Index for giud

Giudice, L.[Lorenzo] * 2021: Transductive Visual Verb Sense Disambiguation

Giudice, N. * 2005: Digital Sign System for Indoor Wayfinding for the Visually Impaired

Giudice, O.[Oliver] * 2012: Aligning Bags of Shape Contexts for Blurred Shape Model based symbol classification
* 2017: Classification Engine for Image Ballistics of Social Data, A
* 2018: Fast Palette Reordering Technique Based on GPU-Optimized Genetic Algorithms, A
* 2019: 1-D DCT Domain Analysis for JPEG Double Compression Detection
* 2019: New Study On Wood Fibers Textures: Documents Authentication Through LBP Fingerprint, A
* 2019: Siamese Ballistics Neural Network
* 2020: Animated GIF Optimization By Adaptive Color Local Table Management
* 2020: DeepFake Detection by Analyzing Convolutional Traces
* 2020: In-Depth DCT Coefficient Distribution Analysis for First Quantization Estimation
* 2020: Single Architecture and Multiple task deep Neural Network for Altered Fingerprint Analysis
* 2021: Computational Data Analysis for First Quantization Estimation on JPEG Double Compressed Images
* 2022: CNN-based first quantization estimation of double compressed JPEG images
* 2022: Deepfake Style Transfer Mixture: A First Forensic Ballistics Study on Synthetic Images
* 2022: Introducing AV1 Codec-Level Video Steganography
* 2022: Is synthetic voice detection research going into the right direction?
* 2022: Natural Gas Leakage Detection: A Deep Learning Framework on IR Video Data
* 2022: On the Exploitation of Deepfake Model Recognition
* 2023: Early Detection of Hip Periprosthetic Joint Infections Through CNN on Computed Tomography Images
* 2023: Not with My Name! Inferring Artists' Names of Input Strings Employed by Diffusion Models
Includes: Giudice, O.[Oliver] Giudice, O.
19 for Giudice, O.

Giudicepietro, F.[Flora] * 2019: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Multidisciplinary Monitoring Data to Analyze the Eruptive Activity of Stromboli Volcano in 2017-2018
* 2020: Overflows and Pyroclastic Density Currents in March-April 2020 at Stromboli Volcano Detected by Remote Sensing and Seismic Monitoring Data
* 2021: Variable Magnitude and Intensity of Strombolian Explosions: Focus on the Eruptive Processes for a First Classification Scheme for Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
* 2022: Changes in the Eruptive Style of Stromboli Volcano before the 2019 Paroxysmal Phase Discovered through SOM Clustering of Seismo-Acoustic Features Compared with Camera Images and GBInSAR Data
* 2022: Volcanic Processes Monitoring and Hazard Assessment Using Integration of Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Techniques

Giudici, D. * 2013: Long-Term Relative Radiometric Calibration and Antenna Pointing Estimation by Natural Targets
* 2014: Generation and Calibration of High-Resolution DEM From Single-Baseline Spaceborne Interferometry: The Split-Swath Approach
* 2015: Calibration of SAR Polarimetric Images by Means of a Covariance Matching Approach
* 2015: Sentinel-1A: Analysis of FDBAQ Performance on Real Data
* 2017: Identification of C-Band Radio Frequency Interferences from Sentinel-1 Data
* 2017: On the Phase Calibration by Multisquint Analysis in TOPSAR and Stripmap Interferometry
* 2017: Pre-Flight SAOCOM-1A SAR Performance Assessment by Outdoor Campaign
* 2018: 2D Frequency Domain Fully Focused SAR Processing for High PRF Radar Altimeters
* 2018: Low-Frequency SAR Radiometric Calibration and Antenna Pattern Estimation by Using Stable Point Targets
* 2020: Along-Track Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Formations of Minisatellites
* 2020: BIOMASS Level 2 Prototype Processor: Design and Experimental Results of Above-Ground Biomass Estimation, The
* 2020: MIMO SAR Formations: Orbital Diameter and Synchronization Tolerances
* 2020: Vegetated Target Decorrelation in SAR and Interferometry: Models, Simulation, and Performance Evaluation
* 2022: Compact and Free-Floating Satellite MIMO SAR Formations
* 2022: Design of f-SCAN Acquisition Mode for Synthetic Aperture Radar
Includes: Giudici, D. Giudici, D.[Davide]
15 for Giudici, D.

Giudici, R. * 2019: Advanced Benchmarking for Image Compositing Evaluation, An
* 2019: Mosaicing Fidelity Geometrical Assessment Based On Surf Point Classification

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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