Index for trao

Traonmilin, M. Co Author Listing * simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm based on Kalman filtering, A

Traonmilin, Y.[Yann] Co Author Listing * Compressive Learning for Patch-Based Image Denoising
* Compressive Learning of Deep Regularization for Denoising
* Outlier Removal Power of the L1-Norm Super-Resolution
* Projected Gradient Descent for Non-Convex Sparse Spike Estimation
* Robust Multi-Image Processing with Optimal Sparse Regularization
* Simultaneous High Dynamic Range and Superresolution Imaging without Regularization
* Sketched Learning for Image Denoising
* Sketched Over-Parametrized Projected Gradient Descent for Sparse Spike Estimation
Includes: Traonmilin, Y.[Yann] Traonmilin, Y.
8 for Traonmilin, Y.

Traore, A.[Abdarahmane] Co Author Listing * 2d Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit Convolutional Neural Networks for End-to-end Violence Detection in Videos
* Predicting Equivalent Water Thickness in Wheat Using UAV Mounted Multispectral Sensor through Deep Learning Techniques
* Quaternionic wavelet coefficients modeling for a Reduced-Reference metric
* Reduced-reference metric based on the quaternionic wavelet coefficients modeling by information criteria
Includes: Traore, A.[Abdarahmane] Traoré, A.[Abdarahmane] Traore, A.[Adama] Traoré, A.[Albekaye]

Traore, A.K.[Abdoul Khadre] Co Author Listing * 1982-2010 Trends of Light Use Efficiency and Inherent Water Use Efficiency in African vegetation: Sensitivity to Climate and Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations

Traore, A.S. Co Author Listing * Analytic Method to Predict the Thermal Map of Cryosurgery Iceballs in MR Images, An

Traore, F.[Farid] Co Author Listing * Spatiotemporal Assessment of Irrigation Performance of the Kou Valley Irrigation Scheme in Burkina Faso Using Satellite Remote Sensing-Derived Indicators
* Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Images and Support Vector Machine to Assess the Changes in Agricultural Irrigated Areas in the Mogtedo Region, Burkina Faso
Includes: Traore, F.[Farid] Traoré, F.[Farid]

Traore, I. Co Author Listing * Biometric Recognition Based on Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics
* Estimating Yields of Household Fields in Rural Subsistence Farming Systems to Study Food Security in Burkina Faso
* Machine learning in precision medicine to preserve privacy via encryption
Includes: Traore, I. Traoré, I.[Issouf] Traoré, I.[Issa]

Traore, M. Co Author Listing * Assessment of Land Use/land Cover Change Mapping In Bangui City Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

Traore, P.S. Co Author Listing * Estimate yield at parcel level from S2 time serie in sub-Saharan smallholder farming systems
* Quantifying Fertilizer Application Response Variability with VHR Satellite NDVI Time Series in a Rainfed Smallholder Cropping System of Mali
Includes: Traore, P.S. Traoré, P.S. Traoré, P.S.[Pierre Sibiry]

Traore, S.[Seydou] Co Author Listing * Predicting Equivalent Water Thickness in Wheat Using UAV Mounted Multispectral Sensor through Deep Learning Techniques

Traore, S.B.[Seydou B.] Co Author Listing * Comparative Study on Satellite- and Model-Based Crop Phenology in West Africa, A
Includes: Traore, S.B.[Seydou B.] Traoré, S.B.[Seydou B.]

Index for "t"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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