Index for verl

Verlaan, M.[Martin] * 2019: Correcting Position Error in Precipitation Data Using Image Morphing
* 2020: Precipitation Regime Classification Based on Cloud-Top Temperature Time Series for Spatially-Varied Parameterization of Precipitation Models

Verlani, P.[Pooja] * 2006: Depth Images: Representations and Real-Time Rendering

Verlekar, T.T.[Tanmay T.] * 2017: View-invariant gait recognition system using a gait energy image decomposition method
* 2018: Gait recognition in the wild using shadow silhouettes
* 2020: Video Based Fire Detection Using Xception and Conv-LSTM
* 2021: Adapting Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian-Detection to Low-Light Conditions without Re-training
* 2022: Micro-Expression Recognition Using a Shallow Convlstm-based Network
* 2022: Video-based Gait Analysis for Spinal Deformity
* 2023: IKD+: Reliable Low Complexity Deep Models for Retinopathy Classification
Includes: Verlekar, T.T.[Tanmay T.] Verlekar, T.T.[Tanmay Tulsidas]
7 for Verlekar, T.T.

Verleysdonk, S.[Sarah] * 2021: Land use mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series in a heterogeneous landscape in Niger, Sahel

Verleysen, C.[Cedric] * 2013: Learning and Propagation of Dominant Colors for Fast Video Segmentation
* 2016: Piecewise-Planar 3D Approximation from Wide-Baseline Stereo
* 2017: Wide-Baseline Foreground Object Interpolation Using Silhouette Shape Prior
Includes: Verleysen, C.[Cedric] Verleysen, C.[Cédric] Verleysen, C.

Verleysen, M. * 1992: real-time VLSI-based architecture for multi-motion estimation, A
* 1998: Image Compression by Self Organized Kohonen Map
* 2004: Supervised nonparametric information theoretic classification
* 2005: Time series forecasting: Obtaining long term trends with self-organizing maps
* 2006: Automatic Adjustment of Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbor
* 2010: Multi-Objective Semi-Supervised Feature Selection and Model Selection Based on Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
* 2010: Scale-independent quality criteria for dimensionality reduction
* 2013: Segmentation with Incremental Classifiers
* 2017: Clustering Smart Card Data for Urban Mobility Analysis
* 2017: Line Segmentation for Grayscale Text Images of Khmer Palm Leaf Manuscripts
* 2021: Reading grid for feature selection relevance criteria in regression
Includes: Verleysen, M. Verleysen, M.[Michel]
11 for Verleysen, M.

Verlinde, P. * 1999: Comparing Decision Fusion Paradigms Using k-NN Based Classifiers, Decision Trees and Logistic Regression in a Multi-Modal Identity Verification Application

Verlinde, S. * 2019: Monitoring Urban-Freight Transport Based on GPS Trajectories of Heavy-Goods Vehicles

Verlinden, J.[Jouke] * 2018: Treatise of Digital Reconstruction and Restauration of Lace Porcelain

Verlinden, L.[Liesbeth] * 2020: High-Resolution Spatial Distribution of Bird Movements Estimated from a Weather Radar Network

Verly, G. * 2019: Complementarity Between in Situ Studies and Photogrammetry: Methodological Feedback from A Roman Shipwreck in Caesarea, Israel

Verly, J.[Jacques] * 2014: Evaluation of pairwise calibration techniques for range cameras and their ability to detect a misalignment

Verly, J.G.[Jacques G.] * 1981: High-Resolution Imaging in 3-D Reconstructive Tomography
* 1985: Circular Harmonic Analysis of PSF's Corresponding to Separable Polar-Coordinate Frequency Responses with Emphasis on Fan Filtering
* 1990: Appearance-Model-Based Representation and Matching of 3-D Objects
* 1993: Adaptive Mathematical Morphology for Range Imagery
* 1993: Adaptive Mathematical Morphology for Range Imagery
* 1994: Image Sensing, Processing, and Understanding for Control and Guidance of Aerospace Vehicles
* 1994: Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition System for the UGV/RSTA Ladar
* 1996: Enhanced and Synthetic Vision
* 1996: Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) System for Forward-Looking Groundbased and Airborne Imaging Laser Radars (Ladar)
* 1997: Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1997
* 1998: Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1998
* 1999: Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1999
* 2000: Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2000
* 2004: Robust incremental rectification of sports video sequences
* 2005: Fast 2D Model-To-Image Registration Using Vanishing Points for Sports Video Analysis
* 2005: modular multi-camera framework for team sports tracking, A
* 2005: Object tracking using color interest points
* 2010: platform for the fast interpretation of movements and localization of users in 3D applications driven by a range camera, A
* 2012: Validated extraction of gait events from 3D accelerometer recordings
* 2013: new validated method for improving the audiovisual spatial congruence in the case of stereoscopic-3D video and wave field synthesis, A
* 2014: Development and validation of a 3D kinematic-based method for determining gait events during overground walking
* 2014: Stereo matching method using multiple angular signatures matched by multidimensional dynamic timewarping (MD-DTW)
* 2015: Segmentation of gait cycles using foot-mounted 3D accelerometers
* 2016: Impact of image brightness reduction on perceived quality of 3D experience for 3D cinema spectators
* 2016: Method for detecting interest points in images using angular signatures
* 2016: new computer vision-based system to help clinicians objectively assess visual pursuit with the moving mirror stimulus for the diagnosis of minimally conscious state, A
* 2016: ULg multimodality drowsiness database (called DROZY) and examples of use, The
* 2018: Probabilistic Framework for the Characterization of Surfaces and Edges in Range Images, with Application to Edge Detection
Includes: Verly, J.G.[Jacques G.] Verly, J.G.
28 for Verly, J.G.

Index for "v"

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