Index for haeu

Haeusele, J.[Jakob] * 2023: Advanced Phase-Retrieval for Stepping-Free X-Ray Dark-Field Computed Tomography
* 2023: Initial Characterization of Dark-Field CT on a Clinical Gantry
* 2023: Modeling Vibrations of a Tiled Talbot-Lau Interferometer on a Clinical CT
* 2023: Technical Design Considerations of a Human-Scale Talbot-Lau Interferometer for Dark-Field CT

Haeusler, R. * 2009: Current work in the ENPEDA project
* 2009: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Objects Based on Cylindrical Panoramas
* 2009: Mosaicing of microscope images based on SURF
* 2009: Options in using graphics for evaluating correspondence algorithms
* 2010: Benchmarking Stereo Data (Not the Matching Algorithms)
* 2010: Current work in multimedia imaging at UoA's Tamaki campus
* 2010: Towards benchmarking of real-world stereo data
* 2012: Analysis of KITTI Data for Stereo Analysis with Stereo Confidence Measures
* 2012: Disparity Confidence Measures on Engineered and Outdoor Data
* 2013: Ensemble Learning for Confidence Measures in Stereo Vision
* 2013: Synthesizing Real World Stereo Challenges
* 2015: Bilateral Filtering of 3D Point Clouds for Refined 3D Roadside Reconstructions
Includes: Haeusler, R. Haeusler, R.[Ralf]
12 for Haeusler, R.

Haeusser, P. * 2017: Associative Domain Adaptation
* 2017: Learning by Association: A Versatile Semi-Supervised Training Method for Neural Networks
* 2018: Associative Deep Clustering: Training a Classification Network with No Labels
Includes: Haeusser, P. Haeusser, P.[Philip]

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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