Index for cosa

Cosar, S.[Serhan] * 2011: graphical model based solution to the facial feature point tracking problem, A
* 2011: group sparsity-driven approach to 3-D action recognition, A
* 2013: Sparsity-Driven Approach to Multi-Camera Tracking in Visual Sensor Networks, A
* 2014: Feature compression: A framework for multi-view multi-person tracking in visual sensor networks
* 2015: Sparsity-Driven Bandwidth-Efficient Decentralized Tracking in Visual Sensor Networks
* 2015: Unsupervised discovery of human activities from long-time videos
* 2016: hybrid framework for online recognition of activities of daily living in real-world settings, A
* 2016: Semi-supervised understanding of complex activities from temporal concepts
* 2017: Toward Abnormal Trajectory and Event Detection in Video Surveillance
* 2021: Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
* 2021: Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
* 2021: Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior
* 2021: Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior
Includes: Cosar, S.[Serhan] Cosar, S.
13 for Cosar, S.

Cosatto, E. * 1995: Analysis of complex and noisy check images
* 1996: Multi-modal system for locating heads and faces
* 1998: image transform approach for HMM based automatic lipreading, An
* 1999: Multi-modal method for locating objects in images
* 2000: Audio-Visual Unit Selection for the Synthesis of Photo-Realistic Talking-Heads
* 2000: Face Analysis for the Synthesis of Photo-Realistic Talking Heads
* 2000: Robust multi-modal method for recognizing objects
* 2001: Virtual Light: Digitally-generated Lighting for Video Conferencing Applications
* 2002: Visual prosody: facial movements accompanying speech
* 2003: Audio-visual selection process for the synthesis of photo-realistic talking-head animations
* 2003: Lifelike talking faces for interactive services
* 2007: System and method for triphone-based unit selection for visual speech synthesis
* 2008: Grading nuclear pleomorphism on histological micrographs
* 2008: System and method for triphone-based unit selection for visual speech synthesis
* 2011: Dynamic Radial Contour Extraction by Splitting Homogeneous Areas
* 2023: Real-time Concealed Weapon Detection on 3D Radar Images for Walk-through Screening System
Includes: Cosatto, E. Cosatto, E.[Eric]
16 for Cosatto, E.

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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