Index for gnan

Gnanadurai, D. * 2005: Undecimated wavelet based speckle reduction for SAR images

Gnanamoorthy, P.[Palingamoorthy] * 2022: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spatial Resolution Evapotranspiration Products over Lancang-Mekong River Basin, Southeast Asia

Gnanapragasam, D.[Dan] * 2022: Kubric: A scalable dataset generator

Gnanaprakasam, D.[Daniel] * 1996: Segmentation based image compression system

Gnanaprakasam, P.[Pradeep] * 2009: Efficient 3D characterization of raised topological defects in smooth specular coatings

Gnanasambandam, A.[Abhiram] * 2020: Dynamic Low-light Imaging with Quanta Image Sensors
* 2020: Image Classification in the Dark Using Quanta Image Sensors
* 2021: Optical Adversarial Attack
* 2021: Photon-Limited Object Detection using Non-local Feature Matching and Knowledge Distillation
* 2022: Graph-Based Depth Denoising and Dequantization for Point Cloud Enhancement

Gnanasambandam, R.[Raghav] * 2023: Self-Scalable Tanh (Stan): Multi-Scale Solutions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Gnanasaravanan, S.[Subramaniam] * 2020: Automatic segmentation of nuclei from pap smear cell images: A step toward cervical cancer screening

Gnanasekaran, S. * 2004: On Recognizable Infinite Array Languages

Gnanasekaran, V.S.[Vaira Suganthi] * 2020: Deep learning algorithm for breast masses classification in mammograms

Gnanha, A.T.[Aurele Tohokantche] * 2021: Adversarially Constrained Interpolation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: residual generator: An improved divergence minimization framework for GAN, The

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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