Poon, A.
Co Author Listing * Structured Multi-Hashing for Model Compression
Poon, A.D.[Alex D.]
Co Author Listing * Interactively producing indices into image and gesture-based data using unrecognized graphical objects
Poon, A.S.Y.[Ada S.Y.]
Co Author Listing * Millimeter-Wave Digital Link for Wireless MRI, A
Poon, B.
Co Author Listing * Feature fusion for robust object tracking
* Gabor phase representation on human face recognition for distorted images
Poon, C.
Co Author Listing * new method in locating and segmenting palmprint into region-of-interest, A
* On the Role of Total Variation in Compressed Sensing
* Personal Identification and Verification: Fusion of Palmprint Representations
Includes: Poon, C. Poon, C.[Clarice] Poon, C.[Carmen]
Poon, C.C.Y.[Carmen C.Y.]
Co Author Listing * Polyp detection during colonoscopy using a regression-based convolutional neural network with a tracker
Poon, C.K.[Chung Keung]
Co Author Listing * MobiFeed: A location-aware news feed framework for moving users
Poon, C.S.
Co Author Listing * Edge Quality Metric for Arbitrary 2-Dimensional Edges
Poon, E.
Co Author Listing * Hybrid Monte Carlo filtering: Edge-based people tracking
Poon, F.C.S.
Co Author Listing * Comments on approximating discrete probability distributions with dependence trees
Poon, H.[Hoifung]
Co Author Listing * Making the Most of Text Semantics to Improve Biomedical Vision-Language Processing
Poon, H.F.[Hoi Fung]
Co Author Listing * Markov Logic: A Unifying Language for Structural and Statistical Pattern Recognition
* Sum-product networks: A new deep architecture
Includes: Poon, H.F.[Hoi Fung] Poon, H.F.[Hoi-Fung]
Poon, H.S.[Ho Shan]
Co Author Listing * Robust Detection and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects with 3D Features by an Uncalibrated Monocular Camera
Poon, J.[Joanne]
Co Author Listing * Digital Surface Models from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* GraDual: Graph-based Dual-modal Representation for Image-Text Matching
* InducT-GCN: Inductive Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
* Low-cost visual tracking with an intelligent wheelchair for innovative assistive care
* Reworking Bridging for Use within the Image Domain
* Visual Question Generation Under Multi-granularity Cross-Modal Interaction
Includes: Poon, J.[Joanne] Poon, J.[Josiah] Poon, J.[James]
Poon, L.K.M.[Leonard K. M.]
Co Author Listing * Lexicon-Based Sentiment Convolutional Neural Networks for Online Review Analysis
Poon, P.K.[Patrick K.]
Co Author Listing * Estimating Evapotranspiration in a Post-Fire Environment Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
Poon, P.W.F.
Co Author Listing * Object Boundary Location by Region and Contour Deformation
Poon, S.
Co Author Listing * Simple and Effective Filter Based on the Rank Difference, A
Poon, T.
Co Author Listing * Frequency Domain Down Conversion of HDTV Using Adaptive Motion Compensation
* Preserve Your Own Correlation: A Noise Prior for Video Diffusion Models
Includes: Poon, T. Poon, T.[Tyler]
Poon, T.C.[Ting Chung]
Co Author Listing * Digital holography and 3D imaging: Introduction to the Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A joint feature issue 2018
Includes: Poon, T.C.[Ting Chung] Poon, T.C.[Ting-Chung]
Poon, W.F.
Co Author Listing * Determination of efficient transmission scheme for video-on-demand (VoD) services
* hierarchical video-on-demand system with double-rate batching, A
* Providing VCR Functionality in Multicast Video-on-Demand Systems Using Adaptive Batching
* Video-on-Demand Systems With Cooperative Clients in Multicast Environment
Poona, N.[Nitesh]
Co Author Listing * Modelling Water Stress in a Shiraz Vineyard Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
Poonacha, P.G.
Co Author Listing * Finding Faces in Photographs
* Image Compression Using Zerotree and Multi-Stage Vector Quantization
* Joint parameter estimation and restoration using MRF models and homotopy continuation method
* Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
Poonam, K.[Kumari]
Co Author Listing * Proximal approach to denoising hyperspectral images under mixed-noise model
Poonawala, A.
Co Author Listing * Mask Design for Optical Microlithography: An Inverse Imaging Problem
* Shape Estimation from Support and Diameter Functions
Includes: Poonawala, A. Poonawala, A.[Amyn]
Poonawalla, A.H.[Aziz H.]
Co Author Listing * Correction of EPI-induced Geometric Distortions and Their Evaluation, The
Poongodan, R.[Rachana]
Co Author Listing * Feature Weighted Attention: Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Model for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
Poongodi, R.
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Texture Classification Using Vector Quantization and Deterministic Relaxation Neural Network
Poonia, M.[Mandeep]
Co Author Listing * Flood Susceptibility Mapping Using GIS-Based Frequency Ratio and Shannon's Entropy Index Bivariate Statistical Models: A Case Study of Chandrapur District, India
Poonia, S.[Shishpal]
Co Author Listing * Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Planet Imagery to Map Crop Type of Smallholder Farms
* Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices at Regional Scales in Smallholder Systems
Poonja, H.A.[Hasnain Ali]
Co Author Listing * Engagement detection and enhancement for STEM education through computer vision, augmented reality, and haptics
Poonkuntran, S.
Co Author Listing * Satellite Image Classification Using Cellular Automata
Poonnoose, S.[Santosh]
Co Author Listing * Lumbar Spine CT synthesis from MR images using CycleGAN - a preliminary study