Yassa, F.[Fathy]
Co Author Listing * Device for estimation of movement
* Video tracking using block matching
Includes: Yassa, F.[Fathy] Yassa, F.
Yasseen, Z.[Zahraa]
Co Author Listing * Shape matching by part alignment using extended chordal axis transform
* View selection for sketch-based 3D model retrieval using visual part shape description
Yasser, Y.[Yahya]
Co Author Listing * NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
Yasser, Z.[Ziad]
Co Author Listing * Personalized k-fold Cross-validation Analysis with Transfer from Phasic to Tonic Pain Recognition on X-ITE Pain Database
Yassin, H.[Hayati]
Co Author Listing * Breast Cancer Tumor Image Classification Using Deep Learning Image Data Generator
Yassin, I.
Co Author Listing * Visualisation of exudates in fundus images using radar chart and color auto correlogram technique
Yassin, M.[Mohamed]
Co Author Listing * Land Degradation States and Trends in the Northwestern Maghreb Drylands, 1998-2008
Yassin, M.A.[Mohamed A.]
Co Author Listing * Computational Machine Learning Approach for Flood Susceptibility Assessment Integrated with Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Yassine, A.[Abdulsalam]
Co Author Listing * DASH-based HEVC multi-view video streaming system, A
* Determination of the Pose of an Articulated Object from a Single Perspective View
* Efficient 3D mesh salient region detection using local homogeneity measure
* Feature selection based on pairwise evalution
* FooDD: Food Detection Dataset for Calorie Measurement Using Food Images
* Human Body Tracking by Monocular Vision
* Hybrid ARQ error control for broadcast or multicast in wireless networks
* Match Maximization of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Energy Charging With Double-Sided Auction
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent V2G Integration in Future Transportation Systems
* New descriptors' combination for 3D mesh correspondence and retrieval
* Object Pose from 2-D to 3-D Point and Line Correspondences
* Optimal Estimation of Object Pose from a Single Perspective View
* Video Encoding Acceleration in Cloud Gaming
Includes: Yassine, A.[Abdulsalam] Yassine, A.[Ali] Yassine, A.[Adnan] Yassine, A.
13 for Yassine, A.
Yassine, H.
Co Author Listing * Improving LULC Classification From Satellite Imagery Using Deep Learning - Eurosat Dataset
Yassine, I.[Inas]
Co Author Listing * New Scalar Measures for Diffusion-Weighted MRI Visualization
Yassine, I.A.[Inas A.]
Co Author Listing * Novel features for microcalcification detection in digital mammogram images based on wavelet and statistical analysis
Yasssine, K.[Khaider]
Co Author Listing * Exploring text representation impact on K-means based arabic text documents clustering