Index for stow

Stow, D.[Douglas] * 2002: Effect of Training Strategies on Supervised Classification at Different Spatial Resolutions, The
* 2003: Land-Cover Change Monitoring with Classification Trees Using Landsat TM and Ancillary Data
* 2003: Strategies for Integrating Information from Multiple Spatial Resolutions into Land-Use/ Land-Cover Classification Routines
* 2011: Comparison of Object-Based Image Analysis Approaches to Mapping New Buildings in Accra, Ghana Using Multi-Temporal QuickBird Satellite Imagery
* 2018: Mapping Vegetation and Land Use Types in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve Using Google Earth Engine
* 2020: Shrub Fractional Cover Estimation and Mapping of San Clemente Island Shrubland Based on Airborne Multispectral Imagery and Lidar Data
Includes: Stow, D.[Douglas] Stow, D.[Doug] Stow, D.

Stow, D.A. * 1999: Reducing the effects of misregistration on pixel-level change detection
* 2000: Comparison of High Spatial Resolution Imagery for Efficient Generation of GIS Vegetation Layers
* 2003: frame center matching technique for precise registration of multitemporal airborne frame imagery, A
* 2020: Green Vegetation Cover Has Steadily Increased since Establishment of Community Forests in Western Chitwan, Nepal
* 2021: Learning Adjustable Reduced Downsampling Network for Small Object Detection in Urban Environments
* 2022: Spatial-Statistical Analysis of Landscape-Level Wildfire Rate of Spread
Includes: Stow, D.A. Stow, D.A.[Douglas A.]

Stow, J. * 2016: Estimating the frequency of trains approaching red signals: A case study for improving the understanding of SPAD risk

Stow, J.P.[Justin P.] * 2020: Analyzing Gaps in Hurricane Rain Coverage to Inform Future Satellite Proposals

Stowe, T. * 1994: Evaluation of DEM Accuracy: Elevation, Slope, and Aspect, An

Stowell, D. * 2015: Acoustic Scene Classification: Classifying environments from the sounds they produce
* 2015: Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events
* 2024: ATGNN: Audio Tagging Graph Neural Network
Includes: Stowell, D. Stowell, D.[Dan]

Stowers, J. * 2010: Phase correlation using shear average for image registration

Stowers, J.R. * 2014: Reverse Engineering Animal Vision with Virtual Reality and Genetics

Stowers, K. * 2020: IMPACT of Agent Transparency on Human Performance, The

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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