwal, G.[Gaurav] Aggarwal, G.
25 for Aggarwal, G.
Aggarwal, H.
Co Author Listing * Computing Egomotion with Local Loop Closures for Egocentric Videos
* Hyper-parameter optimization of deep learning model for prediction of Parkinson's disease
Includes: Aggarwal, H. Aggarwal, H.[Himanshu]
Aggarwal, H.K.
Co Author Listing * Deep Generalization of Structured Low-Rank Algorithms (Deep-SLR)
* Discriminative Robust Deep Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* ENSURE: A General Approach for Unsupervised Training of Deep Image Reconstruction Algorithms
* Extension of Sparse Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm for Multiple Measurement Vectors
* MoDL-MUSSELS: Model-Based Deep Learning for Multishot Sensitivity-Encoded Diffusion MRI
* MoDL: Model-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Inverse Problems
* Multi-spectral demosaicing technique for single-sensor imaging
* Multi-spectral demosaicing: A joint-sparse elastic-net formulation
Includes: Aggarwal, H.K. Aggarwal, H.K.[Hemant K.] Aggarwal, H.K.[Hemant Kumar]
8 for Aggarwal, H.K.
Aggarwal, J.
Co Author Listing * Feature Extraction of Edge by Directional Computation of Gray-Scale Variation
* Hybrid Architecture for Performance Reasoning in Classification Systems, A
Aggarwal, J.K.
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Aggarwal, J.K.: aggarwaljk AT mail utexas edu
* 3-D Model Construction from Multiple Views Using Range and Intensity Data
* 3-D Object Representation from Range Data Using Intrinsic Surface Properties
* 3-D Reconstruction of Objects from Range Data
* 3D dynamic facial expression recognition using low-resolution videos
* 3D Face Recognition Founded on the Structural Diversity of Human Faces
* 3D face recognition with the average-half-face
* 3D Structure Reconstruction from an Ego Motion Sequence Using Statistical Estimation and Detection Theory
* adaptive background model initialization algorithm with objects moving at different depths, An
* Analysis of a Model for Parallel Image Processing
* Analysis of the Stereo Correspondence Process in Scenes with Narrow Occluding Objects
* Analysis of Video Image Sequences Using Point and Line Correspondences
* Analyzing Dynamic Scenes Containing Moving Objects
* Analyzing Orthographic Projection of Multiple 3-D Velocity Vector Fields in Optical Flow
* Applying Perceptual Grouping to Content-based Image Retrieval: Building Images
* Applying Perceptual Organization to the Detection of Man-Made Objects in Non-Urban Scenes
* Artificial Intelligence Approach to Pattern Recognition: A Perspective and an Overview, The
* Automatic Tracking of Human Motion in Indoor Scenes Across Multiple Synchronized Video Streams
* Bayesian Approach to Human Activity Recognition, A
* Bayesian Range Segmentation Using Focus Cues
* Bayesian recognition of targets by parts in second generation forward looking infrared images
* Bayesian Segmentation Framework for Textured Visual Images, A
* CAD-Based Vision: Object Recognition in Cluttered Range Images Using Recognition Strategies
* Calibrating a Mobile Camera's Parameters
* case for the average-half-face in 2D and 3D for face recognition, A
* Color-Based Computer Analysis of Aerial Photographs
* Combining structure, color and texture for image retrieval: A performance evaluation
* Comparative Study of Three Paradigms for Object Recognition: Bayesian Statistics, Neural Networks, and Expert Systems, A
* Comparative Texture Classification Study Based on Generalized Co-occurrence Matrices, A
* Computation of Surface Orientation and Structure of Objects Using Grid Coding
* Computation of Volume/Surface Octrees from Contours and Silhouettes of Multiple Views
* Computational Analysis of Time-Varying Images, A
* Computer Analysis of Dynamic Scenes Containing Curvilinear Figures
* Computer Analysis of Moving Polygonal Images
* Computer Analysis of Planar Curvilinear Moving Images
* Computer Analysis of Scenes with Curved Objects
* Computer Detection and Classification of Three Citrus Infestations
* Computer Methods in Images Analysis
* Computer Recognition of Partial Views of Curved Objects
* Computer Recognition of Partial Views of Three Dimensional Curved Objects
* Computer Tracking of Objects Moving in Space
* Computer Tracking of Three Dimensional Objects
* Computer vision and image processing research at the University of Texas at Austin
* Computing stereo correspondences in the presence of narrow occluding objects
* Construction of Surface Representation from 3-D Volumetric Scene Description
* Contour Registration by Shape-Specific Points for Shape Matching
* Convergence of Fuzzy-Pyramid Algorithms
* Cooperative Matching Paradigm for the Analysis of Stereo Image Sequences
* Correspondence Processes in Dynamic Scene Analysis
* Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Third Camera for Stereo Correspondence, A
* Counting Straight Lines
* Counting Vehicles in Highway Surveillance Videos
* Curvature-Based Representation of Objects From Range Data
* Curve and Surface Interpolation Using Rational Radial Basis Functions
* Depth estimation using stereo fish-eye lenses
* Detecting 3D Parallel Lines for Perceptual Organization
* Detecting Moving Objects in Airborne Forward Looking Infra-Red Sequences
* Detecting unexpected moving obstacles that appear in the path of a navigating robot
* Detection and Segmentation of Man-Made Objects in Outdoor Scenes: Concrete Bridges
* Detection of abandoned objects in crowded environments
* Detection of Edges Using Range Information
* Detection of Fence Climbing from Monocular Video
* Detection of object abandonment using temporal logic
* Detection of stable contacts for human motion analysis
* Determining Motion Parameters Using Intensity Guided Range Sensing
* Determining Object Motion in a Sequence of Stereo Images
* Determining the 3-D structure of serial-sectioned microscopic objects: analysis and limitations
* Determining the Movement of Objects from a Sequence of Images
* Determining Vanishing Points from Perspective Images
* Differencing Operations for the Segmentation of Moving Objects in Dynamic Scenes
* Digital Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Serially Sectioned Optical Images
* Dynamic Scene Analysis
* Dynamic Scene Analysis: A Survey
* Eigenshape kernel based mean shift for human tracking
* Empirical Evaluation of Generalized Cooccurrence Matrices, An
* end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using behavior, actions, and appearance with interactive query refinement, An
* Estimation of Motion from a Pair of Range Images: A Review
* Estimation of Position and Displacement in Space from Two Images
* Event semantics in two-person interactions
* Experiments in Combining Intensity and Range Edge Maps
* Experiments in Computing Optical Flow with the Gradient-Based, Multiconstraint Method
* Experiments in Intensity Guided Range Sensing Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects
* Exploiting Geometric Restrictions in a PTZ Camera for Finding Point-Correspondences Between Configurations
* Extraction of Moving Object Descriptions via Differencing
* Extraction of Moving Object Images Through Change Detection
* Facial expression recognition with temporal modeling of shapes
* Finding Range From Stereo Images
* Finding the Edges of the Surfaces of Three-Dimensional Curved Objects by Computer
* Flexibly Coupled Hypercube Multiprocessor for High Level Vision, A
* Focused Target Segmentation Paradigm, A
* Formulation of Parallel Image Processing Tasks
* Full-motion recovery from multiple video cameras applied to face tracking and recognition
* Fusing face recognition from multiple cameras
* Generation of Volume/Surface Octree from Range Data
* Geometry Guided Incremental Segmentation
* Hierarchical Recognition of Human Activities Interacting with Objects
* Hierarchical, Modular Architectures for Object Recognition by Parts
* Human action recognition with extremities as semantic posture representation
* Human activities: Handling uncertainties using fuzzy time intervals
* Human Activity Analysis: A Review
* Human activity recognition from 3D data: A review
* Human detection using depth information by Kinect
* Human Motion Analysis: A Review
* Human motion: modeling and recognition of actions and interactions
* Human Shadow Removal with Unknown Light Source
* Identification of 3D Objects from Multiple Silhouettes Using Quadtrees/Octrees
* Image analysis of solid-liquid interface morphology in freezing solutions
* Image Interpretation Using Multiple Sensing Modalities
* Image Retrieval via Isotropic and Anisotropic Mappings
* Image Segmentation by Conventional and Information-Integrating Techniques: A Synopsis
* Image Segmentation Using Laser Radar Data
* Image/Map Correspondence for Mobile Robot Self-Location Using Computer Graphics
* Indoor Scene Recognition from RGB-D Images by Learning Scene Bases
* Inferring Local Surface Orientation with the Aid of Grid Coding
* Integrated Analysis of Thermal and Visual Images for Scene Interpretation
* Integrated Modelling of Thermal and Visual Image Generation
* Integrating Information from Thermal and Visual Images for Scene Analysis
* Integration of Active and Passive Sensing Techniques for Representing Three-Dimensional Objects
* Integration of Image Segmentation Maps Using Region and Edge Information, The
* Integration of Region and Edge-Based Segmentation, The
* Intensity Guided Range Sensing Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects
* Interactive Computer Analysis of Aerial Color Infrared Photographs
* Interpretation of Laser Radar Images by a Knowledge-Based System
* Interpretation of Structure and Motion Using Straight Line Correspondences
* Intrinsic Parameter Calibration Procedure for a (High-Distortion) Fish-Eye Lens Camera with Distortion Model and Accuracy Estimation
* Is there a connection between face symmetry and face recognition?
* large-scale benchmark dataset for event recognition in surveillance video, A
* Line Correspondences from Cooperating Spatial and Temporal Grouping Processes for a Sequence of Images
* Line-Based Computation of Structure and Motion Using Angular Invariance
* Localization of Objects from Range Data
* Lower Level and Higher Level Approaches to Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Matching Aerial Images to 3-D Terrain Maps
* Matching Three-Dimensional Objects Using Silhouettes
* Mining discriminative states of hands and objects to recognize egocentric actions with a wearable RGBD camera
* Mobile Robot Navigation and Scene Modeling Using Stereo Fish-Eye Lens System
* Mobile Robot Self-Location Using Model-Image Feature Correspondence
* MODEEP: A motion-based object detection and pose estimation method for airborne FLIR sequences
* Model Construction and Shape Recognition from Occluding Contours
* Model for Characterizing the Motion of the Solid-Liquid Interface in Freezing Solutions, A
* Model-Based Object Recognition in Dense Range Images
* Modeling human activities as speech
* Motion and Image Differencing
* Motion and Time-Varying Imagery
* Motion and Time-Varying Imagery: An Overview
* Motion Understanding: Robot and Human Vision
* Moving Obstacle Detection from a Navigating Robot
* Multi-Sensor Image Interpretation Using Laser Radar and Thermal Images
* Multiple Feature Integration for Robust Object Localization
* Multiple Resolution Imagery and Texture Analysis
* Multiple Sensor Integration/Fusion through Image Processing: A Review
* Multisensor Fusion for Automatic Scene Interpretation
* Multisensor Fusion for Scene Perception: Integrating Thermal and Visual Imagery
* Multisensor Integration for Scene Classification: an Experiment in Human Form Detection
* Multisensor Integration: Experiments in Integrating Thermal and Visual Sensors
* Navigation Using Image Sequence Analysis and 3-D Terrain Matching
* Nonparametric Facial Feature Localization
* Nonrigid Motion Analysis: Articulated and Elastic Motion
* Normalized Quadtree Representation, A
* Object recognition and performance bounds
* Object tracking in an outdoor environment using fusion of features and cameras
* Observe-and-explain: A new approach for multiple hypotheses tracking of humans and objects
* Observing Jointed Objects
* Obtaining a Solid Model from Optical Serial Sections
* Occluding Contours in Dynamic Scenes
* Occlusion robust multi-camera face tracking
* On Combining Range and Intensity Data
* On comparing the performance of object recognition systems
* On Smoothness of a Vector Field: Application to Optical Flow
* On the Computation of Motion from Sequences of Images: A Review
* Overview of Contest on Semantic Description of Human Activities (SDHA) 2010, An
* Parallel 2-D Convolution On A Mesh Connected Array Processor
* Parallel Image Component Labeling for Target Acquisition
* Parallel image normalization on a mesh connected array processor
* Parallel Image Processing with the Shuffle Exchange Network
* Partial Face Recognition Using Radial Basis Function Networks
* Patch-based face recognition from video
* Perceptual Grouping for Image Retrieval and Classification
* Physics-Based Integration of Multiple Sensing Modalities for Scene Interpretation
* Position Estimation for a Mobile Robot in an Unstructured Environment
* Position Estimation for an Autonomous Mobile Robot in an Outdoor Environment
* Positional Estimation of a Mobile Robot Using Edge Visibility Regions
* Positional Estimation Techniques for an Autonomous Mobile Robot: A Review
* Positioning Three-Dimensional Objects Using Stereo Images
* Problems, ongoing research and future directions in motion research
* Pyramid-Based Image Segmentation Using Multisensory Data
* Quantization Error in Stereo Imaging
* Real-time detection of illegally parked vehicles using 1-D transformation
* Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection in Outdoor Environments Using 1-D Transformation
* Recent Progress in the Recognition of Objects from Range Data
* Recognition of box-like objects by fusing cues of shape and edges
* Recognition of Composite Human Activities through Context-Free Grammar Based Representation
* Recognition of High-level Group Activities Based on Activities of Individual Members
* Recognition of Human Activities
* Recognition of Human Interaction Using Multiple Features in Grayscale Images
* Recognition of Polyhedra from Range Data
* Recognition with Range and Intensity Data
* Recognizing human action from a far field of view
* Recognizing human-vehicle interactions from aerial video without training
* Reconstructing 3D Lines from a Sequence of 2D Projections: Representation and Estimation
* Reconstruction and Matching of 3-D Objects using Quadtrees/Octrees
* Reconstruction and Recognition of 3-D Objects from Occluding Contours and Silhouettes
* Reconstruction of dynamic 3-D structures of biological objects using stereo microscopy
* Reconstruction of Dynamic 3D Structure of Biological Objects Using Stereo Microscope Images, The
* Rectangular Coding for Binary Images
* Rectangular Parallelepiped Coding for Solid Modeling
* Rectangular Parallelepiped Coding: A Volumetric Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects
* Region/Edge-Based Target Segmentation of FLIR Images Modeled by Weibull/Gaussian Distributions
* Representation and Recognition of Objects from Dense Range Maps
* Representation and Recognition of Objects from Depth Maps
* Representing and Estimating 3-D Lines
* Resolving the Orientation and Identity of an Object from Range Data
* Retrieval by classification of images containing large manmade objects using perceptual grouping
* Robot Guidance Using Computer Vision
* Robot Self-Location Using Visual Reasoning Relative to a Single Target Object
* Robot-centric Activity Recognition from First-Person RGB-D Videos
* Robust Automatic Target Detection/recognition System in Second Generation FLIR Imagery
* Robust Automatic Target Recognition in Second Generation FLIR Images
* Robust object recognition in RGB-D egocentric videos based on Sparse Affine Hull Kernel
* Robust Vehicle Detection for Tracking in Highway Surveillance Videos Using Unsupervised Learning
* Role of R-and-R in Vision: Is It a Matter of definition? Reply, The
* scalable metric learning-based voting method for expression recognition, A
* Scene recognition by jointly modeling latent topics
* Segmentation and Recognition of Continuous Human Activity
* Segmentation and tracking of interacting human body parts under occlusion and shadowing
* Segmentation of 3-D Range Images Using Pyramidal Data Structures
* Segmentation of Chromatic Images
* Segmentation Through the Detection of Change Due to Motion
* Semantic labeling of track events using time series segmentation and shape analysis
* Semantic Representation and Recognition of Continued and Recursive Human Activities
* Semantic Understanding of Continued and Recursive Human Activities
* Semantic-level Understanding of Human Actions and Interactions using Event Hierarchy
* Shape and Correspondence
* Shape Recognition from Single Silhouettes
* Significant Line Segments for an Indoor Mobile Robot
* Simultaneous tracking of multiple body parts of interacting persons
* sliding memory array processor for low level vision, A
* Spatio-temporal Depth Cuboid Similarity Feature for Activity Recognition Using Depth Camera
* Spatio-temporal relationship match: Video structure comparison for recognition of complex human activities
* Special Issue Introduction Range image understanding
* Special Issue on Time Varying Imagery: I
* Special Issue on Time Varying Imagery: II
* Spontaneous facial expression recognition: A robust metric learning approach
* Static Analysis Of Moving Jointed Objects
* Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects Using Dynamic Disparity Search
* Stochastic Analysis of Stereo Quantization Error
* Stochastic Representation and Recognition of High-Level Group Activities
* Stochastic representation and recognition of high-level group activities: Describing structural uncertainties in human activities
* Structure and Motion from Images
* Structure and Motion from Images Fact and Fiction
* Structure from Motion of Rigid and Jointed Objects
* Structure from Stereo: A Review
* Supervised parametric and non-parametric classification of chromosome images
* Surface Correspondence and Motion Computation from a Pair of Range Images
* Surface Reconstruction and Representation of 3-D Scenes
* Survey: Representation Methods in Three-Dimensional Objects
* System Design / Scheduling Strategy for Parallel Image Processing, A
* System Organization for Parallel Image Processing, A
* task-driven intelligent workspace system to provide guidance feedback, A
* Temporal spatio-velocity transform and its application to tracking and interaction
* Terrain Matching by Analysis of Aerial Images
* Texture Analysis Using Generalized Co-Occurrence Matrices
* Thermal and Visual Information Fusion for Outdoor Scene Perception
* Toward a unified framework of motion understanding
* Tracking and Classifying Moving Objects from Video
* Tracking and Segmentation of Highway Vehicles in Cluttered and Crowded Scenes
* Tracking Human Motion in an Indoor Environment
* Tracking Human Motion in Structured Environments Using a Distributed-Camera System
* Tracking Human Motion Using Multiple Cameras
* Tracking objects in occluding environments using temporal spatio-velocity transform
* Tracking Persons and Vehicles in Outdoor Image Sequences using Temporal Spatio-Velocity Transform
* Tracking soccer players using broadcast TV images
* Triangulation Errors in Stereo Algorithms
* Two-Stage Hybrid Approach to the Correspondence Problem Via Forward-Searching and Backward-Correcting, A
* Understanding of human motion, actions and interactions
* Unified Modeling of Nonhomogeneous 3D Objects for Thermal and Visual Image Synthesis
* Using Constancy of Distance to Estimate Position and Displacement in Space
* Using Head Movement to Recognize Activity
* Using Multisensory Images to Derive the Structure of Three-Dimensional Objects: A Review
* Using Structure in Content-based Image Retrieval
* Video scene analysis of interactions between humans and vehicles using event context
* View independent recognition of human-vehicle interactions using 3-D models
* View invariant human action recognition using histograms of 3D joints
* Vista for a general purpose computer vision system
* Visual Interpretation of the Motion of Objects in Space
* Visually Interpreting the Motion of Objects in Space
* Volume/Surface Octree Representation, A
* Volume/Surface Octrees for the Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects
* Volumetric Descriptions from Dynamic Scenes
* Volumetric Descriptions of Objects from Multiple Views
Includes: Aggarwal, J.K. Aggarwal, J.K.[Jake K.]
290 for Aggarwal, J.K.
Aggarwal, K.[Kriti]
Co Author Listing * Image as a Foreign Language: BEIT Pretraining for Vision and Vision-Language Tasks
* Masked Image Modeling Advances 3D Medical Image Analysis
* Millimeter-Wave Digital Link for Wireless MRI, A
* ODIN: A Single Model for 2D and 3D Segmentation
Includes: Aggarwal, K.[Kriti] Aggarwal, K.[Kshitij] Aggarwal, K.[Kamal]
Aggarwal, L.[Lavisha]
Co Author Listing * Diffuse, Attend, and Segment: Unsupervised Zero-Shot Segmentation using Stable Diffusion
* Identity Preserving Loss for Learned Image Compression
Aggarwal, M.[Manoj]
Co Author Listing * Camera Center Estimation
* Document Structure Extraction Using Prior Based High Resolution Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation
* Efficient Huffman decoding
* Estimating Sensor Orientation in Cameras
* FPGAN-Control: A Controllable Fingerprint Generator for Training with Synthetic Data
* High Dynamic Range Panoramic Imaging
* Identity Preserving Loss for Learned Image Compression
* Modelling and restoration of multilook correlated speckled images
* Multi-Modal Association based Grouping for Form Structure Extraction
* New Imaging Model, A
* On Cosine-Fourth and Vignetting Effects in Real Lenses
* On Generating Seamless Mosaics with Large Depth of Field
* One-Shot Doc Snippet Detection: Powering Search in Document Beyond Text
* Optimal parameter choice for a class of cubic interpolation kernels and the associated error analysis
* Privacy preserved collaborative transfer learning model with heterogeneous distributed data for brain tumor classification
* Pupil-Centric Model of Image Formation, A
* Real-Time Wide Area Multi-Camera Stereo Tracking
* Region and Relations Based Multi Attention Network for Graph Classification
* Robust Pan, Tilt and Zoom Estimation for PTZ Camera by Using Meta Data and/or Frame-to-Frame Correspondences
* Robust Partial Fingerprint Recognition
* SHERLock: Self-Supervised Hierarchical Event Representation Learning
* Split Aperture Imaging for High Dynamic Range
* Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multiple human tracking with identities
* Towards Quantitative Evaluation Metrics for Image Editing Approaches
* Transformer Based Motion In-betweening
Includes: Aggarwal, M.[Manoj] Aggarwal, M.[Milan] Aggarwal, M. Aggarwal, M.[Meenakshi] Aggarwal, M.[Manasvi] Aggarwal, M.[Madhav]
25 for Aggarwal, M.
Aggarwal, N.[Namita]
Co Author Listing * 3d discrete wavelet transform for computer aided diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using t1-weighted brain MRI
* Computer Aided Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease from MRI Brain Images
* distortion-agnostic video quality metric based on multi-scale spatio-temporal structural information, A
* Line Detection in Images Through Regularized Hough Transform
* Optimal sampling in parallel magnetic resonance imaging
* ResDNN: deep residual learning for natural image denoising
Includes: Aggarwal, N.[Namita] Aggarwal, N.[Naveen] Aggarwal, N.
Aggarwal, P.[Preeti]
Co Author Listing * Correlation between Biopsy Confirmed Cases and Radiologist's Annotations in the Detection of Lung Nodules by Expanding the Diagnostic Database Using Content Based Image Retrieval
* Fully vs. Weakly Supervised Caries Localization in Smartphone Images with CNNS
* StyleBabel: Artistic Style Tagging and Captioning
Includes: Aggarwal, P.[Preeti] Aggarwal, P.[Piush] Aggarwal, P.[Pranav]
Aggarwal, R.[Rahul]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Selective Frame Discard Algorithms for Stored Video Delivery Across Resource Constrained Networks
* Natural Disaster Building Damage Assessment Using a Two-encoder U-net
* Online handwriting recognition using depth sensors
* Panoramic Stereo Videos with a Single Camera
* Spatio-Temporally Constrained Reconstruction for Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Using Kinetic Models
Includes: Aggarwal, R.[Rahul] Aggarwal, R.[Rajesh] Aggarwal, R.[Rajat] Aggarwal, R.
Aggarwal, R.K.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Prototype Similarity
* Context Dependent Automatic Image Recognition System
Aggarwal, S.[Sanchit]
Co Author Listing * Estimating Floor Regions in Cluttered Indoor Scenes from First Person Camera View
* Evaluation of MODIS-Retrieved Aerosol Optical Depth over AERONET Sites in Alaska, An
* MIB: Using mutual information for biclustering gene expression data
* Partial Binarization of Neural Networks for Budget-Aware Efficient Learning
* Path Planning for Energy Management of Smart Maritime Electric Vehicles: A Blockchain-Based Solution
* PETS: P2P Energy Trading Scheduling Scheme for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid Systems
* Text-based Person Search via Attribute-aided Matching
Includes: Aggarwal, S.[Sanchit] Aggarwal, S.[Srijan] Aggarwal, S.[Seema] Aggarwal, S.[Saksham] Aggarwal, S.[Shubhani] Aggarwal, S.[Surbhi]
7 for Aggarwal, S.
Aggarwal, S.J.
Co Author Listing * Computing shape changes in SOLANUM tuberosa slices viewed through a stereo microscope
* Determining the 3-D structure of serial-sectioned microscopic objects: analysis and limitations
* Digital Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Serially Sectioned Optical Images
* Obtaining a Solid Model from Optical Serial Sections
* Reconstruction of dynamic 3-D structures of biological objects using stereo microscopy
* Reconstruction of Dynamic 3D Structure of Biological Objects Using Stereo Microscope Images, The
* Semi-automatic morphological measurements of 2-D and 3-D microvascular images
7 for Aggarwal, S.J.
Aggarwal, S.P.
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Early Season Agricultural Drought Using Remote Sensing
* Climate and Lulc Change Scenarios To Study Its Impact On Hydrological Regime
* Estimation of Hydro-meteorological Extremes In Beas Basin Over Historic, Present and Future Scenario
* Hydrological Modelling and data assimilation of Satellite Snow Cover Area using a Land Surface Model, Vic
* Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling In Supporting UN SDGS In North West Himalaya
* Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Terrain Information for Improved Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Simulation In Parts of Himalayan River Basins
* Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing, GIS and Hydrological Models For Study of August 2018 Kerala Floods
7 for Aggarwal, S.P.
Aggarwal, U.
Co Author Listing * Active Learning for Imbalanced Datasets
* Minority Class Oriented Active Learning for Imbalanced Datasets
Includes: Aggarwal, U. Aggarwal, U.[Umang]
Aggarwal, V.[Vaneet]
Co Author Listing * AdaPool: A Diurnal-Adaptive Fleet Management Framework Using Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning and Change Point Detection
* Antenna Placement for MIMO Localization Systems With Varying Quality of Receiver Hardware Elements
* Blind decision making: Reinforcement learning with delayed observations
* Computer Vision Approach for Estimating Lifting Load Contributors to Injury Risk, A
* Deadline and Buffer Constrained Knapsack Problem
* Deep Learning-Based Object Detection System for Identifying Weeds Using UAS Imagery
* DeepPool: Distributed Model-Free Algorithm for Ride-Sharing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Distributed Model-Free Algorithm for Multi-Hop Ride-Sharing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Distributed Model-Free Ride-Sharing Approach for Joint Matching, Pricing, and Dispatching Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Domain Adaptive Few-Shot Open-Set Learning
* effectiveness of MAE pre-pretraining for billion-scale pretraining, The
* Efficient Low Rank Tensor Ring Completion
* FastScan: Robust Low-Complexity Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Video Streaming Over HTTP
* FlexPool: A Distributed Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Joint Passengers and Goods Transportation
* Fundamental sampling patterns for low-rank multi-view data completion
* GeoDLS: A Deep Learning-Based Corn Disease Tracking and Location System Using RTK Geolocated UAS Imagery
* GiantClient: Video HotSpot for Multi-User Streaming
* Minimalistic Image Signal Processing for Deep Learning Applications
* Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
* On Deterministic Sampling Patterns for Robust Low-Rank Matrix Completion
* Optimizing Cloud Resources for Delivering IPTV Services Through Virtualization
* PassGoodPool: Joint Passengers and Goods Fleet Management With Reinforcement Learning Aided Pricing, Matching, and Route Planning
* Principal component analysis with tensor train subspace
* Unsupervised clustering under the Union of Polyhedral Cones (UOPC) model
* Wide Compression: Tensor Ring Nets
Includes: Aggarwal, V.[Vaneet] Aggarwal, V. Aggarwal, V.[Varun] Aggarwal, V.[Vaibhav]
25 for Aggarwal, V.