Index for sapk

Sapkota, A.[Archana] * 2010: FACE-GRAB: Face recognition with General Region Assigned to Binary operator
* 2013: GRAB: Generalized Region Assigned to Binary
* 2013: Toward Open Set Recognition

Sapkota, B.[Bishwa] * 2020: Detection of Italian Ryegrass in Wheat and Prediction of Competitive Interactions Using Remote-Sensing and Machine-Learning Techniques
* 2024: Cross-modal Contrastive Learning with Asymmetric Co-attention Network for Video Moment Retrieval
Includes: Sapkota, B.[Bishwa] Sapkota, B.[Brabeem]

Sapkota, B.B.[Bishwa B.] * 2021: Influence of Image Quality and Light Consistency on the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks for Weed Mapping

Sapkota, H.[Hitesh] * 2022: Bayesian Nonparametric Submodular Video Partition for Robust Anomaly Detection

Sapkota, L.[Liladhar] * 2021: Rapid glacier Shrinkage and Glacial Lake Expansion of a China-Nepal Transboundary Catchment in the Central Himalayas, between 1964 and 2020

Sapkota, M.[Manish] * 2018: Pairwise based deep ranking hashing for histopathology image classification and retrieval
* 2020: Highway Traffic Classification for the Perception Level of Situation Awareness
* 2021: Scalable Optimization Mechanism for Pairwise Based Discrete Hashing, A
Includes: Sapkota, M.[Manish] Sapkota, M.[Manoj] Sapkota, M.

Sapkota, R.[Rajendra] * 2022: Comparison of Deep Learning Models for the Classification of Noctilucent Cloud Images

Sapkota, S.[Suman] * 2022: Label Geometry Aware Discriminator for Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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