Azzabi, W.[Wassim]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae in Ultrasound Images
Azzabou, N.[Noura]
Co Author Listing * Convex Semi-definite Positive Framework for DTI Estimation and Regularization, A
* Image Denoising Based on Adapted Dictionary Computation
* Image Reconstruction Using Particle Filters and Multiple Hypotheses Testing
* Manifold-enhanced Segmentation through Random Walks on Linear Subspace Priors
* Neural network-based proper names extraction in fax images
* Random Walks, Constrained Multiple Hypothesis Testing and Image Enhancement
* Uniform and Textured Regions Separation in Natural Images Towards MPM Adaptive Denoising
* Variable Bandwidth Image Denoising Using Image-based Noise Models
Includes: Azzabou, N.[Noura] Azzabou, N.
8 for Azzabou, N.
Azzag, H.[Hanane]
Co Author Listing * Adaptative Context Normalization: A Boost for Deep Learning in Image Processing
* Invariance-guided Stability Criterion for Time Series Clustering Validation, An
* Nearest neighbour estimators of density derivatives, with application to mean shift clustering
Includes: Azzag, H.[Hanane] Azzag, H.[Hanene]
Azzakhnini, S.
Co Author Listing * learned feature descriptor for efficient gender recognition using an RGB-D sensor, A
Azzalini, D.[Davide]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Data Augmentation for HMM-Based Anomaly Detection
Azzam, M.[Mohamed]
Co Author Listing * Adversarially Constrained Interpolation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Behavior regularized prototypical networks for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* Knowledge Exchange Between Domain-Adversarial and Private Networks Improves Open Set Image Classification
* KTransGAN: Variational Inference-Based Knowledge Transfer for Unsupervised Conditional Generative Learning
* Semi-Supervised Pedestrian Instance Synthesis and Detection With Mutual Reinforcement
Azzam, R.
Co Author Listing * Efficient visual object detection with spatially global Gaussian mixture models and uncertainties
* Neuromorphic Vision-Based Motion Segmentation with Graph Transformer Neural Network
Includes: Azzam, R. Azzam, R.[Rana]
Azzaoui, M.A.
Co Author Listing * Detection Of Barchan Dunes In High Resolution Satellite Images
Azzara, G.[Grazia]
Co Author Listing * Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslides by Using a Stochastic Modeling Approach: A Case Study of the 2001 El Salvador Coseismic Landslides
Azzarelli, L.
Co Author Listing * Interactive Processing and Archiving of Images
Azzari, G.[George]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Smallholder Yield Heterogeneity at Multiple Scales in Eastern Africa
* Understanding the Requirements for Surveys to Support Satellite-Based Crop Type Mapping: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
Azzari, L.[Lucio]
Co Author Listing * Collaborative Filtering of Correlated Noise: Exact Transform-Domain Variance for Improved Shrinkage and Patch Matching
* Exact Transform-Domain Noise Variance for Collaborative Filtering of Stationary Correlated Noise
* Indirect Estimation of Signal-Dependent Noise With Nonadaptive Heterogeneous Samples
* Variance Stabilization for Noisy+Estimate Combination in Iterative Poisson Denoising
Includes: Azzari, L.[Lucio] Azzari, L.
Azzari, P.[Pietro]
Co Author Listing * effective real-time mosaicing algorithm apt to detect motion through background subtraction using a PTZ camera, An
* Evaluation Methodology for Image Mosaicing Algorithms, An
* Fast and Reliable Image Mosaicing Technique with Application to Wide Area Motion Detection, A
* High Performance Exact Histogram Specification Algorithm, A
* High-Quality Real Time Motion Detection Using PTZ Cameras
* Joint Spatial and Tonal Mosaic Alignment for Motion Detection with PTZ Camera
* Markerless Augmented Reality Using Image Mosaics
* People Tracking Using a Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor
* Vision-Based Markerless Gaming Interface
Includes: Azzari, P.[Pietro] Azzari, P.
9 for Azzari, P.
Azzariti, M.[Michela]
Co Author Listing * comparative study of focused JPEG compression, Fjpeg, A
* Locating regions-of-interest for the Mars Rover expedition
Includes: Azzariti, M.[Michela] Azzariti, M.
Azzaro, C.
Co Author Listing * Inertial BSN-Based Characterization and Automatic UPDRS Evaluation of the Gait Task of Parkinsonians
Azzaro, R.[Raffaele]
Co Author Listing * Diagnostic Multidisciplinary Investigations for Cultural Heritage at Etna Volcano: A Case Study from the 1669 Eruption in the Mother Church at the Old Settlement of Misterbianco
Azzawi, A.
Co Author Listing * Computer Tracking of Tagged H MR Images for Motion Analysis
Azzayani, A.
Co Author Listing * Large Size 1D Signal Analysis by Hybrid Tchebichef-Charlier Moments
Azzaz, M.[Mohamed]
Co Author Listing * Design and FPGA implementation of a wireless hyperchaotic communication system for secure real-time image transmission
Azzaz, M.S.[Mohamed Salah]
Co Author Listing * Field programmable gate array implementation of variable-bins high efficiency video coding CABAC decoder with path delay optimisation
* Robust chaotic key stream generator for real-time images encryption
Includes: Azzaz, M.S.[Mohamed Salah] Azzaz, M.S.