Index for gili

Gili, J.A. * 2014: Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation in Ground-Based SAR With a Multiple-Regression Model Over Mountainous Regions
* 2015: PSI Deformation Map Retrieval by Means of Temporal Sublook Coherence on Reduced Sets of SAR Images
* 2018: Landslide Monitoring Using Multi-Temporal SAR Interferometry with Advanced Persistent Scatterers Identification Methods and Super High-Spatial Resolution TerraSAR-X Images
* 2021: Sentinel-1 A-DInSAR Approaches to Map and Monitor Ground Displacements
* 2023: Rockfall Magnitude-Frequency Relationship Based on Multi-Source Data from Monitoring and Inventory
Includes: Gili, J.A. Gili, J.A.[Josep A.] Gili, J.A.[Jose Antonio]

Gili, M.R. * 2019: Survey of Light Pollution of Arak City By Using of Dmsp and Suoni-npp Satellite Imagery

Gili, P.[Piero] * 2021: Unmanned Lighter-Than-Air Platform for Large Scale Land Monitoring, An

Gilichinsky, M. * 2013: Detection of discrepancies in land-use classification using multitemporal Ikonos satellite data

Gilinsky, A.[Alexandra] * 2013: SIFTpack: A Compact Representation for Efficient SIFT Matching

Gilissen, C.[Christian] * 2007: Error probabilities for local extrema in gene expression data

Gilitschenski, I.[Igor] * 2016: Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM for Fixed-Wing UAVs Using Sliding Window Based Nonlinear Optimization
* 2016: Unscented von Mises: Fisher Filtering
* 2016: Will It Last? Learning Stable Features for Long-Term Visual Localization
* 2019: Inferring Pedestrian Motions at Urban Crosswalks
* 2022: Housekeep: Tidying Virtual Households Using Commonsense Reasoning
* 2022: LaTeRF: Label and Text Driven Object Radiance Fields
* 2023: CAMM: Building Category-Agnostic and Animatable 3D Models from Monocular Videos
* 2023: Invertible Neural Skinning
* 2023: Reference-guided Controllable Inpainting of Neural Radiance Fields
* 2023: SparsePose: Sparse-View Camera Pose Regression and Refinement
* 2023: SPIn-NeRF: Multiview Segmentation and Perceptual Inpainting with Neural Radiance Fields
* 2024: AvatarOne: Monocular 3D Human Animation
Includes: Gilitschenski, I.[Igor] Gilitschenski, I.
12 for Gilitschenski, I.

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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