Index for stet

Stets, J.[Jonathan] * 2019: Single-Shot Analysis of Refractive Shape Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Stets, J.D. * 2017: Variational Study on BRDF Reconstruction in a Structured Light Scanner, A
* 2017: Wearable Gaze Trackers: Mapping Visual Attention in 3D
* 2019: Material-Based Segmentation of Objects
* 2021: Object Detection on TPU Accelerated Embedded Devices
Includes: Stets, J.D. Stets, J.D.[Jonathan D.] Stets, J.D.[Jonathan Dyssel]

Stetson, P.F. * 1997: Lesion contrast enhancement in medical ultrasound imaging

Stetten, G. * 2017: Ultrasound Tracking Using ProbeSight: Camera Pose Estimation Relative to External Anatomy by Inverse Rendering of a Prior High-Resolution 3D Surface Map

Stetten, G.D.[George D.] * 1988: EVE: Software for Visual Modeling
* 2001: Active Fourier Contour Applied To Real Time 3d Ultrasound Of The Heart
* 2001: Gradient-oriented Profiles For Boundary Parameterization and Their Application to Core Atoms Towards Shape Analysis
* 2006: Shells and Spheres: A Framework for Variable Scale Statistical Image Analysis
Includes: Stetten, G.D.[George D.] Stetten, G.D.

Stettiner, O. * 1994: statistical parametric model for recognition and synthesis of handwriting, A

Stettler, J.[Jurg] * 2019: Analysis of Tourism Hotspot Behaviour Based on Geolocated Travel Blog Data: The Case of Qyer
Includes: Stettler, J.[Jurg] Stettler, J.[Jürg]

Stettler, M.[Marc] * 2021: Assignment and Pricing of Shared Rides in Ride-Sourcing Using Combinatorial Double Auctions
* 2022: Vehicle Redistribution in Ride-Sourcing Markets Using Convex Minimum Cost Flows
* 2023: Adaptive Road Configurations for Improved Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions Using Reinforcement Learning

Stettler, M.E.J.[Marc E. J.] * 2021: Urban Traffic Route Guidance Method With High Adaptive Learning Ability Under Diverse Traffic Scenarios

Stettner, D.[Dave] * 2019: Demonstration and Evaluation of 3D Winds Generated by Tracking Features in Moisture and Ozone Fields Derived from AIRS Sounding Retrievals
* 2019: Development of Enhanced Vortex-Scale Atmospheric Motion Vectors for Hurricane Applications
Includes: Stettner, D.[Dave] Stettner, D.[David]

Stettner, S.[Samuel] * 2018: Monitoring Inter- and Intra-Seasonal Dynamics of Rapidly Degrading Ice-Rich Permafrost Riverbanks in the Lena Delta with TerraSAR-X Time Series
* 2018: TerraSAR-X Time Series Fill a Gap in Spaceborne Snowmelt Monitoring of Small Arctic Catchments: A Case Study on Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island), Canada
* 2021: Monitoring the Spring Flood in Lena Delta with Hydrodynamic Modeling Based on SAR Satellite Products

Index for "s"

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