Index for gued

Guedalia, I.D.[Isaac David] * 1999: Method and system for accelerating warping

Guede Fernandez, F.[Federico] * 2022: Real-Time Integration of Segmentation Techniques for Reduction of False Positive Rates in Fire Plume Detection Systems during Forest Fires
Includes: Guede Fernandez, F.[Federico] Guede-Fernández, F.[Federico]

Guedes Soares, C. * 2012: Maritime Traffic Monitoring Based on Vessel Detection, Tracking, State Estimation, and Trajectory Prediction

Guedes, C.[Carlos] * 2008: connected path approach for staff detection on a music score, A
* 2008: Staff Line Detection and Removal with Stable Paths
* 2009: Staff Detection with Stable Paths

Guedes, D.[Dorgival] * 2009: Performance analysis of a parallel multi-view rendering architecture using light fields

Guedes, D.S.[Diana Sousa] * 2019: Improved Mobile Mapping System to Detect Road-Killed Amphibians and Small Birds, An

Guedes, M.[Magno] * 2009: Saliency-Based Obstacle Detection and Ground-Plane Estimation for Off-Road Vehicles

Guedj, E. * 2014: Brain region of interest selection for 18FDG positrons emission tomography computer-aided image classification
* 2015: Region-based brain selection and classification on pet images for Alzheimer's disease computer aided diagnosis
* 2018: Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis with FDG-PET Brain Images By Using Multi-Level Features
* 2021: Multi-View Separable Pyramid Network for AD Prediction at MCI Stage by 18F-FDG Brain PET Imaging
Includes: Guedj, E. Guedj, E.[Eric]

Guedon, A.[Antoine] * 2023: MACARONS: Mapping and Coverage Anticipation with RGB Online Self-Supervision
Includes: Guedon, A.[Antoine] Guédon, A.[Antoine]

Guedon, J. * 2003: joint multiple description-encryption image algorithm, A
* 2012: Recovering Missing Slices of the Discrete Fourier Transform Using Ghosts
* 2013: Direct inversion of Mojette projections
* 2013: Rotations in the Mojette space
* 2013: Validation of Mojette reconstruction from Radon acquisitions
* 2014: Robust Digital Image Reconstruction via the Discrete Fourier Slice Theorem
* 2017: Mojette Transform on Densest Lattices in 2D and 3D
* 2017: Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 2017
Includes: Guedon, J. Guedon, J.[Jeanpierre] Guédon, J.[Jeanpierre]
8 for Guedon, J.

Guedon, J.P.[Jean Pierre] * 2008: Exact, Non-iterative Mojette Inversion Technique Utilising Ghosts, An
* 2008: Robust and Automatic Vanishing Points Detection with Their Uncertainties from a Single Uncalibrated Image, by Planes Extraction on the Unit Sphere
* 2009: Five Points Pose Problem: A New and Accurate Solution Adapted to Any Geometric Configuration, The
* 2010: 2 and 3 materials scene reconstructed from some line Mojette projections, The
* 2011: New Solution to the Relative Orientation Problem Using Only 3 Points and the Vertical Direction, A
Includes: Guedon, J.P.[Jean Pierre] Guédon, J.P.[Jean-Pierre] Guedon, J.P.[Jean-Pierre]

Guedy, F.[Fabrice] * 2009: Continuous Realtime Gesture Following and Recognition
Includes: Guedy, F.[Fabrice] Guédy, F.[Fabrice]

Index for "g"

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