Index for dolz

Dolz, J.[Josep] * 2013: Envisat/ASAR Images for the Calibration of Wind Drag Action in the Doñana Wetlands 2D Hydrodynamic Model
* 2017: DOPE: Distributed Optimization for Pairwise Energies
* 2019: Benchmark on Automatic Six-Month-Old Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2017 Challenge
* 2019: Error-Controlled Model Approximation for Gaussian Process Morphable Models
* 2019: HyperDense-Net: A Hyper-Densely Connected CNN for Multi-Modal Image Segmentation
* 2021: Constrained Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation
* 2021: Few-Shot Segmentation Without Meta-Learning: A Good Transductive Inference Is All You Need?
* 2021: Knowledge distillation methods for efficient unsupervised adaptation across multiple domains
* 2021: On the Texture Bias for Few-Shot CNN Segmentation
* 2021: Privacy-Net: An Adversarial Approach for Identity-Obfuscated Segmentation of Medical Images
* 2021: Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation Through Knowledge Distillation
* 2022: Deep Interpretable Classification and Weakly-Supervised Segmentation of Histology Images via Max-Min Uncertainty
* 2022: Devil is in the Margin: Margin-based Label Smoothing for Network Calibration, The
* 2022: Incremental multi-target domain adaptation for object detection with efficient domain transfer
* 2023: Class Adaptive Network Calibration
* 2023: Parametric Information Maximization for Generalized Category Discovery
* 2023: Strong Baseline for Generalized Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation, A
* 2024: MoP-CLIP: A Mixture of Prompt-Tuned CLIP Models for Domain Incremental Learning
* 2024: Prompting classes: Exploring the Power of Prompt Class Learning in Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Dolz, J.[Josep] Dolz, J. Dolz, J.[Jose] Dölz, J.[Jürgen] (Maybe also Doelz, J.)
19 for Dolz, J.

Dolz, M.M.[Miguel Morata] * 2021: Assessing Non-Photosynthetic Cropland Biomass from Spaceborne Hyperspectral Imagery

Dolzhikova, I.[Irina] * 2023: Jackknife-Inspired Deep Learning Approach to Subject-Independent Classification of EEG, A

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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