Index for haki

Hakim, A.[Abdelilah] * 2012: Text Enhancement by PDE's Based Methods
* 2015: combined total variation and bilateral filter approach for image robust super resolution, A
* 2017: iterative image super-resolution approach based on Bregman distance, An
* 2018: Multiframe super-resolution based on a high-order spatially weighted regularisation
* 2018: nonconvex fractional order variational model for multi-frame image super-resolution, A
* 2018: Simultaneous deconvolution and denoising using a second order variational approach applied to image super resolution
* 2020: Bi-dictionary learning model for medical image reconstruction from undersampled data
7 for Hakim, A.

Hakim, A.M.Y.[Andi Muhammad Yasser] * 2020: Predicting Land Cover Change in the Mamminasata Area, Indonesia, to Evaluate the Spatial Plan

Hakim, E.[El_Fadili] * 2017: 3D image analysis by separable discrete orthogonal moments based on Krawtchouk and Tchebichef polynomials

Hakim, E.F. * 2018: Gray level image compression using a set of separable 2D discrete orthogonal moments based on Racah polynomials

Hakim, G.A.V.[Gustavo A. Vargas] * 2023: ClusT3: Information Invariant Test-Time Training
* 2023: TTTFlow: Unsupervised Test-Time Training with Normalizing Flow

Hakim, L.[Lukman] * 2021: Regularizer based on Euler characteristic for retinal blood vessel segmentation

Hakim, T. * 2019: A-MAL: Automatic Motion Assessment Learning from Properly Performed Motions in 3D Skeleton Videos
* 2019: Learning to Detect and Retrieve Objects From Unlabeled Videos
* 2020: Self-Supervised Object Detection and Retrieval Using Unlabeled Videos

Hakim, W.L.[Wahyu Luqmanul] * 2020: Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping in Jakarta Using Functional and Meta-Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm Based on Time-Series InSAR Data
* 2022: Estimating the Pre-Historical Volcanic Eruption in the Hantangang River Volcanic Field: Experimental and Simulation Study

Hakim, Z.I.A.[Zaber Ibn Abdul] * 2023: Artifact: A Large-Scale Dataset With Artificial And Factual Images For Generalizable And Robust Synthetic Image Detection

Hakima, E.M. * 2020: Stress-free mobile app for Moroccan university students: relaxation program validation

Hakimdavar, R.[Raha] * 2020: Monitoring Water-Related Ecosystems with Earth Observation Data in Support of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Reporting

Hakimi, S.[Shabnam] * 2022: HMIway-env: A Framework for Simulating Behaviors and Preferences to Support Human-AI Teaming in Driving

Hakimi, Z.[Zeinab] * 2023: Fine-to-Coarse Object Classification of Very Large Images

Hakimov, S.[Sherzod] * 2021: Ontology-driven Event Type Classification in Images
* 2023: MM-Locate-News: Multimodal Focus Location Estimation in News

Hakimpour, F.[Farshad] * 2007: Supporting Complex Thematic, Spatial and Temporal Queries over Semantic Web Data
* 2015: You Describe it, I Will Name it: An Approach to Alleviate the Effect of Users' Semantics in Assigning Tags to Features In VGI
* 2017: Legibility and Permeability of Cities: Examining the Role of Spatial Data and Metrics, The
* 2017: Parcel-Level Model for Ranking and Allocating Urban Land-Uses, A
* 2019: Collective Spatial Cognition of Kids in Community Mappings
* 2019: Integration of Mobile GIS and Linked Data Technology For Spatio-temporal Transport Data Model
* 2019: Ontological Assessment and Significance of Semantic Levels of Tags In OpenStreetMap
Includes: Hakimpour, F.[Farshad] Hakimpour, F.
7 for Hakimpour, F.

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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