Index for gelb

Gelb, A. * 2002: method to reduce the Gibbs ringing artifact in MRI scans while keeping tissue boundary integrity, A
* 2004: Improving the Accuracy of Volumetric Segmentation Using Pre-Processing Boundary Detection and Image Reconstruction
* 2010: Improved Total Variation-Type Regularization Using Higher Order Edge Detectors

Gelb, D.[Dan] * 2004: Non-photorealistic rendering from multiple images
* 2006: Practical Methods for Geometric and Photometric Correction of Tiled Projector
* 2010: Invisible light: Using infrared for video conference relighting
* 2011: Augmented reality for immersive remote collaboration
* 2011: Visual framing feedback for desktop video conferencing
* 2012: Automatic calibration of a projector-camera system with a see-through screen
* 2012: Temporal modulation for computational video cross-talk reduction
* 2015: Audiovisual voice activity detection using off-the-shelf cameras
* 2015: Hand and object segmentation from RGB-D images for interaction with planar surfaces
9 for Gelb, D.

Gelb, J.[Jeremy] * 2023: Canopy Assessment of Cycling Routes: Comparison of Videos from a Bicycle-Mounted Camera and GPS and Satellite Imagery
Includes: Gelb, J.[Jeremy] Gelb, J.[Jérémy]

Gelband, P. * 1988: Knowledge Based Vision for Terrestrial Robots
* 1989: Probability-Based Control for Computer Vision

Gelbard, H.[Harris] * 2013: Directional histogram ratio at random probes: A local thresholding criterion for capillary images

Gelbard, H.A. * 2016: Capillary extraction by detecting polarity in circular profiles

Gelbart, M.[Michael] * 2011: Segmentation fusion for connectomics

Gelbaum, Z. * 2014: Simulation of Fractional Brownian Surfaces via Spectral Synthesis on Manifolds

Gelberg, L.[Lior] * 2022: Skeleton-Based Typing Style Learning For Person Identification

Gelbukh, A.[Alexander] * 2006: Alignment of Paragraphs in Bilingual Texts Using Bilingual Dictionaries and Dynamic Programming
* 2007: Distribution-Based Semantic Similarity of Nouns
* 2009: Incorporating Linguistic Information to Statistical Word-Level Alignment
* 2018: Multimodal Sentiment Analysis: Addressing Key Issues and Setting Up the Baselines

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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