Index for halu

Halubok, M.[Maryia] * 2020: Estimating Crop and Grass Productivity over the United States Using Satellite Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Precipitation and Soil Moisture Data

Halupka, D. * 2006: Real-Time Face Detection and Lip Feature Extraction Using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

Halupka, K. * 2019: Deep Semantic Instance Segmentation of Tree-Like Structures Using Synthetic Data

Halupka, K.J.[Kerry J.] * 2013: Bio-inspired feature extraction and enhancement of targets moving against visual clutter during closed loop pursuit

Haluptzok, P.[Patrick] * 2009: Finding the Most Probable Ranking of Objects with Probabilistic Pairwise Preferences

Haluza, P.[Pavel] * 2017: T-LESS: An RGB-D Dataset for 6D Pose Estimation of Texture-Less Objects

Haluzikova, J. * 1993: Comparison of different approaches to suppress speckles in ultrasonic tomograms
Includes: Haluzikova, J. Haluzíková, J.

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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