Index for himm

Himmelman, T.[Tristan] * 2009: Real-Time Viola-Jones Face Detection in a Web Browser

Himmelsbach, M. * 2012: Autonomous Ground Vehicles: Concepts and a Path to the Future

Himmelstein, J. * 2008: Efficient architecture for collision detection between heterogeneous data structures application for vision-guided robots

Himmerich, H.[Hubertus] * 2014: Structural brain changes in early-onset and late-onset depression: An update of volumetric MRI findings

Himmi, M.M.[Majid Mohamed] * 2018: Simultaneous object detection and localization using convolutional neural networks
* 2019: 3D object classification based on deep belief networks and point clouds

Himmi, S.[Saad] * 2024: MS-EVS: Multispectral event-based vision for deep learning based face detection

Himmlova, L.[Lucie] * 2020: Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in dental caries detection and classification
Includes: Himmlova, L.[Lucie] Himmlová, L.[Lucie]

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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