Index for d_or

d'Orazi, M.[Marco] * 2021: Coupling Historical Maps and LiDAR Data to Identify Man-Made Landforms in Urban Areas

d'Orazio, T. * 1992: Modified Stereo Matching Suitable for Implementation on a Convolution Specialized Hardware, A
* 1995: Visual Tracking Technique Suitable for Control of Convoys, A
* 2000: Visual State Recognition for a Target-reaching Task
* 2002: ball detection algorithm for real soccer image sequences, A
* 2004: algorithm for real time eye detection in face images, An
* 2004: Complex human activity recognition for monitoring wide outdoor environments
* 2004: Eye detection in face images for a driver vigilance system
* 2004: new algorithm for ball recognition using circle Hough transform and neural classifier, A
* 2005: Advances in Background Updating and Shadow Removing for Motion Detection Algorithms
* 2005: Facial feature extraction by kernel independent component analysis
* 2005: model-free approach for posture classification, A
* 2005: system to automatically monitor forbidden areas, A
* 2006: Abandoned/Removed Objects Detection Algorithm and Its Evaluation on PETS Datasets, An
* 2006: Moving object segmentation by background subtraction and temporal analysis
* 2007: Analysis of Image Sequences for Defect Detection in Composite Materials
* 2007: visual approach for driver inattention detection, A
* 2008: Real-time multi-view event detection in soccer games
* 2008: Real-time multiview analysis of soccer matches for understanding interactions between ball and players
* 2008: SIFT Based Ball Recognition in Soccer Images
* 2008: Visual Players Detection and Tracking in Soccer Matches
* 2009: Investigation Into the Feasibility of Real-Time Soccer Offside Detection From a Multiple Camera System, An
* 2009: Multi-view Player Action Recognition in Soccer Games
* 2009: Object Tracking by Non-overlapping Distributed Camera Network
* 2009: Semi-automatic System for Ground Truth Generation of Soccer Video Sequences, A
* 2009: Shadows Removal by Edges Matching
* 2009: visual system for real time detection of goal events during soccer matches, A
* 2010: Football Players Classification in a Multi-camera Environment
* 2010: Novel Histogram-Based Feature Representation and Its Application in Sport Players Classification, A
* 2010: Panoramic Video Generation by Multi View Data Synthesis
* 2010: review of vision-based systems for soccer video analysis, A
* 2010: Soccer Player Activity Recognition by a Multivariate Features Integration
* 2012: Archaeological trace extraction by a local directional active contour approach
* 2012: People re-identification and tracking from multiple cameras: A review
* 2015: Automated Extraction of Archaeological Traces by a Modified Variance Analysis
* 2015: Embedded Vision System for Real-Time Autonomous Localization Using Laser Profilometry, An
* 2015: Improved ANOVA Algorithm for Crop Mark Extraction from Large Aerial Images Using Semantics, An
* 2015: Likelihood-Based Background Model for Real Time Processing of Color Filter Array Videos, A
* 2015: Tennis Player Segmentation for Semantic Behavior Analysis
* 2016: Anomalous Human Behavior Detection Using a Network of RGB-D Sensors
* 2016: Recent trends in gesture recognition: How depth data has improved classical approaches
* 2017: technology platform for automatic high-level tennis game analysis, A
* 2018: Convolutional Neural Networks Based Ball Detection in Tennis Games
* 2019: Disparity Image Analysis for 3D Characterization of Surface Anomalies
* 2019: People re-identification using skeleton standard posture and color descriptors from RGB-D data
* 2020: 3d Vision-based Shelf Monitoring System for Intelligent Retail
Includes: d'Orazio, T. d'Orazio, T.[Tiziana]
45 for d'Orazio, T.

d'Orey, P.M. * 2012: On the Impact of Virtual Traffic Lights on Carbon Emissions Mitigation
* 2014: ITS for Sustainable Mobility: A Survey on Applications and Impact Assessment Tools
* 2015: Can ride-sharing become attractive? A case study of taxi-sharing employing a simulation modelling approach

d'Oreye, N.[Nicolas] * 2015: Magma Pathways and Their Interactions Inferred from InSAR and Stress Modeling at Nyamulagira Volcano, D.R. Congo
* 2017: Split-Band Interferometry-Assisted Phase Unwrapping for the Phase Ambiguities Correction
* 2018: Multi-Temporal DInSAR to Characterise Landslide Ground Deformations in a Tropical Urban Environment: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)

d'Ornellas, M.C.[Marcos Cordeiro] * 2000: Multi-scale Gradient Approach for Color-based Morphological Segmentation, A

d'Oro, P. * 2018: Generating Synthetic Video Sequences by Explicitly Modeling Object Motion
* 2020: Adversarial Framework for Unsupervised Learning of Motion Dynamics in Videos

d'Orso, G.[Gabriele] * 2021: GIS-Based Methodology for Evaluating the Increase in Multimodal Transport between Bicycle and Rail Transport Systems. A Case Study in Palermo, A

d'Ortenzio, F.[Fabrizio] * 2018: Assessing the Potential Benefits of the Geostationary Vantage Point for Generating Daily Chlorophyll-a Maps in the Baltic Sea

d'Ortenzio, R.J.[Remo J.] * 1982: Filter for image pixels

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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