Index for salu

Salucci, M. * 2015: GPR Prospecting Through an Inverse-Scattering Frequency-Hopping Multifocusing Approach
* 2016: Real-Time NDT-NDE Through an Innovative Adaptive Partial Least Squares SVR Inversion Approach
* 2017: Multifrequency Particle Swarm Optimization for Enhanced Multiresolution GPR Microwave Imaging
* 2017: Three-dimensional electromagnetic imaging of dielectric targets by means of the multiscaling inexact-Newton method
* 2021: 2-D TM GPR Imaging Through a Multiscaling Multifrequency Approach in Lp Spaces
Includes: Salucci, M. Salucci, M.[Marco]

Salucco, F. * 2001: Text-based Geometric Normalization for Robust Watermarking of Digital Maps
* 2002: Robust Watermarking of Cartographic Images
Includes: Salucco, F. Salucco, F.[Filippo]

Saludes, J.[Jordi] * 1997: Improved textured images segmentation using an energy functional
* 2000: Segmentation of Artery Wall in Coronary IVUS Images: A Probabilistic Approach
Includes: Saludes, J.[Jordi] Saludes, J.

Saluja, D.[Deepak] * 2022: Energy-Efficient Strategy for Improving Coverage and Rate Using Hybrid Vehicular Networks
* 2022: Spread Spectrum Coded Radar for R2R Interference Mitigation in Autonomous Vehicles
* 2022: TRAP: Traffic-Based Adaptive Ramp Packing for Blind Cancellation in Autonomous Vehicles
* 2023: Connectivity Improvement of Hybrid Millimeter Wave and Microwave Vehicular Networks

Saluja, K.[Kunal] * 2021: High Fidelity 3D Reconstructions with Limited Physical Views

Saluja, N.[Nitin] * 2022: Energy-Efficient Strategy for Improving Coverage and Rate Using Hybrid Vehicular Networks
* 2023: Connectivity Improvement of Hybrid Millimeter Wave and Microwave Vehicular Networks

Saluja, R. * 2020: OCR for Classical Indic Documents Containing Arbitrarily Long Words, An
* 2022: Detecting, Tracking and Counting Motorcycle Rider Traffic Violations on Unconstrained Roads
* 2022: FLUID: Few-Shot Self-Supervised Image Deraining
* 2022: Multi-Domain Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: To miss-attend is to misalign! Residual Self-Attentive Feature Alignment for Adapting Object Detectors
Includes: Saluja, R. Saluja, R.[Rohit]

Salum, P. * 2017: Touchless-to-touch fingerprint systems compatibility method

Salum, R.B.[Rafaela B.] * 2021: Validated and Accurate Method for Quantifying and Extrapolating Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass Using LiDAR Data, A

Salunke, R.[Rakesh] * 2023: Near-Surface Soil Moisture Characterization in Mississippi's Highway Slopes Using Machine Learning Methods and UAV-Captured Infrared and Optical Images

Salunkhe, H.[Hrishikesh] * 2018: Cooperative Automated Maneuvering at the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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