* *University of California, Berkeley
* Binocular Stereopsis and Lane Marker Flow for Vehicle Navigation: Lateral and Longitudinal Control
* Computational Framework for Determining Stereo Correspondence from a Set of Linear Spatial Filters
* Computational Model of Texture Perception, A
* Determining Three-Dimensional Shape from Orientation and Spatial Frequency Disparities I: Using Corresponding Line Elements
* Determining Three-Dimensional Shape from Orientation and Spatial Frequency Disparities II: Using Corresponding Image Patches
* Differential Method for Computing Local Shape-from-Texture for Planar and Curved Surfaces, A
* Edge Detection and Geometric Methods in Computer Vision
* Edge Detection by Diffusion
* Fast Object Recognition By Selectively Examining Hypotheses
* Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A Hybrid Geometry- and Image-Based Approach
* Optical Texture Analysis for Automatic Cytology and Histology: A Markovian Approach
* Probabilistic Indexing: Recognizing 3D Objects from 2D Images Using Probabilistic Peaking Effect
* Probabilistic Indexing: Recognizing 3D Objects from 2D Images Using the Probabilistic Peaking Effect
* Robust Computation of Optical-Flow in a Multiscale Differential Framework
* Robust Multiple Car Tracking with Occlusion Reasoning
16 for UCB