Odobez, J.
Co Author Listing * Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: Tools to support scholars on Maya hieroglyphics
Odobez, J.M.[Jean Marc]
Co Author Listing * 3D human pose recovery from image by efficient visual feature selection
* Active Online Anomaly Detection Using Dirichlet Process Mixture Model and Gaussian Process Classification
* Adaptive Motion-Compensated Wavelet Filtering for Image Sequence Coding
* Analysis of Doppler Ultrasound Time Frequency Images Using Deformable Models
* Analyzing Ancient Maya Glyph Collections with Contextual Shape Descriptors
* Assessing Scene Structuring in Consumer Videos
* Audio-visual speaker tracking with importance particle filters
* Automated bobbing and phase analysis to measure walking entrainment to music
* Bridging the past, present and future: Modeling scene activities from event relationships and global rules
* CCDb-HG: Novel Annotations and Gaze-Aware Representations for Head Gesture Recognition
* ChildPlay: A New Benchmark for Understanding Children's Gaze Behaviour
* Combined estimation of location and body pose in surveillance video
* Combining dynamic head pose-gaze mapping with the robot conversational state for attention recognition in human-robot interactions
* Contextual Classification of Image Patches with Latent Aspect Models
* Deep Dynamic Neural Networks for Multimodal Gesture Segmentation and Recognition
* Deep Multitask Gaze Estimation with a Constrained Landmark-Gaze Model
* Detecting queues at vending machines: A statistical layered approach
* Detection of multiple moving objects using multiscale MRF with camera motion compensation
* Detection-based multi-human tracking using a CRF model
* Determination of singular points in 2D deformable flow fields
* Differential Approach for Gaze Estimation, A
* Direct Incremental Model Based Image Motion Segmentation for Video Analysis
* Dynamic Partitioned Sampling For Tracking With Discriminative Features
* Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Depth-Based Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Efficient Grapevine Structure Estimation in Vineyards Conditions
* Embedding Motion in Model-Based Stochastic Tracking
* Evaluating Multi-Object Tracking
* Exploiting Long-Term Connectivity and Visual Motion in CRF-Based Multi-Person Tracking
* Exploiting long-term observations for track creation and deletion in online multi-face tracking
* Exploring the Zero-Shot Capabilities of Vision-Language Models for Improving Gaze Following
* Extracting and locating temporal motifs in video scenes using a hierarchical non parametric Bayesian model
* Fast human detection from joint appearance and foreground feature subset covariances
* Fast Human Detection from Videos Using Covariance Features
* Gaze estimation from multimodal Kinect data
* Gaze Estimation in the 3D Space Using RGB-D Sensors
* Geometric Generative Gaze Estimation (G3E) for Remote RGB-D Cameras
* Head Nod Detection from a Full 3D Model
* HeadFusion: 360° Head Pose Tracking Combining 3D Morphable Model and 3D Reconstruction
* implicit motion likelihood for tracking with particle filters, An
* Improving Few-Shot User-Specific Gaze Adaptation via Gaze Redirection Synthesis
* Improving head and body pose estimation through semi-supervised manifold alignment
* Improving Speaker Turn Embedding by Crossmodal Transfer Learning from Face Embedding
* Integrating Co-Occurrence and Spatial Contexts on Patch Based Scene Segmentation
* Investigating Depth Domain Adaptation for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
* Joint Adaptive Colour Modelling and Skin, Hair and Clothes Segmentation using Coherent Probabilistic Index Maps
* joint estimation of head and body orientation cues in surveillance video, A
* Learning large margin likelihoods for realtime head pose tracking
* Leveraging colour segmentation for upper-body detection
* localization/verification scheme for finding text in images and video frames based on contrast independent features and machine learning methods, A
* Localized anomaly detection via hierarchical integrated activity discovery
* Long-Term Time-Sensitive Costs for CRF-Based Tracking by Detection
* Maya Codical Glyph Segmentation: A Crowdsourcing Approach
* Modeling Scenes with Local Descriptors and Latent Aspects
* Modular Multimodal Architecture for Gaze Target Prediction: Application to Privacy-Sensitive Settings, A
* MRF-based motion segmentation exploiting a 2D motion model robust estimation
* Multi-Camera Multi-Person 3D Space Tracking with MCMC in Surveillance Scenarios
* Multi-camera open space human activity discovery for anomaly detection
* Multi-Layer Background Subtraction Based on Color and Texture
* Multi-level local descriptor quantization for bag-of-visterms image representation
* Multi-scale sequential network for semantic text segmentation and localization
* Multiperson Visual Focus of Attention from Head Pose and Meeting Contextual Cues
* Natural Scene Image Modeling Using Color and Texture Visterms
* Observation of Vehicle Axles Through Pass-by Noise: A Strategy of Microphone Array Design
* OCR based slide retrieval
* Parameter estimation and contextual adaptation for a multi-object tracking CRF model
* Person independent 3D gaze estimation from remote RGB-D cameras
* Pose Transformers (POTR): Human Motion Prediction with Non-Autoregressive Transformers
* probabilistic framework for joint head tracking and pose estimation, A
* Probabilistic Head Pose Tracking Evaluation in Single and Multiple Camera Setups
* Probabilistic Latent Sequential Motifs: Discovering temporal activity patterns in video scenes
* Recognizing Visual Focus of Attention From Head Pose in Natural Meetings
* Retrieving ancient Maya glyphs with Shape Context
* Robust and Accurate 3D Head Pose Estimation through 3DMM and Online Head Model Reconstruction
* Robust Multiresolution Estimation of Parametric Motion Models
* Robust playfield segmentation using map adaptation
* Robust video text segmentation and recognition with multiple hypotheses
* ROI approach for hybrid image sequence coding, A
* Sequential Monte Carlo video text segmentation
* Sequential Topic Model for Mining Recurrent Activities from Long Term Video Logs, A
* Sharingan: A Transformer Architecture for Multi-Person Gaze Following
* Temporal Analysis of Motif Mixtures Using Dirichlet Processes
* Temporally subsampled detection for accurate and efficient face tracking and diarization
* Text detection and recognition in images and video frames
* Text segmentation and recognition in complex background based on markov random field
* Thousand Words in a Scene, A
* Time-sensitive topic models for action recognition in videos
* Topic models for scene analysis and abnormality detection
* Track Creation and Deletion Framework for Long-Term Online Multiface Tracking
* Tracking the Visual Focus of Attention for a Varying Number of Wandering People
* Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensional Indexing of Maya Hieroglyphic Art
* Unified Model for Gaze Following and Social Gaze Prediction, A
* Unsupervised Activity Analysis and Monitoring Algorithms for Effective Surveillance Systems
* Unsupervised Interpretable Pattern Discovery in Time Series Using Autoencoders
* Unsupervised Representation Learning for Gaze Estimation
* Using Particles to Track Varying Numbers of Interacting People
* Video text recognition using sequential Monte Carlo and error voting methods
* Visual Focus of Attention Estimation in 3D Scene with an Arbitrary Number of Targets
* WatchNet++: efficient and accurate depth-based network for detecting people attacks and intrusion
* We are not contortionists: Coupled adaptive learning for head and body orientation estimation in surveillance video
Includes: Odobez, J.M.[Jean Marc] Odobez, J.M.[Jean-Marc] Odobez, J.M.
99 for Odobez, J.M.